Red Dead Revelation: An Audio Drama (Spot-On Impersonators Needed!)

Project Overview
Red Dead Revelation is planned to be a very high-quality audio drama exploring the events taking place slightly before Red Dead Redemption II (so a prequel of a prequel).
Summary: Its 1974, and a pair of old west enthusiasts discover one of the only known personal accounts of the Dutch Van Der Linde gang that history never recorded. As they explore the revealing new details, our story flashes back to the eventful year of 1899, shortly before the gang migrated to New Austin - where the famous Blackwater massacre changed everything for the worst.
Requirements (PLEASE READ):
This is planned to be a HIGH QUALITY audio drama, the closest thing to a movie for your ears, so please consider that I need:
- High quality mics (I'm not particularly picky about the type, but XLR quality would be a huge plus).
- No background noise, no hiss, no static, no pops.
- Dedication. This is a BIG project, so please keep in mind that if you're chosen, its beneficial that we work to complete the role to the best of our ability.
Just some notes:
- This show is going to be a long one, so please consider your time when chosen for this. I've written two shows that both landed around 2 1/2 hours long and this one is without a doubt going to be longer based on the word count.
- This story gets intense, violent and emotional at times (expect some screaming), so its always good to consider your emotional depth here.
Disregard the deadline: I'm not going to make this without the right voices I need, so this project could very well be sitting here for a time.
- Audition for ANYBODY. Feel free to try your hand at any of the available characters open for grabs.
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Hey all, Just wanted to thank you all for your auditions and the ones who continue to do so. I wanted to pop in and let you know I'm still going through what we have and am going to wait for more to come in until we have a full, finalized cast. There's no for-sure deadline until this happens; I want to make sure we have a full list of impersonators with great quality mics/ sound spaces.
Buck is a mysterious middle-aged cowboy who leads the present-day (1974) portion of the story. He has a very rhinestone-cowboy fashion sense with his all-white outfit and Dodge Challenger to match. His aim is to hunt down a believed-nonexistent document of the Van Der Linde gang from 1899 and has scoured the entire state to find it. Buck has a deeper southern accent and a friendly, yet mysterious undertone.
They schemed for sure, but.. trouble followed them and they aimed to deal with it. Unfortunately, it spilled into the streets and a lot of innocent folks got killed.
Tracking, friend, lots of tracking. Scrolling through shipping manifests for days on end and darn near ransacking every antique shop in a ‘hundred mile radius. Now.. I don’t know whether to feel relieved or paranoid that this is the real thing.
Ha! Well they tried that once the feds sicked the big dogs nippin’ at their tails. Too little too late by then. Supposedly Dutch said Tahiti, Australia, New York..
Darrel is the co-owner of his and his wife's antique junk shop somewhere in New Austin. He spends the present-day portion of the story discussing the movements of the Van Der Linde gang with his customer and new friend, Buck. He's middle-aged and carries a thicker southern accent.
Are you… are you sayin’ Dutch saw where things were going before they even happened..? Like, Van Der Linde just let loose on the world for one last hoorah?
Remember Buck, they had some wild cats in that gang beyond the inner circle. Some of which were never identified.
I’ve seen pictures of Decker through the years; always looked like a roughnecks’ paradise: thick, wet mud and bodies on the street. People just.. walkin’ by like it was another day.

Dutch is the strong, charismatic leader of the gang and plays a central role in Red Dead Revelation. He has a very low and distinct southern accent with a particular hitch in his voice. Example: Dutch Voice Example
This is a robbery, and there are enough of my men here to end dozens of generations right here - right now! If you do not shut your mouths, I will give the order! However, if you comply and let us do our work, you’ll have something to tell the family when you get home! The moment I hear the whistles of the Blackwater PD, things get complicated! Do we have a deal!?
We have three siblings injured and a couple missing. We’ll make a plan once we settle in the mountains. For now, we have to settle our gang and settle our thoughts. How’d you make out back west?
No… no it isn’t. But it ain’t our fault. Now we defend ourselves when we need to, but… I’m beginning to doubt all them Pinkertons just so happened to be in town for vacation. What do you boys think?

