Simply Uncut - New Vegas (A Fallout: New Vegas Mod)

Simply Uncut - New Vegas (A Fallout: New Vegas Mod)

Project Overview

Simply Uncut - New Vegas is an Unused Content Restoration Mod for the game Fallout: New Vegas, akin to Simply Uncut for Fallout 3. If you wish to see what Simply Uncut for Fallout 3 looks like, I will leave a link at the very bottom that will take you to the mod page on Nexus Mods. Spanning a multitude of unused NPCs, items, quests, ideas, an unused settlement, and even a new land to explore! While simple in theory, it is in fact big and time consuming! Especially on the quests portion.

Thanks to the lovely members of this site, I found what I needed earlier. But as of right now the situation calls for more talented people to stand up and say "I will." for this mod. Continue reading if you are interested!

What are you looking for in talent?

Currently, we need talented voice actors willing to volunteer to aid us in development of this project. Either one character or aiding us in the projects entirety, you will be helping us bring the characters in our mod the personality needed to make them truly feel like they were in the game all along. You do not exactly need previous work experience, but it would not hurt. You also must have a decent mic. No background noise.

We also are looking for level designers. People with the know-how on creating areas, cells, and altering landscapes to make may for new things. For this, the FNV GECK is 100% Required.

Simply Uncut - New Vegas 

Simply Uncut for Fallout 3

By yours truly

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Latest Updates

  • Deep Voiced Male VAs needed. Female VA roles coming soon.

    Title. We have a limited selection of Deep Voiced Male VAs as well as Female VAs. The latter will be open to auditions later. Right now we hope to find the former. Please consider helping us. The deadline for the mod is Christmas and we have quite a roster of characters to voice before then. :)
  • New Role added. More to come.

    Title. We have made a good amount of progress lately, but with some of our voice actors not responding to any DMs, we may have more roles to hand out soon.
  • Roles Recasted

    Due to a lack of work received, two roles have been re-casted yet again. We also added in another role. Please consider auditioning! And Happy New Years from the team to you! :D
  • Casted all roles

    Thank you everyone who auditioned! For those who were thinking on it, better luck next go around!
  • Deadline is drawing near

    The team will begin deliberations IF we get any other auditions. Otherwise, those who already auditioned that I liked will get the parts.
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ioannes (Joan)
cast offsite

Requirements: Ioannes is posing as a male, so for this whole audition script you must do two takes of each line. One where you are pretending to be male, and one using the voice you are intending to give Ioannes when she reveals her true gender.

Joan, or better known by her alias of Ioannes, is a female tribal who has successfully infiltrated the Legion's ranks and is posing as a male to fulfill her agenda. Her commander, Centurion Christophe, is her target, and she will see to it that he is killed. She cares not for the people that die in the meantime and is perfectly willing to sow sedition and get recruits killed to succeed in her goal.

This role is unique in that the script is not complete. I simply wish to reserve the role for someone very competent in voicing her.

She is intelligent, brave, and shifty.

  • The Legion is doomed to fail. Whether by the hand that deals war, or by the paws of the Two-Headed Bear, it does not matter. It will fail.

  • Christophe.... He led the Legionnaires in slaying my village. He personally saw to it that every man, woman, and child was put to the sword. I will not forgive him.

  • So go. Go, like a little bloodhound, and tell your master of our plans. We will not stop you. In fact, I encourage you to go and tell him. We will soon see you on the field of battle.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: MacTheRobot

Viola is a teenage girl trying to survive slavery at the hands of the Legion in the Mojave Wasteland. Captured by the Legion at Nelson, and her parents butchered by the slavers, she is to be married to the Legion Centurion of Malpais Camp and by the time the player arrives, the plans are already in place. Only the Player can be the determining factor for if she escapes, or worse.

She is young, innocent, and tough.

  • Yes. He seems to think I'm the perfect slave for him. He watches me sometimes and makes snide comments. He says I'll like being a mother.

  • No... The two men, Matthew and Torro I think they are, were brought in a few weeks after I was.

  • They kept quiet mainly. Didn't want to disturb the Legion. But Matthew tried chatting me up at times. Trying to figure out where I came from.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Full BIO for Layla can be found here: 

You must be able to imitate Layla's voice. Example of Layla's voice can be found on her bio at the top of the wiki page.

