Pokemon Abridged - FireRed/LeafGreen - Season 2
Project Overview
What is this?
This is Pokemon Abridged: FireRed/LeafGreen!
This project will be a series of videos on YouTube in typical "Abridged" fashion. Each episode will be relatively short, approximately 10-15 minutes each. The series will loosely follow the events of the game, aiming to be a faithful but silly adaptation of the game's plot. The characters in this will be NOTHING like what you're used to, leading to a lot of unexpected humor. This is, first and foremost, a comedy series.
Season 1 ended up being a huge success, garnering nearly one thousand subscribers and over 50,000 combined views on YouTube. Season 2 picks up where Season 1 left off, and will cover the next five episodes of the series. You can watch Season 1 on this YouTube channel, which I recommend so you can get a feel for the series.
Requirements:Actors should be ready for several months of commitment. This is especially true for the main and recurring characters, who will have to commit to several seasons of this. However, if you wish to voice only a single, minor character in one episode, further commitment is not needed.
As this is a comedy series, comedic timing will be important in making it work. As the director and the editor, a lot of that responsibility falls to me, but I still expect actors to work with me to get timing down as needed. The ability to read and speak quickly, and to mimic me when I give instructions over a call, are preferred for this project.
Actors will need high-quality microphones to allow for clean audio, with as little echoing as possible.
The #1 rule I have is this: Have fun! When you audition, and if you are chosen, have fun with your lines! Considering this is a fandub, I'm sure most if not all of you who audition are fans of the original, just as I am. Let's do it justice, and make a great thing, together!
A few notes:Discord is not required, but it is recommended as we utilize it to organize group rehearsals, deliver announcements, and distribute the script (it's also been an incredibly useful tool for getting to know the people affiliated with the project and we've had a fair bit of fun with it). Once the cast has been chosen, Discord would be the easiest way to communicate with the various actors and get rehearsals and recordings set up, so that I can provide real-time feedback as lines get delivered. Again, Discord is not required, but IS strongly recommended.
And that's it! I look forward to hearing your auditions! Good luck, everyone!
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The captain of the SS Anne. He has a belly ache.
- english
- male senior
(seasick) Oh, why did I eat all that lasanga? Why, oh why, oh why?
(in a hurry) Attention, crew, this is your captain! Full speed ahead!
(relieved) Ah. Thank you for helping me feel better, young trainer.
A gentle man who cares about raising Pokemon.
- english
- male senior
Hello there! Welcome to my Pokemon Daycare! How can I help you today?
(uneasy) Sir, when exactly do you plan on returning to pick up your Rattata?
(defeated) Wow. What an asshole.
The character who keeps Red from entering Saffron City. Speaks with authority.
- english
- male adult
Halt! Where do you think you're going?
The toll to enter Saffron City is five thousand dollars!
Oh, we've got a joke here, do we? A wise guy, eh?
- english
- male adult
Raichu, hit him with a Thunderbolt!
I call every Trainer who enters my gym "Baby".
Electric Pokemon saved me during the war! They zapped my enemies into paralysis!
The ghost of a dead Marowak inside of Lavender Town's Pokemon Tower. A motherly voice, but also a bit spooky.
- english
- female adult
(spooky) Oooh, ooOOOOOOooo!
(ghostly) Retrieve the Silph Scope!
(angry ghost) Get out of here! Leave this place!
One of Professor Oak's assistants. Rewards Red throughout his journey for being a good Pokemon Trainer.
- english
- male adult
Hello, Red! Do you remember me? I'm one of Professor Oak's aides!
If you have caught 10 or more Pokemon, I am to give you the HM for Flash!
Ah, the inspiration of youth. I remember when I had that kind of energy.
A young girl who resides at Mr. Fuji's house in Lavender Town.
- english
- female child
(very happy) Isn't Mr. Fuji just the greatest?
(sad) Mr. Fuji isn't here. He went away yesterday and he hasn't come back.
(scared) It's a g-g-ghost house?
- english
- male teen
(annoyed) Hey, kid! You're ruining my date with my girlfriend!
(apologetic) I'm sorry, honey! I'm trying my best to make this work out!
(buttering up) Gia, darling, my sweet, you KNOW how I feel about you!
Girlfriend of Jes. Her date is being ruined.
- english
- female teen
(uneasy) Jes... do you think I'm fat?
(accusing) It's my sister, isn't it? Do you like her more than me?
(crying) I never want to see you again! My night is ruined!
A man who is sick and tired of the never getting what he wants in the world.
- english
- male adult
(persuasive) I want you to join our cause, Trainer. We can give you anything you want.
(angry) I'm not talking about taking down some renegade tax den!
(however you wish to do this line) I'm tired of the government running my life. Aren't you? Don't you wish you could change that?
Public Submissions