Arthur Morgan is the protagonist of Red Dead Redemption II and has a similar role in Red Dead Revelation. Tough, rugged, and reliable, Arthur serves as a senior member in the Dutch Van Der Linde gang. His distinctive southern accent is unmatched and it is a MUST to sound as close to him as possible. Example: Arthur Morgan Voice Example
I know. I prefer the good pulps that made us out like vaudeville stars, but that’s because we conducted our work in controlled environments we’re used to. If we go along with this, we’ll be next issue's villains.
<Spits> Do you want this cold so bad? Then come and take it!!
Aww, things like this happen Hosea. I ain’t sore about it none. Sure, if we had everyone else, may be a different story; but we worked with what we had and got a little out of it. Besides, four bars of gold is still a pretty good catch.

Hosea is an old friend of Dutch, a senior member, and a voice of reason in the gang. Hosea acts as a conman and intel-grabber to contribute to the gang's ventures and crimes. Mostly, he's presented as an advisor to Dutch and pursues the most logical route to a problem, which unfortunately falls of deaf ears sometimes. Hosea Voice Example
If you can believe it, I swiped one of these as we left town — latest issue. I flipped through the advertisements in the back and guess who’s name I see?
Oh nevermind her, here’s the abridged version: this Sebastian bastard was responsible for the most money I’ve ever lost in my life <slight giggle> me of all people, right? This was back when I bought an old coach and peddled the same venom as he, but if I had enough fingers to show how many times he’s hit me physically or legally - well,
I’d need some removed.
Come clean with me, Oliver! I know you remember exactly who I am and why I want to know why you’re here! Spill it! Or I have Arthur knock out more of your teeth!

Davey is never featured (alive) in Red Dead Redemption, so I've created my own character-type for him. Davey and his brother were both described as a "vicious" pair, Davey being the eldest of the two. He's a master gambler with a quick trigger finger and a VERY short fuse. Killing comes naturally to Davey, and he does it with ease. On top of those features, he's a grouch who doesn't care much for the way the world is evolving; AKA - he's a big complainer. Think of a grandpa who harks back to the "good ole days" all the time. Davey is middle-aged with a little grit to his voice.
You know, some of y’all probably don’t like the way I do things! It’s because I handle things reserved for folks with a stomach for this line of work, while the rest… wanna play fair and do things halfway! <Pause> If it weren’t for older fellers like me and a couple more to handle the dirty, we’d have all been full of holes!
It’s simple… You do what you did back on the road: give ‘em a spiel.. then spring on them. That’s when John and I back you up; after we work our way in with the dynamite.
Decker? Nah. Well, not as much. They’re cleaning it up like sooo many other towns. <Spits> It’s all built up like pretty for the folks moving out this way. That being said, I wanted to talk to you folks about that. You ladies and gentlemen wanna come in on some money..?

John Marston is the protagonist of Red Dead Redemption and is a lead in Red Dead Redemption II. In Red Dead Revelation, he's the same hot-headed young man we know in Red Dead II: a legendary gunslinger and an irresponsible father. He's looked upon by Dutch as his own son and carries a lot of respect within the gang. John has a unique, almost sandy voice with a southern accent. John Voice Example
eah, well, that’s pretty much Davey. He’s just a little more… Outspoken. Older type, has an idea of what things should be like, but can’t really tell you what that exactly means. I just see him as an old man groaning about the past some days, but don’t confuse it: he’s the man you want in a fight.
Would you shut the hell up Davey? I like you enough, but I can’t go two seconds without you telling a 20-year story or criticizing my youth. I make up for it in experience you know? And I manage to do it with a family; something you’re too damn old to experience by now!
…are we forgettin’ what we’re here for!? Now look: at the end of the day, I don’t care about the politics of how we work, but like it or not - this gang makes us family, you hear?!

