Pokémon Revolations (animated series)
Project Overview
Pokémon Revolations is the life story of our main protagonist Kai and how a troubled teenager with no foreseeable future goes on a journey through the brand new Kala Region, Looking to find his purpose in life and help as many people he can along the way. It will be a combination style of animation between a top down gba Pokémon sprite style( ex: Pokémon rusty by Dorkly, or any of gumbino's Pokémon skits) and traditional 2d anime art styles with 2d fight scenes like (ex; Super Mario bros z or death battle). This will most likely be a monthly series uploaded onto my YouTube channel Revolation Gaming as well as its own person channel which will go more into world building and explaining the characters more in depth.
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Is the mother of the main character only shows up briefly at the start of the show and she will have more appearances more near the end of the show. She's a super caring mother but has a short temper. She also is a single working mom so she is constantly worrying about the main character and his siblings. if the pilot episode does well this will become a full character and spot in the series and pay will increase.
- female adult
Wake up….. Wake up!!!................WAKE UPPPP Kai!!!!!
Get up and get yourself ready for school...uh i can’t keep taking care of you everyday you have to grow up ...
huh anyway i'm leaving for work,we're going to have a talk when I get back you got that.

May is a Pokémon trainer hailing from the hoenn region and is temporarily taking over the position of head Pokémon researcher in the kala region after the original head of research just retired. Now the international Pokémon research association must find a new person located within the region to take over here position but until that happens she must take over all duties of her current position which includes giving the graduating trainers at the Pokémon academy there very first starter Pokémon. May is not really into Pokémon research but does it in order to help her father and spend a little time away from home.
- female young adult
Well i dont know the answer to that question but im sure we can figure it out
If you go out and collect data for me i can stay here and relax on the beach
Look kid i can get u a Pokémon by tomorrow but if you mess this up i wont help you again

The main rival of the main character. he grew up with the main character and ended up making a promise to him that they would become rivals and great Pokémon trainers. More towards his teen years he became bitter and believed because of his exceptional battling skills that he was better than everyone else. It leads him to have a loner life style where he's always by himself and extremely confident in his ability's. he's very harsh but will open himself up later across the series.
- male teen
Is that really the best you can do???
Stop being such a little whiney baby, god why did i get paired up with you.
You got lucky once trust me it wont happen again!

Jack is a minor rival to the main character and is a part of the small friend group that will travel the region together. he's a very thoughtful person but also pretty disingenuous. He has a quick temper when things don't go his way but realizes he has an anger problem and tries his best to be self aware.
- male teen
- american (southern)
Wow you actually left town i was pretty sure you were going to stay behind.
I dont care if you beat me next time ill shove that ball right up your....!!!!!
alright, alright you got me happy now....

Brendan is another minor rival to the main character and travels around with the small main group around the region. He's a extremely laid back person, who loves to eat and sleep. He also ends up being extremely lazy but is pretty smart and often finds himself getting through the harder challenges in life easier then most.
- male teen
Do we really have to go there now I'm kind of hungry.....
Your thinking to much just feel like you can win and you will, know what i mean
You just had to wake me up from my nap huh... well you better make this interesting....

Collin is another minor rival to the main character. He travels around in the small group of friends as they go across the region. Collin is super energetic and self confident. If there something he cant do or somewhere he hasn't been he's always the first one to run after it. although this eagerness ends up getting him into trouble more often than you would think.
- male teen
Come on we've barely done anything yet i was looking to already be to the next town by now
How many Pokémon have you caught now im already half way through my dex
Im not going to lose ill keep coming back over and over until i beat you!!!

Chester is a really small side rival that makes appearances throughout the series he's constantly fighting with his older brother and overall is a pretty competent trainer. He's just extremely antisocial and hates being around people. Slowly over the series he will open up and start to become more open with many people throughout the region..
- male teen
Thanks....for that....see ya
No my brother is an idiot who talks a whole lot when he really should be listening
You like video games to.....wow your the first person I've met that likes something similar to me.
Looking for someone to sing the opening to the piolet
Imma go and do that shit I always wanted to Tired of acting like not giving fucks is something so damn cool
Done with feeling safe and sound Comfort zones, I ain’t allowed
Go where I’m need to be found I’m gon turn my life around
Looking for an extra animator to get more scenes done quickly. Looking for 2d tradition anime style animation. (similar to naruto,bleach, dragon ball Ect).
*Say something you think would fit*
Someone i can send the first draft to and bounce ideas off of for the series to improve.
*Say something you think would fit*
Someone who can help me edit scenes and moments to the next level.
*Say something you think would fit*
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