Pyrite Adventure (Pyrite Hero’s cast?)

Project Overview
Hey! I’m HatKid. (Or ThatOneHatKid) and I draw, animate, make music, ect. I also make OC’s for a Roblox game named Pyrite Adventure and stuff. If you don’t know what pyrite adventure is, let me tell ya what it is. It’s basically a fan game of sonic the hedgehog. (Sonic Adventure to be exact) and Me and my friends FUCKING LOVE IT!! And we loved it so much that we made OC’s for it. And now I’m handing them down to you to voice them! Have fun selecting your pick of these guys!
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The main guy, the lead role, Mammoth the SuperHuman. He’s cocky, but has a heart, and will go to extreme lengths to save ANYONE! From strangers, to friends and family! You name it! Just don’t challenge him to a foot race, because you’ll lose instantly. Unless if your Sonic Himself…then it’s a close debate.
“I’m Mammoth! Mammoth the SuperHuman!”
“An adventure’s no fun if it’s too easy!”
“My NAME is Mammoth! I’m not an actual Mammoth!”

This is basically the Tails of the group. She’s smart as a whip, and fled from BaconHair’s group to be with Mammoth and the rest of the gang. Although her and Mammoth have a love, hate relationship…so just be aware of that. Her voice is supposed to be like Jenny’s from My life as a teenage robot.
“Mammoth, I never thought I’d say this but…you didn’t do half bad.”
“It’s the BaconCruiser! Professor BaconHair’s back!”
“You’re a lunatic! You’re actually INSANE!!”

This guy is basically the guy you NEVER mess with unless if you wanna end up in a hospital bed. He’s pretty damn strong, and can take on just about anybody in a push-up contest. You think you can take this guy on? Get the hospital on speed dial.
“I’m Apollo the Wolf. Just call me Apollo though.”
“Might be just me, but I have a feeling that it’s time for a BaconHair beatdown!”
“You think you can take me on, Mammoth? Get the hospital on speed dial.”

This Lego Man that we know and love is the Shadow of the group, except more chill. He’s gonna be there to correct mammoth and keep him in check when he’s being too cocky. But that usually doesn’t work out in his favor…
“The Name’s Noob the Bloxian. I dunno why you’d want my name though. Introductions are useless to me.”
“Mammoth, now is not the time for jokes! We need to focus!”

This princess of the underworld is supposed to play the role as Rouge the Bat. Although she’s doesn’t exactly have the personality of rouge. It mostly comes from Raven from Teen Titans. (And no not teen titans go) which is also what her voice is supposed to be based on. she’s mostly going to help Noob and be around him most of the time, as she’s always gonna be there for him through tough times.”
“Hey! If you know what’s good for you, you’ll back away from the alpha gamer core.”
“Is this the part where I’m supposed to be scared?”
“What’s the matter? Afraid of the dark?”

This comedic Villian is known as Professor BaconHair. Arch nemesis of Mammoth since Mammoth was 8 years old. 7 years later, here we are! BaconHair will go to extreme lengths to take over the world and or destroy it. He knows practically everything, but how to change his avatar.
“The names Professor BaconHair! And I’ll know than you ever will in a million lifetimes!
“You don’t even know your own fate, superhuman!”
“No! I can’t believe this! I was supposed to beat you this time!”

This girl’s presence isn’t really…decided yet, but comes somewhere in Pyrite Heroes. We don’t exactly know what her role would be, but her personality is pretty sweet and supportive and will not stand to o see you cry. Like. At all. Her voice is undetermined on what it’s based off of but her voice is like a mid High range.
“C’mon guys! We can’t give up now! We have to keep going or we’ll never catch up to baconhair!”
“Oh! Sorry I didn’t see you there. I’m Kat…Kat the SharkGirl.”
“Shoot! It’s the Science team! They’re gonna study me and then terminate me! As in KILL me!”

Look out! It’s the man who can manipulate shadows. He could be anywhere, at anytime. He’s sort of competitive when it comes to combat. But he’s never going to show his emotions around you unless they really trust you.
“That’s the last thing you WILL be saying after I’m done with you!”
“You are a waste of my time, superhuman. And I despise waste.”
“Will you shut up already, Professor. Your plans have been crushed by Mammoth for like…ever.”

This guys…well…an Assasin. He’s pretty notorious for what he does, and he’s DAMN good at it to. His voice is supposed to be like shadow the hedgehog’s, or a deep hitman voice. His personality is pretty much heartless, and…what else? Cold blooded. Just make sure you aren’t on his hit list…that’s all I can say.
“I don’t know why the Professor wants me to kill you, nor do I care. This is where I end you. Mammoth.”
“Why don’t you just give up and die?”
“I’m not in it for the money. Heh. I’m in it for the fun.”

Ken is basically Hano’s older brother but not related in the slightest. Their both different species but are a good duo together. Their like siblings in a way because they fight like siblings, hang out like sibling, Y’know. The usual sibling bonding. Kens voice is supposed to be like Makoto Naegi’s from danganronpa.
“Hey! I’m trying to sleep here…”
“Dealing with Hano isn’t as easy as you think. Ya sure you can handle her?”
“ACK!! Hano! Get off the table! Bad girl!”

Taking on the role of Cream, Hano is basically Ken’s little sister, but not related. While she may look like a guy, she’s actually a girl. Their both different species but are a good duo together. Their like siblings in a way because they fight like siblings, hang out like sibling, Y’know. The usual sibling bonding. Her voice is supposed to sound like tails but higher pitched
“I’m Hano the Puppy! You can just call me Hano though!”
“Hey! Gimme back my chewtoy!”
*barking noises*
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