Lenny is one of the freshest members of the Van Der Linde gang and has a strong work ethic. He's always ready to grab a gun and join in on the robberies, even taking personal initiative to prove himself a worthy member. He's young and has a slight southern accent. Lenny Voice Example
We ain’t like the others: just bangin’ folks up all Willy-nilly just for the hell of it: the cause is about something so much bigger. Dutch talks about it all the time - that’s why we’re here. That’s why folk don’t look at us like the O’Driscolls. People out there recognize and respect that.
Last I checked, Dutch and Arthur call the shots. Whatever it is you got goin’ on in your head about how things work, you best get it fixed, ‘cause I listen to the ground rules, and it ain’t whatever garbage I just heard from you.
ell you seem awfully keen on leanin’ on one side without the say-so of the rest of us!

Karen serves as a tough-as-nails member of the gang who notably plays pretend in order to distract marks the gang plans to rob (usually a damsel in distress). Not to be fooled, she'll just as easily pull out a gun and fire away at the law just as good as the men. Karen Voice Example
Ain’t that the night we gave Lenny the welcome wagon? <laughs> Boy, you was drunk as a skunk - stop tryin’ to kid Hosea like you paid attention, let alone cared, ha!
<Holding back tears> I got away just as one of them was getting ready to… <sniffles> look, they killed my sister and my mama and… Our wagon got burnt!
Ohhhh I know you all too well from his stories. You lie! You lie like a dog! My Blake practically runs this city, and if he can pay his way out of a murder charge, he sure as hell can pay you to open up my account and shovel out my savings!

Landon Ricketts is an elderly gunslinger whose criminal youth is revered as legendary among other criminals and ordinary citizens alike. He's well-respected almost everywhere he's seen and is usually a very friendly character - one whom you'd never expect had a past like his. He has an old, husky cowboy accent. Landon Voice Example
<Chuckle> Well if an old dog like me has the power to do that, I guess I still have a little something left to offer this world.
That means a lot, Mr. Milton. I don’t know though: that part of my life felt like a quick deep breath in, while everything after feels like a long exhale.
You’re as confused as I am, my friend. And suddenly... I lost my appetite. Give that chicken to someone who looks like they need it, would ya?

Charles Smith is one of the newest recruits of the Van Der Linde gang. He's a resourceful and tactful fighter who has a wise and deeper way of examining a situation (where everyone else prefers to rush head on). He has a deeper and slightly rough voice. Charles Voice Example
Are you seriously referencing the risk we just took back there as a “kick to the teeth”? Did you not see how many bodies we left behind in the street that weren’t involved in this? Or better yet the ones at the pier?
John… is this man trustworthy? I’ve ridden alongside his brother often enough, but he isn’t a big talker. What’s the story with Davey?
At this point, I take his excessive killing as a way to cover his tracks - not out of safety, but out of fear.

Pinkerton Agent Milton is one of the main antagonists in Red Dead Redemption II. He's an extremely stubborn man that will sacrifice anything to see that the vision of a new, civilized America is achieved. Milton is not liked by his fellow bureau agents for his strictness and unnecessary brutality either. He has a bone to pick with the remaining gangsters of the old west and will stop at nothing to see them quashed. Milton Voice Example
But we take it every time. Barbarism is clawing at the walls of Rome, and we do all we can to repel it to preserve civilization; civilization you were once against, and now enjoy. Call it irony, but with a little thought, you may find that you owe us this job.
Believe it or not, we prefer when the killers do our jobs for us, but not when they aren’t in the middle of nowhere. In this case, they won’t be. We have it on good authority that the whole of the gang is in the region and perhaps moving deeper in New Austin.
Indeed, this may not be a friendly request, but this is a call of duty: the same call all soldiers respond to when lady liberty blows her horn. It’s not always convenient.

