Pokémon insurgence comic dub Act 2

Pokémon insurgence comic dub Act 2

Project Overview

Editors  and a few new Voice actors who are willing to volunteer and don’t require payment are needed fo help edit  and voice my Pokémon insurgence comic dub series. The first dub is already out on YouTube but we are now really short on editors and need a bit more voice actors . You must have discord to help join this project so I can invite you into the comic dub server. If you love Pokémon and Pokémon fan games, this may be a project you’re interested in.   You also must have discord.

This will be posted on YouTube. You Also must be 18+ or older to audition And have a clear mic. 

my Deivnatart: https://www.deviantart.com/kiritost/gallery

my Doscord is CyberKiritost #9598 

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Latest Updates

  • More to come so still follow!

    Hey guys! I will be posting more roles soon for characters around the end of October! Still follow this project ! I also wanted to thank everyone for your previous auditions!! Feel free to contact me on my discord if any questions or interesting in recommending a friend of this project! Thank you and have a great day!
  • More roles coming soon

    Hey guys! Thank you for everyone who auditioned for these roles. We managed to find a 3rd editor and a couple of new voice dub actors too! However don’t worry more roles for characters will be opening up soon in the end of October!! So still be sure to follow this project guys!!
Video Editor
Video Editor
Editor 3

Someone who can work on a deadline with getting editing done for comic dubs.

  • Say something you think would fit

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Natsumi the Buizel
Role assigned to: Nuclear RvsB

Natsumi the buizel is a hardworking water type Pokémon who likes to train hard and battle his heart out. He likes to protect the Pokémon on route 2 from harsh humans and Pokémon who pose a threat, Natsumi has a huge resentment towards electric type Pokémon.

  • “ You need to get out of here, electric types aren’t welcomed here!”

  • “ Alright, if you defeat me, I will join your team. However if I manage to win, you and your trainer leave us and this route’s Pokémon alone.”

  • “ I guess we’ll call it a tie. You are a very strong opponent.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Orion the Suntouched Gym Leader
Role assigned to: JustAlek

Orion is a young Gym leader from Suntouched City. He has a firey spirit.  Some people of the city thinks he has an imaginary friend or is just crazy because he talks to a small white rock that he keeps with him at all times. But be warned he is not to be underestimated in battle.

  • “ Wekcome to the Suntouched city Gym! My name is Orion! And who might you be challenger?”

  • “Huh? Oh! sorry, I was just talking to my friend. Nobody can really hear him except for me.”

  • ” As you may know I use fire and grass type Pokémon in my Gym. I may be short, but I’m very strong!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Eevora the Eevee
cast offsite

Eevora a shiny Eevee and is Nora’s partner Pokémon in my Pokémon insurgence comic. She is very cheerful and happy. But when it comes to battling she is a real pro at it. She cares very much for Nora and will protect her to the very end.

  • “ Hi I’m Eevora!( EE- VORA). It’s very nice to meet you! Wow so you must be the trainer that mew chose!”

  • Nora don’t get too ahead of yourself. You still need to make it through your semifinal battle!

  • You Must be a delta Pokémon too. A pink bulbasaur, that’s something I have never seen before.”


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