PrinceVTube Lore Visual Novel

PrinceVTube Lore Visual Novel

Project Overview

A visual novel explaining the lore of the Vtuber Prince. The story follows the protagonist, Prince, as he uncovers a plot to overthrow the Melorosia Kingdom, and works to save his home.

Recording will be through the month of October 2024, with October 31st being submission deadline, and the first two weeks of November 2024 will be for retakes if necessary.

These are hard deadlines, as the game will be played on stream for my 4th Vtuber anniversary on/around December 19th.

All VAs will be credited both on stream and in-game.

Rules and expectations are as follows-

  1. These are unpaid roles, so I appreciate your time and will try for as few retakes as possible

  2. You are more than welcome to audition for as many roles as you want

  3. Please feel free to audition even if you do not think your voice fits the “voice tone” described for each character, they are just general guides

  4. Please have a decent quality mic. I can do some audio editing, but things like excessive background noise and static are deal breakers

  5. No experience is required, though it will help if a tie-breaker is needed

  6. If you are chosen, please have a way to keep in contact with you as things progress (i.e. email/discord). Main character voices may be contacted again for future projects!

  7. If you are chosen, you will need to submit each line individually in a .ogg or .wav format

  8. There are 4 “crowd” voice lines that all VAs will participate in!

  9. Chosen VAs will get the entire game script with their lines highlighted, so that they can see the emotional tone of the scenes

  10. Pronunciation guides will be provided for all names and special places!

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me!

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  • Thank you all so much!

    Hi everyone, Prince here! :3

    I know we still have a few days to go for auditions to be submitted, but I wanted to thank everyone who has auditioned so far! Thank you all for being so wonderful and offering to help bring this project to life.

    I'm absolutely blown away by the amount of auditions we already have, and we still have a few days left!

    I'll be honest that I feared no one would audition, but now I have the absolute opposite problem- so many awesome people have auditioned that I'm going to have trouble picking!

    I'll do my best to have roles picked out by at least October 5th.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me on Discord @ princevtube and I'll do my best to respond!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Midas Valamin

Main character

Midas is the beloved son of a noble family, and a precious gem to his parents, the heir of House Valamin. He is a gifted strategist, and is the top of his class at the Royal Academy. He has a sort of god-complex, and believes that everyone is below him. Somehow, he is very good friends with Alford, and a part of the protagonist’s close circle. He hides a dark ambition.

# of lines: 418

Voice tone: Sly, think a very smart used-car salesman. Soft-spoken but able to be loud and intense. Oftentimes sarcastic.

Pronunciation Guide

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • Sly
  • Sarcastic
  • “Oh don’t look at me like that, Alford. You know I mean no harm by it.” (He’s just asked a very pointed question)

  • “Quite skilled at flattery, are you? Have you been training with your mother?” (Teasing, slightly flirtatious)

  • “No more will you fret about your future rulers! Worries about unnecessary wars and being left by the wayside are now unnecessary!” (Public speech, strong-willed and charismatic, think politician-y)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alford de Bazius

Main Character

Crown prince of the Melorosia Kingdom, head of the knights, and the protagonist’s eldest brother. He has a fiery personality and a stubborn streak. He often gets into fights with Remorant, but is a caring big brother deep down. Kind of a tsundere.

# of lines: 231

Voice tone: Harsh but smooth, and sometimes clipped

Pronunciation Guide

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • harsh
  • gruff
  • “Shut up. Of course I brought it up to him! He told me I was “looking into things too hard” and “being an overprotective big brother.”” (exasperated and concerned)

  • “Answer the goddamn question, Midas.” (frustrated)

  • “I don’t want to hear that from someone who rarely comes out of his lab and even walks around the city! Cold indifference isn’t much better, you know.” (angry, argumentative)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Main Character

The middle sibling between Alford and the protagonist. Unlike his older brother, Remorant is more calm and composed, and prefers to be in his lab or the library. The type of person who can make an insult sound like a complement.

# of lines: 182

Voice tone: Soft-spoken, elegant and unhurried, though can be cold as ice. Often sarcastic.

Pronunciation Guide

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • Soft
  • Teasing
  • Elegant
  • “Mmhmm. Now get back to your studies, I want to finish writing out this formula. I think I’m close to a breakthrough.” (teasing in the beginning, then mellows out)

  • “Oh? Give me one moment to put these reactants away and you’ll have my full attention.” (slightly distracted, happy to be conversing, though)

  • “Temper, temper, big brother.” (sarcastic and teasing, he’s being a brat)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Insurrectionist 1

Minor character

Members of a secretive group attempting to overthrow the Melorosia royal family and install a puppet leader. There are two main members throughout the story, and one background character.

