Project Overview
PR: Rivenverse is an upcoming visual novel planned for its first release to be around 2023-2024. It takes place in a society where normal mortals have daily access to the twelve elements, along with average magic — 'Rivenverse' consists of three Universes, the Eleuther, Infintia and Xenos. Though the game will be only featuring the Eleuther, Infintia may be possibly included in endgame content.
A Kickstarter is planned in the middle of development, and if you get cast, please do not ask when you will receive lines; it varies on which character you have! Certain characters only have a select few appearances, though some may appear all the time! You receiving lines also varies on whenever we have the available money, as well. We will update you on certain situations we feel you should note!
Here is our public Discord server, where you can receive updates, concepts, and more!, but please keep questions related to voice acting to DMs!
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Latest Updates
Thank you to everyone who submitted an audition, you were all amazing! If you are still interested in any future roles, please don't be afraid to audition again when the time comes. As for those who are interested in the project/PR:RIVENVERSE overall, we have a community/public server where you can get updates on the project, character references, non-spoiler, in-game screenshots (soon), and more! You can join using this link (
Adding new roles / deadline pushed back
Illumin, Riff and Victorias roles have been added! I will be adding Valefar, Luna and a few others soon. -
Two new roles added
Hi! I've added two new roles, for Lock and Koi!

Please use this clip I found as a reference, though you are able to give your own take on Abolition!
Abolition is the Founder of Fatali Stellae, a ruthless organization that has plans to destroy all of the Universes and its inhabitants, with only those who join them being spared. He is often considered to be sadistic and rather merciless, though he has his favorites... And a few habits.
If you want to read Abolitions abilities and backstory, you can read them here! This was ripped from the main character document, so it spares you some time having to look for him!
To be clear with pronunciation:
Dellumin: Dell-oo-min
Fatali Stellae: Fat-a-li Stelli
[Relaxed, a more neutral tone of voice.] “Oh, Dellumin? He is the co-founder of this organisation, and also a very loyal person. Once you get his mind to it, you'd be very surprised by his techniques in combat and plotting. I would be more than happy to introduce you to him when he's in the right mood.”
“Fatali Stellae is a newly formed organisation, in the past years, I have reached many accomplishments...— Hm? What do we do? Oh, you'll see soon enough.”
[Plotting, as if he's thinking things through whilst speaking] “If the two of you head to Rizawa, then we'd be equally spread out across this belligerent area...— Hm?— Oh, a-ahem... AETHER! LISTEN! This is key information...!”

Refer to White Diamond from Steven Universe for reference, that is the most suitable I find for Ars. Though, yet again, your own take is very much welcome.
Ars is the self proclaimed God of Dreams, though she truly is known as the God of Nightmares, with her sister being the true owner of the other title. The two seemed to swap roles as soon as Silnin, her sister, was banished and removed from the Divine Order.
“Silnin shall remain unspoken of, I banished her for a reason, Hades.”
“Do you recall of the Final Teachings? They were apart of 'Humanities Last Stand', a lot of people find it touching; Personally, it just sounds like a little sob story to me. I haven't even found any proof!”
“That man, Genesis. He shows interest in me. Of course, that being a mix of geniune and something else I can't quite place my finger on.”

Please use Baal/Raiden Shogun as reference for Silnin.
Silnin is the former God of Dreams, now forced to use the title as the God of Nightmares ever since she was banished by her sister to the Spatium, the underground realm. She is usually isolated, though she has grown quite fond of the people who dwell within such a place, who have accepted her as their 'leader'.
“I have made many deals with the Founder of this 'Fatali Stellae', he has fufilled them all so far...— But do you think he will carry out me and my peoples return to the Overworld? I fear that we have remained within the Spatium for far too long...”
“Warpholes occassionally allow people to escape from here, though they are more likely to bring you here, to the Spatium. This place is quite literally the embodiment of everything wrong with this Universe, I feel as if I am apart of the problem, though...”
“Grief is a very strong emotion, but people overcome it overtime — Though that is most likely only via numbness, not by solving the 'problem' to which solved that grief.”

