Sailor Moon Dic Fandub (Full Season 1)

Sailor Moon Dic Fandub (Full Season 1)

Project Overview

A fan dub of the beloved anime Sailor Moon we are of course going off the dic dub This particular project is going to be meant for fun but tried to be professional made 

For those of you unfamiliar with the series it follows a teenage girl who is a sailor scout Serena she needs to find the   other sailor scouts to find the moon princess 

1.) I'm a huge fan of this franchise and so are some of the previously cast individuals and as such we may be submitting our own auditions alongside all who wish to participate- I DO NOT EXPECT YOU TO TRY AND IMITATE OUR PERFORMANCES. Each role will have the suggested guidance and ideal performance parameters I have in mind for each character, but the beauty of acting is taking the same premise or direction and presenting it with your own unique flair.
Extra note: Please have a clear mic i don't wanna hear a voice i like with muffle in the background and please pronounce the words right!!  

3.) Discord is not required, but it is recommended as we utilize it to organize group rehearsals, deliver announcements, and distribute scripts (it's also been an incredibly useful tool for getting to know the people affiliated with the project and we've had a fair bit of fun with it).


And that's it- if more questions come up I may append an F.A.Q to this section to try and resolve any recurring questions for those reading through this project in the future.

Have fun and good luck!

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  • Hi! i already have some cast members in mind!

    There has been such a hectic year I'm going to keep auditions open til august!
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sailor Mars/Rei Hino

Rei is the solider of Mars which mainly circles around fire .She works with her grandpa at the temple and gets a temper very easily. She always ends up arguing with Sailor moon/Serena she knows martial arts from learning it with her grandpa. She's a tough fighter and normally is loud when she says her attacks sometimes with anger  

  • I feel a strange force here an evil force HA I won't have evil forces near our temple you must be banished!! 

    ( make a karate sound) 

  • Mars fire IGNITE, Mars Firebird STRIKE , Mars Power!!!!

  • Actually it's nice to think about him, but i know it wasn't meant to be 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Luna ( Has sort of a British accent)

Luna is very feisty and is trying to teach a sailor scout the training she needs to protect the moon princess. She acts in a very motherly way and is a very wise cat. She is a fighter and will prtect anyone who tries to hurt her scouts.

  • Just repeat after me "Moon prism Power!!"

  • Just be quite your going to listen to me serena and your going to listen well 

  • Is this crybaby actually the one? 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sailor Mercury/Amy Mizuno

Ami is very shy and is the smartest scout there is. She's not good at expressing how she feels but she also is a protector. She's a tech genius so she's very good with technology word. She's very loyal and always focuses on school and is known as a book worm.

  • Mercury Power!!!!

  • Mercury Bubbles Blast, Mercury ice bubbles Blast!!  

  • Rei what are you doing you've eaten 7 porkchops 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Queen Serenity

She is the mother of princess serenity and has a calm sweet motherly voice. She cares deeply about her daughter and is all just a very gentle character with shy tone in the voice 

  • Moon Cosmic Power!!

  • i won't let them take away your future not today or ever!!

  • And now i must send them to a new future on earth.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Queen Beryl

She's the main villain of this show she wants energy to get bad at the moon kingdom for locking her away. She wants to get back at sailor moon and the scouts for not giving her the crystal and being in her way 

  • I shall require energy a great did of it 

  • And get that dim wit Sailor moon out of my way!!!!!

  • aahhh nobody speaks to queen Beryl like that!!!!!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Jadite is an independent person he prefers to follow everything queen beryl says and does everything in his power to follow what she asks for. 

  • The humans are weak and helpless 

  • Then nothing will stand in our way!!

  • Stupid sailor brats!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Nephrite is guided by the stars and easily triggered by his fellow villin Zoycite he's got a calm gentle deep voice.

  • Everything is ruled by the stars..

  • The stars will guide me to the next victim  

  • Now who's energy will reach it's peak?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Zoisite has a tendency to pull others nerves to get what she wants. She's in a relationship with another villain known as Malachite. She always disobeys Queen Beryl and wants to do things her own way. She likes pressing her fellow villain's buttons to get a little laugh. 

  • Haha My plan is working these sailor scouts are dumber than i thought

  • I know sailor moon's greatest weakness and that's tuxedo mask 

  • Oh tuxedo mask your looking pretty bad there haha better see a doctor before we battle it out for the crystals i mean it's not like your gonna win 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Malachite has a sort of grasp tone also in a relationship with Zoisite. He isn't very nice towards others than Zoisite and always has issue with what darien does and hates sailor moon with a passion

  • Don't show anger it shows weakness

  • They were reborn in humans who carried the crystals 

  • We need all 7 shadows to get them all Darien you need to listen to me first your on this team i didn't want you to be but you are

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Queen Metaria/Negavorce

She's the most powerful Villain there is in season 1 she's has orders and wants them done fast or your considered useless to her   

  • He can be brainwashed but he's weak 


  • Yes Darien would be fabulous in our negaforce you just need to get rid of the memories he has with that HORRID moon princess 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Molly is Serena's best friend though she isn't a scout she is super sweet. Her mother owns a jewelry shop. She has a sort of a Australian accent  

  • By the time you get home your mom's gonna forget all about that big test 

  • Get a grip Melvin she doesn't need a tutor 

  • Serena is everything okay i'm getting a strange idea that you know what's going on 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Melvin is sort of a geek kind of student. He mostly hangs out with serena and molly but he's always over analyze  what  things really mean 

  • Serena's pretty but a shop alcoholic 

  • i got a 95 and my parents are gonna be so disappointed 

  • Hey serena i heard you did bad on your test i can be your tutor 


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