Royal Academy Minecraft Roleplay

Royal Academy Minecraft Roleplay

Project Overview

The royal family and the sons and daughters of the wealthy attend Serenity Royal Academy to better their leadership skills and learn about the different kingdoms in their world. Serenity Island is located in the middle ocean between all the kingdoms and is inhabited by Cerulean and the teachers of the Royal Academy. 

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Latest Updates

  • Project Revived

    Royal Academy is coming back! We are in need of King/Queen characters for the newer season. If you have already auditioned, please re-audition for these roles to be considered! **King/Consort **Queen/Consort
  • New Roles!

    Hello there, We just added 3 new roles! Professor Hawthorn Professor Dahlia and Extra If you have already auditioned for other roles we might consider your voice for one of the new roles posted, however auditioning for another role would be helpful for us to hear your voice as that character! Thank you all for auditioning. We look forward to the Casting Session on September 25th
Voice Actor
Voice Actor

This is a general audition. We have several King/Consort roles to fill so we will contact you with a character we think best fits your voice!

  • We have arranged a marriage meeting between you and the Lily Crown Prince, Ness.

  • I am aware of how difficult your position must be, but I also think you are underestimating your own aptitude. This situation was far from what we had hoped for, but worse has happened and you have still managed to prevail. You have many opportunities still available to you.

  • The meeting will commence at noon in the chapel. Now, I must make some final preparations. I will see you there.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

This is a general role since we have many Queen/Consort characters. We will contact you with a character we best think fits your voice. 

  • I am impressed with your dorm, Rhinoka. Both of you have accomplished so much this year.

  • Everything will be alright, Frost. Now, we have another important matter to discuss. It is a matter of marriage.

  • My dear, you have to remember, the Lily Kingdom is a Matriarchy and Rose is a Patriarchy, Ness would be King of the Rose Kingdom, and Frost would succeed the throne in the Lily Kingdom with a wife to take place as the Queen.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

There are many one-time lines throughout the script of servants, captions, soldiers, cooks, merchants, etc. 

  • Your highnesses, we’ve arrived at Serenity Island.

  • Of course, Princess Rachel. As you wish.

  • Your highness, his majesty requested that you accompany Princess Madelena to also attend the Academy.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Headmaster Cerulean
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD
Role assigned to: JonBrattinVO

  • Basic Info: 40-year-old, blind, great sense of humor, knows how to solve many quarrels, and is a master of peace.

  • Backstory: His parents were commoners from warring kingdoms: his mother was from Rose kingdom and his father was from the Orchid kingdom. They often met on Serenity Island to be with each other, and eventually had a child. When the mother found out that she was pregnant, the couple decided to stay on the island, but were found out and sent home never to see each other again. The child, however, was still residing on the island alone. Seeing how ignorant of peace these kingdoms were, he decided that he would be the change that Gardenia needed. At twenty, he revealed himself to the royals and explained that he would create a school for young princes and princesses, and children of nobility to learn about the different cultures of the kingdoms. This would begin an era of peace, which is what the kingdoms needed. After five years of negotiations with the Rose kingdom, who decided to fund the project, the Academy was finally built. Being born blind, he is very observant of human life and that is what makes him a great peacemaker. He cares for his students and pushes them towards their wants, not necessarily what their kingdom thinks they want. Though born of Rose and Orchid, Cerulean does not politically align himself with any of the kingdoms individually.

  • I welcome you to another year here at Lady Serenity Royal Academy. For the first time in the Academy’s history, the royal heirs of all six kingdoms of Gardenia are gathered here. Princess Madelena from the Rose Kingdom.

  • Your highnesses, I advise you to take advantage of open opportunities and get to know the others in the seats next to you. You must show each other the utmost respect as you will be working together in the future to maintain peace within your kingdoms.

  • Headmaster Cerulean: Your highnesses, this behavior will not be tolerated at my table! 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Professor Lupine
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD
Role assigned to: Justin Reighard

He teaches Fencing, Archery, Horseback riding, and War strategy. He is straight-forwards and likes order.

  • Well I’m glad you showed up eventually. (sarcastically) I look forward to teaching you again this year. (back to business) Now, we will start with a basic trot. Since you are both first in line to the throne of your kingdoms, I hope that you will demonstrate precision and discipline- 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Professor Magnolia
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD
Role assigned to: WhitneyGrace

Teaches: Astronomy, Chemistry, and the Floral powers. Calm, wise and expert in hydrokinesis.

  • Welcome your highnesses. I am looking forward to enhancing your magical abilities. I hope you’ve all practiced over the holiday. I’m excited to see your skills.

  • I promise to make your marks excellent. But I don’t know why you would need my promise since they were excellent last year. (laughs) 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Professor Hawthorn
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD
Role assigned to: Michael Levyn

Hawthorn is the history teacher at the Academy and is very traditional. He is from the Lotus Kingdom and values knowledge and tradition.

  • It’s all in the book.

  • Powers come through the original king’s bloodline, so that would be impossible. You are very special to have been blessed by Lady Serenity herself.

  • Your highnesses, you have a requested audience with the Headmaster.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Professor Dahlia
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD
cast offsite

Professor Dahlia is from the Rose Kingdom and she is the etiquette and public speaking teacher. She is generally light-hearted and always fins somethings to praise you on even if you struggled.

  • Everyone please grab a notebook from the chest near the door. Take a few minutes to write down a paragraph or so that describes yourself. Include your name, kingdom of origin, what class year you are, something you did over the holiday, what you’re looking forward to this year, and two interesting facts about yourself. When everyone is finished, you will present your paragraph to the rest of the class. You may begin!


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