Edgar Ross is a dedicated Pinkerton agent who is currently shadowing Agent Milton as a partner. He's one of Red Dead Redemption's main antagonists and plays a major role in the downfall of the Van Der Linde gang much later in the story. At this point in the timeline, Ross is more of an assistant to Milton and speaks much less. Though a bit younger in Red Dead Revelation, his voice sounds a bit worn and scratchy. Edgar Voice Example
We know what it is they like to do when they set up shop somewhere. It isn’t particularly beneficial to local settlements.
And I’m familiar with your legacy, Mr. Ricketts. I could fire off quite a list of your accolades, but I’m sure you get a lesson about your own life wherever you go.
You know the deal: These things get hairy sometimes. What those thugs did today will be remembered with the utmost condemnation this world can offer.

Oswald Dunbar is the long-standing police chief in the town of Blackwater. He has a firm belief in safety and justice for the people he serves. Dunbar Voice Example
Yep, you remember all that bile he was spewing at us from last time. Old man was so loud, he woke the bears from hibernation.
Yeah, well, you murdered your gal and a couple families after, on top of a bunch of more crimes I’d rather not waste my breath on. Bottom line, you’re not getting out of here — and come morning, the last thing you’ll hear is that lever being pulled by one of us.
Just what are you looking at? You can’t even see the stars out tonight. <pause> Wait a minute, you ain’t some kind of government inspector are ya?

Josiah is a very interesting personality: a magician and master conman. His flamboyant, positive character along with his high-society wardrobe easily slips him into any of the old west's upper-crust to gather intel to pass along to the gang. Josiah Voice Example
Mister Oliver Sebastion. And my goodness has he been ever so busy in the unforgiving cold that is the north since he last corresponded with you. Do not worry, he sends his absolute best to you and your family.
<Bursts out in incredible laughter> Ohhhhh boy, I hope you have an empty stomach because that was a spoonful! <Laughs>
Yes, the height of society is one thing, but the gentlemen who hold the weight of society itself on his shoulders, well… can be identified through prominence even without the lowest of fine garment.
Just like his brother, Mac isn't featured in Red Dead Redemption II, but only mentioned. He's described as "vicious" in nature and will be presented as a tough and somewhat cocky guy. He's less serious or talkative than his brother Davey and has more of a sense of humor, despite how much of a killer he is. Mac should sound a bit younger than Davey and have a slightly higher voice.
Whitaker already has someone to send word on the way now. But ehh, you want my two cents? It was a gang of rabble-rousers called the O’Driscolls. You heard of ‘em?
Relax! We’re way away from the camp anyway, and they weren’t even heading the right direction!
<Holding a grunt> Was coming back from a hunting party earlier and it done looked like a bomb hit this place.

Micah is a newer member of the Van Der Linde gang that is clearly holding back his true intentions. He's very cocky, rude, and sure of himself in any situation. He's also an aggressive fighter and absolutely confident in his actions, good or bad. Micah Voice Example
And I don’t blame you one bit for thinking as such. Thing is boss, I’ve got a lead so perfect, they’ll all go bald from pullin’ thier hair out — and we’ll be long gone from here.
These rich folk may be up
their own assses, but they ain’t stupid. They’ve been behaving good so far, but that girl, Dutch.. you may have to do something about her if she keeps acting up. She’s gonna ruin a good thing.
<Laughs victoriously> Yes sir! And I ain’t ever seen anything like it!

Javier isn't the biggest on conversation compared to the rest of the gang, but he's definitely one of the most loyal members of Dutch's gang: asks no questions, never holds back, if Dutch says so - it's so. Javier Voice Example
Besides, what were we gonna do - try and walk past them? With a big trunk of riches? They’d shoot us in the back the moment one of them caught on.
What’s going on, why don’t we have the stash yet?
This is an old mining town. I doubt they even have enough deputies to even try a swipe at us.

