Pokémon Revolations (animated series)
kyra for May Birch

May is a Pokémon trainer hailing from the hoenn region and is temporarily taking over the position of head Pokémon researcher in the kala region after the original head of research just retired. Now the international Pokémon research association must find a new person located within the region to take over here position but until that happens she must take over all duties of her current position which includes giving the graduating trainers at the Pokémon academy there very first starter Pokémon. May is not really into Pokémon research but does it in order to help her father and spend a little time away from home.
- female young adult
Well i dont know the answer to that question but im sure we can figure it out
If you go out and collect data for me i can stay here and relax on the beach
Look kid i can get u a Pokémon by tomorrow but if you mess this up i wont help you again

My discord is kyrakyrakitty. I wish you the best with the project! (Sorry, I accidentally submitted without writing the description!)