ride the cyclone (musical) GACHA

Project Overview
In this hilarious and outlandish story, the lives of six teenagers from a Canadian chamber choir are cut short in a freak accident aboard a roller coaster. When they awake in limbo, a mechanical fortune teller invites each to tell a story to win a prize like no other — the chance to return to life.
( A GACHA VOICE-OVE OF THE MUSICAL RIDE THE CYCLONE ) Actors once they get accepted will be invited to the discord server to record the audio , fanserver (discord) : https://discord.gg/tj9AK3eC
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LEAD Jane Doe. The one unidentified body of the Cyclone roller coaster disaster. Everyone knew everyone in Uranium, but no-one could recall this member of the choir. There were rumours of a girl who joined at the last minute, but as the choir conductor Father Markus died of a heart attack 7 hours after the accident, there was no-one left to verify. Some believe that perhaps she was never in the choir at all. I never read her fortune, I sadly cannot tell you. All one knows for certain is that a body was found in a Saint Cassian uniform... without a head. So, a mystery.
- english
- all accents
- emotionless
- Blunt
- female teen
- soprano (g3f6)
- operatic
- classical theater training
*sing ballad of jane doe or karnaks dream of life*
Jane Doe is what the coroner said They found my body, not my head No parents came, and so they never learnt My name Or who I used to be My life, an unsolved mystery From ashes I was made And ashes I return And so, I walk alone And wonder why
When a lioness has children, she stops making love to the lion. The lion gets jealous. Sometimes so jealous he eats the children. You’d think this would upset the lioness. Far from it. They make love again like the children never existed. I find that idea terrifying.

LEAD Ocean O’Connell Rosenberg, born December 22nd. Capricorn - the ambitious nature. Favourite ride: the bumper cars. Ocean was born into a family of far left of centre humanists, who moved to Northern Saskatchewan to live a carbon-free lifestyle. The hemp needle-point sign above the household’s toilet read: “if it’s yellow, let it mellow. If it’s brown, scoop it out with your hand and put it in the compost.” Yet in between all the drum circles, Marxist parables, and cheese sandwiches made of human breast milk, Ocean could never shake the feeling she was the white sheep of her family. It was only at the age of 8, when she found amongst her parents’ record collection, an album called “Up with People”. The cloying positivity of this pro-capitalist gaggle of teen crooners brought tears to her eyes. Perhaps the most dangerous thing Halliburton has ever created. Class president, top of her clubs: Ocean O’Connell Rosenberg - the most successful girl in town. *the ambitious, overachieving and slightly annoying choir member. energetic and talkative*
- english
- female teen
- singing/vocals
- all accents
- energetic
- Falsetto
- Cartoony
- tenor
- belt voice
- soprano mixed with some alto
- alto
*sing what the world needs*
Play? What is this, who are you? Wait, you’re that machine that told our- *interrupted by karnak*
Look, some of us are left wing, some of us are right wing - but the last time I checked, it takes two wings to fly! We are community! We are family! We are the world!

LEAD Constance Blackwood, born November 14th. Scorpio - the secret nature. Favourite ride: the Cyclone. The only honour Constance Blackwood was to receive in her short lifetime was ‘Nicest Girl in Homeroom’ - three years in a row: an award she secretly threw in the dumpster behind her local Kentucky Fried Chicken on her way home. *Nice, quiet and comedic*
- friendly
- female teen
- all accents
- warm
- funny
- alto
- belt voice
- rock voice
*sing sugar cloud*
It was all... dancing leprechauns and rainbows and unicorns! Streams of chocolate, whirling rides, flashing lights! There’s no shame in loving my small town! The only good things that happened to me, happened in Uranium. It took a horrible accident for me to realise how goddamn wonderful everything is
For what? I don’t even know what you’re talking about. I- um... Ocean! Ocean! Why aren’t you talking right now? It’s weird!

