Reaper Song OW2 Parody

Reaper Song OW2 Parody

Project Overview

Looking for a male or female singer to sing my lyrics for my parody song about Reaper from Overwatch! sadly this will not be a paid role as I'm out a job and such so sorry >~< but yeah feel free to audition!

Song that will be used as reference!

I will provide the file with the lyrics on discord!

I will be in control of the music video and audio sync! (though I'd prefer if you left a few seconds of silence corresponding the instrumental for easier syncing)

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Project Roles: Lead Singer
Lead Singer

this song is a parody of black widow by iggy azalea! 

  • english
  • -Example of you singing any known song-

  • -Example of you singing Black Widow by Iggy Azalea-


Public Submissions

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