  • Hey! Don't shoot! We surrender!

  • Yeah. We know. Give it over to that one over there.... What happens to us now?

  • I like to think that we are Prisoners Of War that managed to escape before capture. I don't know how long it'll be before the Legion crosses the river, but sure as fuck I don't want to be wearing an NCR uniform when they get here.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Full BIO for Dawes can be found here: 

You must be able to imitate Dawes's voice. Example of Dawes's voice can be found on his bio at the top of the wiki page.

  • Useful? You want to help? Well. You could go talk to Eddie. He's always got some work available. Or Carter. He found a safe that none of us can open.

  • Or you can do me a favor. We got a generator in the courtyard and its been failing recently. Can't see in the dark, you know?

  • If you could fix it, I might - MIGHT - give you a couple caps. Whaddya say?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Full BIO for Carter can be found here: 

You must be able to imitate Carter's voice. Example of Carter's voice can be found on his bio at the top of the wiki page.

  • You want to make yourself useful, eh? Well. I could use some help in here.

  • After we ransacked the place, we found a safe locked tighter than a Mormon's ass in the lobby. We can't get it open though no matter what we try.

  • Dynamite, lockpicks, knives. Nothing. If you can get that safe open I'll let you take what you want....{Slight apprehesion - Carter isn't that bad a guy}within reason.

Video Editor
Video Editor
Trailer Creator
cast offsite

In this role you'd be creating a two minute or so trailer for our mod using shots of areas in the game, characters, voice lines, all with the song "Ain't That A Kick In The Head" playing in the background.

  • Say something you think would fit

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lt. Haggerty
Role assigned to: vegas

Full bio of LT. Haggerty can be found here on Fallout: New Vegas's wiki page.

  • Your being here is a start, soldier.

  • We aren't exactly overflowing with troopers here.

  • But if you really want to help us, talk to the idiot with sunglasses in the back of the plant building.  

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Eighth Infantry Division Commander
Role assigned to: Malkavian Grin

The Eighth Infantry Division Commander is a middle-aged NCR Commander in charge of a division of soldiers on their way to Hoover Dam. Around this time the Brotherhood has launched an assault on HELIOS One and his division are the only ones nearby able to assist. So he comes running. He understands the danger of the situation at hand and will do anything he can to keep losses at a minimum while maintaining a priority for victory. Even going so far as to accept that he could die and fights at the very front of the combat in hopes of inspiring his men.

The Eighth Infantry Division Commander - or Major Parker - is tactful, brave, and fearless.

  • I'm Major Parker. I am to understand you're the one who got us re-routed? Thanks for that, my men have been itching for a fight.

  • The lieutenant has already told me everything I need to know, and we've already gone over the battleplan. Since we're short on time I'll be brief.

  • We have two entrances to defend. I already have men watching them and waiting. Mainly Flame Troopers, but we can call in more.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Brotherhood Spy
Role assigned to: Dhippi


The Brotherhood Spy is a critical character in the quest "We Shall Fight in The Shade.". This quest details an assault on Helios One by the Brotherhood of Steel. This quest will ultimately lead to her getting captured no matter who you side with and at some point you have the opportunity to mount a rescue, or torture her for information, depending on what path you take through the quest.

A member of the Mojave Chapter of the BoS, the spy was sent under orders from the Senior Paladin to infiltrate and spy on the NCR garrison at Helios One. This includes, but is not limited to: Passing on false information, sabotaging non-vital equipment, noting the pathing of patrols, and taking notes of all who come and go. So far, her job has been going smoothly. However, the higher-ups in the NCR are suspecting something is up, and it won't be long before they discover the truth...

The Spy is a free-spirited and vulgar woman. She will often use foul language in her words and even at times speak like a sarcastic teenager. But despite that, she knows well right from wrong and is loyal to the Brotherhood up to the end. She is also brave, eager to strike back against the NCR, and defiant.

  • I'm just wondering who in the Hell are you? I don't recognize the face...

  • Get outta here before you blow my cover, dude!

