RWBY Fanfiction Audiobook "Forlorn," Chapter 2

Project Overview

This is an audiobook of a RWBY fanfiction called Forlorn, written by JayEmEl (me). There is no swearing or sex in this fanfiction, but it is a T-rated story because certain sensitive subjects are sometimes addressed, such as prejudices, abuse, and sexuality. The genres of this story are mainly romance and angst.

The main cast already have their roles filled -- I am now looking for 1 male voice for a character that currently only appears in chapter 2: Professor Dane Sycamore.

Payment details are in the character information panel. Payment does come out of my own pocket -- this audiobook project will not be generating any income of its own because it is using copyrighted material.

Please review the character details, and audition if you believe you'd be a good fit! I look forward to hearing what you've got.

Feel free to ask me any questions or concerns you may have!

Have fun!

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Project Roles: Professor Dane Sycamore
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Professor Dane Sycamore
Paid: Flat Rate 43 USD

Character/Voice Description:

Dane Sycamore is another professor at Beacon Academy. He is an OC and currently only appears in chapter 2 of this fanfic audiobook Forlorn. He may briefly appear again in later chapters. Professor Sycamore is a man in his thirties, about 6ft tall with a lean body type, and he has messily kept brown hair and hazel eyes. He is described as being rather laid-back but good at keeping his students engaged and on task.

I am looking for a male voice that isn't too deep or too high-pitched, capable of authoritative undertones while still being approachable. There is no rasp or growl in this voice. In chapter two, Dane is speaking to a class of students in a lecture hall, so please keep this in mind for your audition. EDIT: Scottish accent preferred, but not necessary.

Audio Requirements:

Do not edit your audition file beyond cutting takes you don't like. Please ensure your recording environment is quiet and as reverb-free as possible (if on a low budget, you can reduce reverb by recording in a closet full of clothes or putting big cushions behind and next to your microphone). You may not be selected for the role if your recording quality is too poor. You may record 1-3 takes of each line, it's as you wish.

More specific instructions like file types and the likes will be provided after you've been selected.

Payment Details:

You will be paid 0.16$ per word + 20.00$ flat bonus, meaning that for this role in chapter two, you will make at least 40.00$. Payment will be done via Paypal (or another means of payment can be figured out if Paypal doesn't work for you) upon completion/submission of all the lines and that I'm satisfied with them. If more than two sets of retakes end up being needed, I will pay for the word count of the line(s) again.


My preferred method is through Discord, but I'm also fine sticking to email. No calls required. If you're uncomfortable posting your audition publicly, you can send it to me directly at LittleMooseNoises @ gmail . com (without the spaces). 

Terms of Service:

Your voice will not be used for AI purposes. If you want the extra precaution, I will happily provide a signed copy of the NAVA Rider. Furthermore, by auditioning and being selected for this project, you are agreeing to having your voice showcased online in this fan-made audiobook/radio drama format. Please note that this project isn't generating any income of its own and that all money is currently coming out of my own pocket.

Additional Info:

Please feel free to message me here on CC or via email if you have any questions or concerns.

Good luck!

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • all american accents
  • Somewhat authoritative
  • warm
  • friendly
  • scottish
  • [Making a point, serious/casual] "We're reaching the end of the year, so you should all be well aware by now that you will face situations where the answer won't be as simple as 'Kill the grimm.' I'm going to show you an event that took place in Mistral..."

  • [Interested/surveying lecture hall] "What else do we notice about how this huntsmen team is coordinating?"

  • [Calling out from desk to be heard over students getting ready to leave] “And don’t forget, the end of the year is in less than two months, you should all be getting your sixty hours of shadowing done before then.”


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