Bill Williamson: former army serviceman gone gunslinger. Bill is a heavier-set man with a very one-track mind for the gang. He's notably aggressive and violent on top of his very awkward disposition - which occasionally makes him a point of jokes among the gang. Bill Voice Example
Awww, what’s that going to solve!?
There’s a bunch of lawmen coming up the pier - and I mean lots of them! We’re gonna be backed into a corner unless y’all can swim good.
<Grumbles> Come on you guys, what’s happening in there!?
Oliver Sebastian plays the role of Hosea's oldest nemesis in the swindling game. He's a professional snake oil salesman who can sell anyone sugarwater with the promise of eternal life in the snap of a finger. Picture someone with a flamboyant/happy professional personality but with a crooked and snide private life. He's somewhere between his 40's & 50's and open to all voice types.
<Laughs heartily> Gentlemen, gentlemen! Concocted all the way from the most prestigious laboratories in New York, I bring you the most tried and true elixirs of which can top no other!
I know what you’re thinking… what does this man mean by reinvent? Well… you didn’t hear this from me, but my elixir.. is stolen property.
You don’t pass gold under the table like you do money. I’m gettin’ twelve bars, mister Matthews. Twelve! Then.. I don’t think this town gets a new mayor. It’s just gonna be another “hey, look at what that used to be”. Ya know?
This will be the crooked mayor of the local town of Whitaker - a town that was once prosperous with its gold supply, which now the mayor is skipping out on. Mayor Black is depicted as an overweight upperclassman with a slightly pompous attitude. Open to any dialect.
Pff! Haha! Really now?! That-- that was something! You had me scared for a moment, but if you could spin a yarn like that in your sleep, you should be headed to vaudeville, sir!
There you go, three bars of gold...three. That’s exactly the amount our “friend” deserves.
Listen to me son, this ain’t nothing against you, but uh.. your boss - he's a snake. And I think I’d just <holds back giggle> die — just die, if I gave him more than this already generous three.

Jenny Kirk is a member of the Van Der Linde gang that is only mentioned in Red Dead Redemption II. In Red Dead Revelation, I depict her as a very rough and head-on fighter who loves a good robbery. Despite her tough lifestyle, she tends to hide her soft side as she thinks the gang may see it as a weakness. Jenny is open to all voices but requires any level of a southern accent.
Oh shut the hell up Bill! All you do is complain about “why can’t this be flawless?” all
the time! Fact is you couldn’t hear a safe click even if you had a horn up to your damn ears!
Dang, y’all had me thinking it was a late birthday gift.
<Groans> Y’all..? I’m doin’ my best not to talk right now...

Besides being a very effective gunfighter, Sean is the most comedic and flamboyant member of the Van Der Linde gang. He's the type to take a hundred punches and still find something to laugh at or make fun of in the interrogation. Sean has a very prominent Irish accent. Sean Voice Example
Way to welcome me to the party. I thought I was gonna be the patsy for a moment and find this ship empty.
Hey! Don’t you move another inch!
And move that enormous head out of the way. I was tryin’ to look at the sun, not some ugly bullock with a face on it! Heh.

Edwin is a Blackwater police officer with a minor feature in a few scenes. Open to any voice.
Hey, I was meaning to tell you: do you see that guy over there, over by the pier?
Yeah, but this guy we think has been there for damn near 24 hours. Not really moving much either.
When we went out to get this vagrant, we dared each other to approach him, but couldn’t for the life of us get near him.

Bernard Weaver is a Blackwater police officer who has a minor role in a few scenes. Open to any voice.
Me and Edwin been keeping an eye on him for a bit. My best guess, he looked at the sun too long <chuckle>.
The one over there with his hands behind his back. Fancy suit and top hat.
You know we get rich types rolling through here almost every day, right? Who’s to say that ain’t five different dandies you seen with the same

Eli Tucker is a Blackwater police officer who is featured minorly in a few scenes. He is open to any voice.
<Chuckles> Knowing Edwin and Bernie, he’ll be knocked the hell out when he gets here.
That’s just creepy.
Whoa whoa! What’s going on!?