  • A courier, huh? Well, alright then. But this is a dangerous job, you know? Perhaps you should've just stuck with letters...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Scribe Britney
Role assigned to: Desca

Scribe Britney is a Brotherhood Scribe out from Oregon who has come to the Mojave in order to help study HELIOS One should the Brotherhood annex it in We Shall Fight in The Shade. Despite the gigantism she suffers, she still maintains an upbeat attitude of almost anything and also puts headfirst her ability to kick ass when needed.

She also serves as the quartermaster for the garrison, and a merchant the player can buy and sell to.

  • Hey! Wanna hear something funny? That robot's voice processor was damaged in the fighting. Damaged beyond repair.

  • So guess what? I replaced its voice with that of a Mister Gutsy's voice processor! Hah!

  • Them? They're anarchists. Fools. Morons wanting to horde tech and medicine for themselves and their doomed errands.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deep Voiced Male VA (Max Number of Three)
Role assigned to: Paul Warren

This role is flexible in that, while only one will be cast, three will be chosen to join our team. We are quite short of deep voiced Male VAs (We only have one, excluding myself because I don't voice act) and we would like to have some on staff. Just voice the three characters shown below section anyway you see fit but make sure your deep voice is featured prominently. Age and accent doesn't really matter as what was listed is a template.

(Anyone with knowledge on Blender is acceptable as well.)

  • Just call me Little Joe. But I don't believe you're in the position to ask questions, friend.

  • I'm Murphy, but they call me the Spider.... Heheheh, don't ask why.

  • I'm Joe Cobb. What the hell do you want?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Vault 11 Survivor
Role assigned to: zstelling

The Vault 11 Survivor is a cut character in FNV, the only survivor of Vault 11's inhumane experiment. His original purpose, as per the events in game, was to be found somewhere in the Mojave, spreading the word about what happened in Vault 11.  He would, if pried, tell the player the location of Vault 11 in addition to what had transpired there. However, understandably, it will be a difficult thing to talk about with him...

  • Howdy, traveler.

  • Those "NCR" fellas over there look nice too. So I thought it'd be safer to be near them, not to mention the fact I kinda like the view here.

  • I don't know. I might just remain here for now and see when I can head to this "New California". If I heard right, there is a lot of people there...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Joe Cobb
cast offsite

Joe Cobb is a vanilla Powder Ganger that wants to take over Goodsprings. You can read the rest about him here on his wiki page:

Your voice must be deep enough to match Cobb's. These are also his only lines that need be voiced. However the mod is far from done, I will be able to find you someone else to voice in time but Cobb's new lines have been unvoiced for quite some time now.

  • Ho ho, I saw that! That shit was entertaining to watch I tell you. Perhaps that'll damage their resolve if they decide to resist.

  • Oh, and take a look over there. That big pen, you see it? Those beasts look mighty ferocious. Say you let them out? Let them run amok?

  • That may cause some issues for them... Some big, big issues.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Lone Wolf
cast offsite


(Uriel and The Lone Wolf do look similiar but Uriel was created much later after Wolfie. They are two separate guys. Sorry for any confusion. :P)

The Lone Wolf is a mysterious individual. Friendly and charming on the outside, evil and demented on the inside. In short, he is a serial killer, but there is more to it than meets the eye. He isn't just some madman owning a radio station in the middle of nowhere, killing people for the sheer fun of it. Something drove him this way, drove him to the dementia he suffers. Drove him to feel like this is fun. But who knows? Only one thing is clear:

Don't get on his bad side.

The Lone Wolf is a sadistic, charming, and somewhat sophisticated serial killer. He stalks the hills around Primm and Goodsprings before his quest where - ultimately - his fate will be decided.

Will you help him commit his next murder? Or will you bring him to justice for his crimes against humanity? Will you be a redeemer; convincing him of all he has done wrong and hope to better him? Or will you allow his spree of deranged killings to continue?

It's up to you....

  • Watch yourself out here. So many unsavory types around.

  • Listen here, you cockbite! That damn thing means the whole world to me. You'd better give me that damn thing right now! It's {Yell}NON-NEGOTIABLE!

  • How could I possibly better myself? How could I possibly redeem myself for my crimes?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Murphy the Spider
cast offsite


Murphy the Spider is an inmate at the NCRCF. Caught for the crime of rape, and now "freed" by this prison break which occurred not to long before the player's arrival. The Spider decided to aid Trooper Willis by supplying him dynamite for caps. No questions asked. But despite his crime he remains a supporter of the NCR, although in secret.