LEAD Noel Gruber, born March 5th. Pisces, sign of passion. Favourite ride: the Ferris Wheel. Very early on in Noel’s life, his mother realised two things... the second was his penchant for all things nihilistic. While other children acted out Harry Potter, Noel acted out French New Wave Cinema. *sarcastic, expressive, fruity…*
- english
- expressive
- male teen
- all accents
- Sarcastic
- tenor
- broadway
- smooth
- smooth carabet
*sing noel’s lament*
I’ve seen the movie ‘The Blue Angel’ about a billion and one times. If there’s something better on this earth than Marlene Dietrich playing Lola Lola, the heartless booze-hound harlot, I don’t even wanna hear about it. I tried to go as her every year for halloween - I always chickened out. And I’d go as something like C-3PO. But in my heart my halloween costume subtext was always Lola Lola dressed up as C-3PO! Mom says I gotta try to blend in. So I tried really hard to, y’know, dial it back.
Ugh! I only said I liked that song once! Ironically! A joke was my final song. All of those wasted hours in that horrible mall, dreaming of- *interrupted by karnak*

Mischa Bachinski, born August 18th. Leo - sign of aggression. Favourite ride: the beer garden. Mischa was conceived in a little town outside Odessa in the Ukraine, by a factory worker named Tamara. His mother, after being part of the clean-up crew in Chernobyl, was dying of prolonged exposure to uranium. Wanting her son to be safe, she decided to put him up for adoption. Forging his birth certificate, she claimed he was 2 years old and was recently potty trained. When Mischa came to Canada, his adoptive parents were surprised to see their toddler had 5 o’clock shadow, and a slight trace of alcohol on his breath. They put him in the basement, and his adoptive mother would prepare food and leave it for him at the top of the stairs. On the rare occasion he would run into his new parents, the mother would weep and the father would shoo him away like a horsefly. * ‘Ukrainian bad boy.’ *
- english
- ukrainian
- russian english
- loud
- aggressive
- male teen
- ukrainian
- Passionate (some lines)
- rapper
- baritone
- folk singer
*sing talia*
Russian? I ain’t no stinkin’ Russian! Vladimir Putin can eat a bag of dicks, man. Screw him and the horse he rides naked on! Yo, it’s time to get this party started! Make money! Time to make it rain!
Yo. I want to talk about feeling. Ukrainian men have two emotion. Rage! and passion. People always be hating on me and my mad skills ‘cause I am best rapper in all of North-Eastern Saskatchewan. Grab your dick if you’re in the 306, brah! Yeah... you might know me as ‘Bad Egg’ on the Youtube. I am well known there. That’s where I met my shorty, Talya. She is from Kyiv, from my country. And she left me mostly positive feedback on my youtube comment wall. And we became mad passionate, all night lovers on Facebook, Twitter. We made love with each other in my native language on all the social media networks! She is now my fiancé.

Ricky Potts, born June 5th. Gemini - the dual nature. Favourite ride: the Gravitron. Born with a rare degenerative disease, when Richard lost his power of speech, the Potts family took a vow of silence - usually communicating in a series of strange gestures that only they understood. The only time they interacted with one other was when they drew pictures, or fed the cats. They had 14 cats. From the time he was 6 years old and his knees began to buckle, Ricky was treated to the most appalling cruelty humanity can muster - complete indifference. Far from growing bitter, Ricky forgave them. For what these earthlings did not realise was that his sickness was in fact his super power! Born to a body no doctor could comprehend, no nurse could resist - the last hope for the planet. While others flee from danger, he runs to it, for he is the danger. You’ve heard the whispers, now experience the legend in thrilling 4D!
Ricky Potts, the most imaginative boy in town.
- english
- neutral
- androgynous
- nonbinary
- all accents
- Optimistic
- funny
- rock voice
- baritone
*sing space age bachelor man*
I guess all I have to say is this: “If sacred places are to be spared the ravages of war, then make all places sacred. And if holy people are to be kept harmless from war, then make all people holy.”
Oh, so everybody saw that? Not just me for once? Cool.

LEAD Karnak- a carnival novelty who was designed to predict the time of someone’s death. He was the one who set up this ‘game’ and even told the choir to ride the cyclon, knowing it would result in tragedy..
- english
- male young adult
- male adult
- deep
- Foreboding
- male teen
- all accents
- reading aloud
Your catchphrase. In the interest of the expedition of time, I’ve taken the liberty of choreographing a few of your moves in advance. Don’t bore us, get to the chorus. Our time together is limited.
A game with fabulous prizes: like a stale pack of Menthol Kools. A deep-fried Hello-Kitty cupcake. This limited-edition Iron Maiden t-shirt, still ripe with the pong of the carnie that wore it.
At 6:19, this same roller coaster's front axle would break, causing it to derail at the apex of the loop-de-loop, hurtling the children to their deaths.
Public Submissions