The Strange Man is probably the biggest mystery of the Red Dead series. He's a dapper gentleman who seems to know everything about everyone. It's popularly believed that he's death in another form, or perhaps another supernatural entity. He speaks very professionally and very clearly, but there's an almost sinister tone to his voice. Strange Man Voice Example
Inspector? Hm. That could be correct in some regard.
...Or maybe it’s the air… or maybe the pier. Or..maybe it’s all of it. Can’t tell which. Do you get a lot of fishermen here, Oswald?
Hm. Well one thing’s for sure, it’s right here. Yep, right here at this spot.
The Blackwater bartender. Open to all voice types (though he will be on the older side).
Mister Ricketts, Mister Ricketts! Just when I thought the day couldn’t get any duller, you turned it right around.
<Chuckles> Naw naw, you’re just here at an awkward hour; you might want to evacuate when night falls though, it gets crowded - as you may remember.
Aww, don’t sell yourself short now. There’s a reason people stand up and clap wherever you go.

Uncle is perhaps the oldest member of the Van Der Linde gang. Though he claims to have an exciting past, he currently spends his time getting drunk and being lazy around the camp. His part is very brief towards the beginning of the show. Uncle Voice Example
<Snorting> Huh..? Ughhh, I dunno, I dunno, let me sleep...
I-I-I’m sorry Dutch! I-I must’ve dozed off and done thought this was my—
Why sure, but what was that one thing he shot that poor old coot over that one night?

Ms. Grimshaw is a no-nonsense boss that regulates the gang's camp and the camp's girls. She comes off as very strict and organizational, like a saloon madam, but does deeply love her gang. Grimshaw Voice Example
I said get the hell out of there! What would Dutch say if he caught you her— <Gasp>
Mister Van Der Linde! I tried to get him out, but that drunken oaf is planted like a weed!
Marion is the unhappy and very prestigious wife of Jeff Algood. After years of criminal activity with her husband, she and Jeff scramble to get enough money to flee the country. She comes off as both a little nervous and rude (a sort of "I'm better than you" attitude).
Mac there, plus any of our previous associates seem to be in harmony with their professions. You, you’re quite the anomaly, sir. You coordinate and participate in the work all the same.
Well, I simply imply that it is indeed a rarity to find such a close relationship between professionalism and (let’s be honest) barbarism.
Speaking of jewelry, how does a man of your caliber attain a taste for the finer things such as yourself, mister Van Der Linde?
Jeff plays a central but minor role in the story. He's a wealthy rancher who also illegally trafficks in guns and other related activities. At this point in his career, he and his wife are facing tax evasion charges and are desperate to flee the country. Jeff definitely comes off as wealthy when he speaks, but manages to keep an "everyman" tone.
Well, I hope you all have been enjoying the cooking. Don’t thank me, thank my wife. She is quite the craftsman.
Well alright! Come on in - you and your boys too! C’mon Vance, open that gate for them; they’re our special guests.
Yes… of course. Well look, I’ve got all the furnishings set up for you. Different rooms, so you don’t have to share like Micah and Bill. Marion and I are.. turning in for the night. Right, dear?
Billy plays a brief role as a bounty hunter who attempts to question Dutch about his reason for hiding out in the woods.
I’m sorry to disturb sir, but this is Billy Dawes. We have leads that the gang may be out this way.
Yessir. I’m sure you’re familiar with Whitaker? Yeah, some criminals came in and made a mess of the place while robbing the bank. They fled into the woods, not before firing on the local law there.
None at the moment, sir. Though some are speculating it may have been Dutch’s gang if you can believe it.
There will be multiple guards/bodyguards that appear throughout the show. They will come off as tough and/or intimidating.
Hey! Back away from the train!
Hey! You out there? I thought I heard some yelling.
<Grunting> H-help me! Help me! He’s a thief!
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