Leraje is the Maintainer of Ocea, and the 'otherwordly' ruler of Rizawa. He's very friendly, though his mannerisms will completely change as soon as he gets into debates, or just anything related to money!... And not to mention, he does have a really dark sense of humour around trusted people such as Hayato, Pyronis and Dellumin.
“Money is like the most delicious food out there, you always crave it, even in the darkest moments of your life — That's why you become a ruler, you don't...— er, you don't really have to worry, that way.”
“Have you seen my brothers yet? You know, tall green guy and average height, average dragon man? Ah, you know. Dellumin and Pyronis! B-Besides, just tell me how they're doing. I care about my older brothers as much as both of them care for me!”
“Hayato Kenta is such a formidable warrior! We spar every day and trade tactics. Did you know that I even let him into the secret of the arts I use in combat? He was the first mortal to ever defeat me in a duel! —... And that still remains the same. People always try to act cool in a duel because of this, I just find it rather embarrassing, really.”

Thorn is the leader of the Forest Guard within Fulminare, though she has recently taken the position of Bunts bodyguard. She is the sibling of Tamarix Folium, who she had to exile from Fulminare after a certain incident...
She uses a staff as her weapon, which she is very skilled with.
[Mocking] “'A survival handbook is nessacary'" “I say, 5 months ago, and when I finish writing it? NOT. A. SINGLE. SALE. AND THOSE PEOPLE AT THE LIBRARY WON'T EVEN GIVE FREE COPIES! These people are always complaining about common, NATURAL dangers, yet they can't be bothered to read a handbook?!”
“Oh, yeah, did I not tell you I'm working under Her Highness now? Bunt is a very lovely lady! Please, I beg of you, invite her for a tea party, I dare to speak of her in this manner, but she's pretty adorable.”

Please use Klee from Genshin Impact as a reference! Personal takes are still welcomed.
Koi is a child from Rizawa, often looked after by Okamoto and Tanaka Kenta, though the two often allow her to do checkups on people around the Belligerent area of the Eleuther. Koi is incredibly friendly and tends to also be caught helping out a handful of people- though, she is sometimes known as 'The Dumpster Kid', as she hides in random dumpsters to perform her little checkups, mainly so she isn't in plain sight...
[Excited] "Okamoto- Tanaka! Hi! It's so nice to see you again...! Did you see all of those fireworks last night?- There were so many colors!- Um...(whispering) Do you think they'll happen again tonight, my mom lets me stay awake to see them..."
"Erm, what do you mean hiding in a dumpster is unhygienic? I-I look for the empty ones! I have a clean one with blankets back at Rizawa, and it has some of my favorite plushies that Lock made me! I can give you a tour sometime, hehe!"
"I have nicknames for some people! Null is 'Cabbage Patch', A-Abol...Abolo is 'Tomato Face', Mr.Leraje is...What was the name again...? Oh! Yeah! 'Sea Dragon Who Can't Swim', and Mr.Dellumin is 'I Lost My Arm Because I Was Too Confident'!"

Lock is a toymaker who specializes in making plushies, he mainly makes plushies of whoever he finds 'unique' or deems a friend. He may seem shy at first, though he will brighten up at the very mention of something he likes. Due to being made out of pure ice/Glascisin, he is very cold most of the time, sometimes to the point that it hurts, due to this, he will happily accept any gifts alike to blankets, or anything what will keep him warm.
For this role, I have no reference - so please feel free to give your own takes!
"If you plan to go to Zinnias, make sure you have a lot of soup- and just pretty much anything that will keep you warm. The cold is more likely to kill you before any monsters do...Huh? Why do I care so much? I want you to be safe, of course..."
"Blizzaire, our Maintainer, died a while ago. They weren't the best of people, but they didn't deserve to die such a cruel death-.."
"I can make you a plushie if you'd like, you're pretty interesting!~"

Please (Kamisato) Ayaka from Genshin Impact as a reference! Though, personal takes are allowed!
Illumin is a part of Null's group, the one which is attempting to stop Fatali Stellae and gain allies to help - A lot of people tend to describe her as a mysterious person who 'holds back her abilities, which always ends in her denying the statement or getting confused, all she really cares about is her friends, skills with her sword and saving everyone.
Due to Illumin being one of the main protagonists, all work will be unpaid until the Kickstarter is successful, please do not audition if you're not fine with this!
"You should try this food, William! It's always nice to try new things every once in a while, so, take this~ It's only a slice of pizza, anyway! I'm sure you'd like it."
[Annoyed] "Could you just stop fighting for a SINGLE moment? Don't make me bring myself into this JUST to split it up...!"
"O-Ow! Okay, okay! You lot, let's just head back to the house, these plants really hurt!... Wait, they're not plants?... Um, brambles...? Alright but- Can we just hurry up?"

