Sailor Moon Dic Fandub (Full Season 1)
crystalavenger for Sailor Mercury/Amy Mizuno

Ami is very shy and is the smartest scout there is. She's not good at expressing how she feels but she also is a protector. She's a tech genius so she's very good with technology word. She's very loyal and always focuses on school and is known as a book worm.
Mercury Power!!!!
Mercury Bubbles Blast, Mercury ice bubbles Blast!!
Rei what are you doing you've eaten 7 porkchops

also im sorry about the slating. I was confused because the description said "not not" slate or something lmao. I can't submit a non-slated audition if that'd be better!!

It’s totally okay!

Hello! I am also affiliated with this project as the co director. Your voice is amazing! Also please leave your discord here so we can contact you. Thx!

Thanks! My discord is CrystalAvenger#9105