He is a womanizer, he is brusque, and he is often found hiding within Cell Block B, hiding in case the NCR ever decide to retake the facility.

For the first and third lines, you will be actively annoyed and unafraid to speak the with an unclean mouth. For the second line, however, you will be thoughtful and confused.

  • You think this is a fucking game?! Come back with the caps or fuck off in the wastes!

  • Uh. No. No I don't. There was a woman, I remember that.

  • NCR needs to get off their asses and retake this place. For fucks sake, I can't even sleep. Damn dynamite fucks blow something up every hour.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Uriel Tribacius
Role assigned to: The Animation Voice

Uriel Tribacius is a sadistic Frumentarii surviving in the wasteland under Caesar's rule. Master of disguise and subterfuge, Uriel has been sent to spy on the NCRCF due to the massive amount of raiders harassing their war parties that have originated from there and so that when the Dam falls, the Legion can cut off NCR escape routes. His goal? Scout out the facility in preparation for an assault. However, his remote location in conjunction with his relatively low manpower has made that task near impossible. Until one day a Courier happens upon his small little camp.

Perhaps you can spearhead what he cannot...

...or perhaps you can ruin his plans entirely...

Uriel is sadistic, intelligent, and battle-hardened. During the assault he will personally lead it.

  • I can see that. You did well. Better. {Clarifying}You did great. The profligates would do well to to pray, because they'll need it if they're to survive this.

  • Well. Then forget about us. Our campsite is a mirage. Our mission is fake. No one will ever find us, because we do not exist. Got it?

  • They served their purpose as all Recruits do. Caesar would be proud of them, and the ones that survived? Well. There is room for advancement.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: deleted80609

Madeline is an ex-prospector living inside the small town of Primm with her daughter. However, with her daughter's murder by an unknown assailant, she dissolves into a deep depression from which she will likely never emerge. But, when the Player arrives in Primm. She eyes an opportunity.

Hire the player.

Find the killer.

Madeline is a nervous wreck, but also brave enough to face any danger.

  • I was {Slight pause before next choice of words}... well. It's not really important.

  • Joseph...? You {slight pause}mean that mercenary? He... left. I forgot when, but he left town. He gave me this. Told me to give it to you if you showed up.

  • {Angry Huff}You''re right. That bastard will likely die on the way anyways. Just unbind me. I want to get the fuck out of here.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Private Jensen
Role assigned to: deleted80609


Private Jensen is the squad medic of Captain Monroe. Unfortunate enough to be caught in an ambush by the Legion AND the BOS, she simply wants to get out of this alive. However, with the wounded piling up and her supplies dwindling, it is likely she will not be able to perform her duty....

She is overly nervous, unenthusiastic about her situation, but also serious about keeping her team alive.

  • Get back and let me work!

  • I don't know what else I can do for him...

  • Holy Shit! They're coming!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Senior Scribe Serina
cast offsite

Senior Scribe Serina is the leader of the BOS soldiers inhabiting Vault 24. On her way back from a long range patrol, she spotted a group of NCR entering the vault. Deciding to ambush their sworn enemy, she and her team of Knights and Paladins enter the vault and corner them. Much to their displeasure, they also encountered a Legion force attempting to ambush the NCR aswell.

Ensnaring both sides into an ambush, Serina will not back down until she defeats the NCR and the Legion... but perhaps a fight is not at all what she was looking for within the Vault..

The Scribe is an intelligent individual, using big words that would otherwise confuse lesser brained Wastelanders. She also happens to speak like an intellectual is depicted to speak. Speaking in long sentences and oft getting upset when others don't understand a word she says. She would rather use her brain than brawn to overcome the problem she currently faces. When the Player comes along, that is when her genius begins to shine...

  • Maxwell, front and center!

  • I overheard you with Maxwell. You may have fooled him, but I am much less dense. You are not one of us. You do not walk, speak, or act like us.