I have nobody for you to reference from for Riff. Please include your own takes in your auditions!
Riff, also known as Mika, was the 1st previous leader within Fatali Stellae. She quit due to unknown reasons, though she still has some associations with them - Her main 'job' nowadays is running her band with Jinyun, Petulia and Elmira, along with Komiker occassionally tagging along.
"Why do you want me to help you? I-I mean, I left Fatali Stellae only for the treatment I was getting, not because I don't support them."
"Music is my new passion, not destroying things...- and people. Jinyun, Petulia, and Elmira have given me new opportunities, I'm not leaving them just because of this bullshit..."
[Irritated] "How lovely! You again...Setsubun, this is your last warning. Scram. Now."

I have no reference for Victoria, please include your own takes!
Victoria is a part of an organisation in Aternitas, one responsible for all sorts of machinery and materials. She is very energetic and will happily take extra time to work for some strange reason — though most people just assume it's due to how passionate she is about her job and what she does.
"Need help fixing something? You should call me, I'm always up for the job!" [nervous laughter] "...I mean it."
"Sonnet says I'm too enthusiastic towards working, and the others say I'm doing it just for the money...But honestly, I think it's quite fun fixing and making all sorts of machinery!~"
"So, have you seen that Felix guy? I don't like him at all, but he always buys from us, so at least I know we have work!... Huh? Why don't I like him? Well, he curses all the time, and he just has a really strange vibe to him, he feels...uh...He feels and acts like humans used to!"

I have no reference for Valefar, you can include your own takes!
A former time-traveller who happened to become stuck in the Riven — he is in an alliance with Genesis and Aphros, with the three now being 'Deities'.
He often relies on dark humour and isn't the nicest of all people, though you can at least get a conversation out of him, unlike Aphros.
“Aphros! Hey! What're you up to at this hour? I get that if you look at stars for ages, you'll find something new, but... Erm, don't you think it'd be nice to take a break?”
“Genesis is... Certainly someone! Haha, I really don't get along with him nowadays but... Nevermind.”
“I managed to mess up time TWICE, did you know that? One was unintentional, the other was intentional!... It's funny seeing some people not even notice, but Aphros' reaction is the best!”

No exact reference for Aphros, you can include your own takes! Though, I do imagine Aphros with a low yet 'gentle' tone of voice.
He existed before humans and all life, said to be omnipotent, all-loving, omnibenevolent…He was like 'God'; He would always remain a being above mortal understanding. Though beneath all of this are extremely sinister intentions, a person at the edge of the Universe forever plans and deceives people to this very day with his so-called ‘assistance’.
Aphros is an antagonist/villian within Rivenverse, please don't mistake him to be a nice person! It's just to 'decieve' people.
“Yes, my title is 'Aphros, The Almighty', though it was given to me by mortals, I didn't have any other Divine entity grant it to me.”
“Stargazing is... Something to keep me calm, it's not hobby, really.” [Light chuckle] “You should try it one time, I think you'd find it quite relaxing.”
“Ah, Null... Take a seat, you'll be here for a while. I have alot that I'd like to say to you.”

Please use Wildberry Cookie (The one with pink hair, not the hooded one) from Cookie Run Kingdom as a reference.
An old friend of Vasalias, along with being the infamous traveller of Graymoor. He used to own a cottage in Graymoor with his family, though after a certain incident with the 'King' — He was kicked out of his home, and his family was executed.
“Please don't confuse me and Sven, we're clearly different people, he is a human, while I am...” [grumble] “... Whatever you want to call me, I guess. But we're VERY different!”
“Dear lord...— You're just like your father; You look like you're about to kill me, but you just want to give me something like a cookie. Please, fix your mannerisms before you scare someone shitless...”
[Annoyed] “Hmmmmm? What did you say? You're not a disturbance? Well, sorry I don't want to get myself caught! Back at the citadel, they all think I'm dead! I was supposedly 'executed'...So, if you want to hang around with me, I suggest you be ALOT more quieter!”
Public Submissions