# of lines: 67

Voice tone: Any

  • english
  • “It’s not flattery if it’s true, my lord!” (up-beat but sly, trying to get in someone’s good graces)

  • “We will begin preparing the platoons that you laid out in your plan.” (cheerfully reporting)

  • “The irony would be sad if it wasn’t so funny.” (sly, slightly sarcastic)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Insurrectionist 2

Minor Character

Members of a secretive group attempting to overthrow the Melorosia royal family and install a puppet leader. There are two main members throughout the story, and one background character.

# of lines: 81

Voice tone: Any

  • english
  • “It’s not flattery if it’s true, my lord!” (up-beat but sly, trying to get in someone’s good graces)

  • “We will begin preparing the platoons that you laid out in your plan.” (cheerfully reporting)

  • “The irony would be sad if it wasn’t so funny.” (sly, slightly sarcastic)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Minor Character

The protagonist’s mother and King Olas’ concubine. She’s a very upbeat, optimistic person.

# of lines: 56

Voice tone: Soft and airy, preferably higher pitched

Pronunciation Guide

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • Soft
  • Airy
  • “Yes, I certainly have seen that! They’ve been spending a lot of time together recently, just the two of them.” (surprised and pleased)

  • “And when you do get married, I’ll make sure you are the prettiest bride this country has ever seen.” (dreamy and happy)

  • “Ooo, that sounds very fun, sweetheart. Mama’s going to work on your ears next, okay? Keep them still.” (Gentle, slightly distracted and soft)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
King Olas

Minor Character

King of the Melorosia Kingdom, and the father of Alford, Remorant, and the protagonist. A boisterous, jolly man who can be serious when he needs to be, but prefers not to. A bit of a jokester, he’s the type to say dad jokes with a straight face then break into laughter.

# of lines: 39

Voice tone: Kind of loud and full, think almost like a stereotypical Santa Claus voice (but no hohoho)

Pronunciation Guide

  • english
Voice description:
  • loud
  • boisterous
  • Jolly
  • male adult
  • “That’s fabulous news! But don’t keep me waiting, old friend, I’m curious what your request is! Lay it on me!” (Happy and interested)

  • “*laugh* Well, now that those two are off on their rampage, let’s discuss the terms of this engagement.” (Happy)

  • “My decision is final. If you continue to disobey me I will have no choice but to force you to obey.” (enraged and forceful)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Queen Ena

Minor Character

The queen of Melorosia and Olas’ second wife. She is Remorant’s mother. Ena is a generally cold woman, not very emotional even among her family. Despite this, she is not a cruel person.

# of lines: 17

Voice tone: Slightly monotonous and effeminate, soft-spoken tone

Pronunciation Guide

  • english
Voice description:
  • Effeminate
  • female adult
  • Monotone
  • “I have no particular feelings about the arrangement. Do as you wish, Olas.”

  • “And Alford, you must control your temper.”

  • “Are you saying you can’t balance both duties, Remorant?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Arlon Valamin

Minor Character

A noble in the court of Melorosia, head of House Valamin, and Midas’ father. An ex-military member, he is no-nonsense and does not accept failure. He and King Olas are old friends from his time in the military.

# of lines: 13

Voice tone: Gruff

Pronunciation Guide

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • gruff
  • “Your majesty, thank you so much for granting us an audience with you and her majesty.” (Friendly)

  • “We hope it isn’t too presumptuous of us…” (Slightly gentle, he’s bringing up something that could be shot down)

  • “I’m so happy to hear that! Olas, what about you, old friend?” (happy and hopeful)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kallas Valamin

Minor Character

Arlon’s wife, Lady of House Valamin and Midas’ mother. Quiet and demure, she’s almost a stereotypical court lady

# of lines: 11

Voice tone: Soft, airy, very effeminate

Pronunciation Guide

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • Effeminate
  • Soft
  • “Oh no, thankfully this request is nothing of that sort. House Valamin is thriving wonderfully. Our recent ventures into vineyards have turned a great profit.” (pleased)

  • “I assume you’re on board with this idea, Cinsy?” (slightly eager)

  • “Come, Cinsy, come! We have so much to plan!” (excited, happy)


Public Submissions

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