  • So, who are you really? Explorer? Prospector? Traveler? Soldier of fortune?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Miles Accisius
Role assigned to: FrenchDipp

Miles Accisius is a Centurion within the Legion. Patrolling along the Colorado alongside his force of about seven, including him, they happened to spot a group of NCR entering Vault 24. Deciding to bring himself merit by destroying a possible LRRP, he launches an ambush against them. It was successful in the beginning, and they took down a good number of NCR. But much to his displeasure a group of BOS Knights and Paladins ensnare both sides within the Vault. Understanding the grave situation but refusing to surrender, Miles Accisius orders his troops to fight back. Taking heavy losses, he and the remaining Legionnaires lock themselves into a room to await an attack..

Miles Accisius is your typical Caesar Legionnaire. Disapproving of the weak, idolizing the strong. However, he shows that he possesses a great deal of tact, understanding that utter annihilation is good for no one and eagerly awaits, at a choke-point created by himself, for the BOS to attempt to destroy him and his remaining Legionnaires. He is gruff, eager to fight, and untrusting of any proposition.

  • For Caesar, and the Legion!

  • Profligate, you stand before a Centurion. Show me the respect I deserve!

  • Very well, then. I accept Monroe's proposal.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Generic Female Soldiers
cast offsite

Generic Female BOS and NCR Soldiers.

BOS Soldiers sometimes speak Latin. I will provide pronunciations.

We already have a generic male soldier voice actor, sorry guys.

  • Nam Fratrum! (NA-MOO-FRAH-THROUGH-MA)

  • Once Leeroy is clear, we'll come in and help you.

  • Fucking hell. I don't get paid enough for this.

cast offsite

Your job will be to create models, textures, and possibly even icons for various items we wish to restore/add in for the mod.

Please link us any of your previous works with modeling/textures.

  • Say something you think would fit

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paladin Maxwell
Role assigned to: jdraeger5

Paladin Maxwell is a Brotherhood Paladin serving under Senior Scribe Serina in her long range patrol. Upon returning to base, they spotted a squabbling group of NCR and Legion and decided to ensnare them in a trap of their own. However, Maxwell has his doubts that the Scribe truly came to the Vault for the enemy...

Maxwell is a rather mixed bag. While he understands right from wrong, he also has no problem with leaving no survivors in any engagement. Evident by his firing upon innocent Wastelanders during the crossfire. To him, victory and survival is what matters. As long as he and his friends survive and fight another day, what's a few nobodies? Maxwell is hardened, intelligent, and skeptical.

  • We ambushed two squabbling groups of Legion and NCR while on our way back to base. We took them by complete surprise and almost annihilated them.

  • If you truly want to put yourself in harms way, then go on ahead. But don't say I didn't warn you.

  • Speak to the Scribe if you want to help. She is in the room to my right. Otherwise keep out of our way.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paladin Leeroy
cast offsite

Paladin Leeroy is a Paladin serving in Serina's Long Range Patrol. On the way home, they found a group of NCR and Legion and ensnared them both into a Vault. Unfortunately for Leeroy, he has been taken hostage by the NCR in the confusion. Now, with his life on the line, the Scribe is reluctant to finish off the remnants and is currently awaiting for a change in the air.

Leeroy is young, intelligent, and quick thinking.

  • I'm Leeroy. A Paladin... {Exasperated}Oh my.. Oh.. Excuse me, I just need a minute.

  • {Exasperated}I'm.. Oh boy. Thanks for the help back there.

  • I wouldn't be alive today if it wasn't for you. Thanks.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sergeant Crouse
Role assigned to: MaClepto

Sergeant Crouse is an NCR Trooper serving under Captain Monroe. Nervous and scared, he hides his true feelings of this ambush behind a facade of bravado. Despite this, he willingly stands at the front lines and even throws taunts at the enemy in hopes of scaring them and constantly threatens the hostage the NCR holds. He is welcoming to any outside aid but also distrustful of bystanders. In a nutshell, he is a mixed basket.

Sergeant Crouse is scared, yet holds onto a string of bravery. He is also tactical, worried, and resourceful.

Young Adult or Middle Aged VAs work here. I know it says Middle Aged, but really either will work.

  • I'm Sergeant Daniel Lemmings Crouse. 3rd Battalion, 1st Company. What's it to you?

  • At this point, I don't think it could get worse.

  • Mmm. Well. I don't know. Just stay on the radar and you should be good.


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