This story is a sequel to the anime Princess Tutu. It continues from where the first series left off.
To be able to understand this story, you need to watch the original anime series by Ikuko Itoh.
After the events of the finale, Duck has returned to being a bird, and Mytho returned to the story together with Rue.
Suddenly, Duck’s wish to be human comes true and she can start off a completely new life as a human girl. After returning to her old Academy, Duck meets a new student, Claudia, and the girls become friends.
Fakir also notices that one of his classmates, called Ivan, is acting strange and looking up things from the dark past of the Gold Krone Town.
And then all of a sudden magic seems to have returned in the form of small fairies and the mysterious, blazing Firebrid from ancient legends.
The power of Princess Tutu is once again needed but this time Fakir moves the pen, not Drosselmeyer.
For more information, check out the show's tumblr:
You can also check out the showrunner's tumblr: