Pokemon Abridged - FireRed/LeafGreen

Pokemon Abridged - FireRed/LeafGreen

Project Overview

What is this?

This is Pokemon Abridged: FireRed/LeafGreen

This project will be a series of videos on YouTube in typical "Abridged" fashion. Each episode will be relatively short, approximately 10-15 minutes each. The series will loosely follow the events of the game, aiming to be a faithful but silly adaptation of the game's plot. The characters in this will be NOTHING like what you're used to, leading to a lot of unexpected humor. This is, first and foremost, a comedy series.

This CCC project, specifically, is only for Season 1. Further seasons will be produced, but this is set up just to get the project underway. The scripts for Season 1 are all done, and work has already begun on recording footage that will be used for video, so once everyone is cast, work can begin in earnest.

If you are not cast in this particular season, not to worry, there will be more seasons coming up, so be sure to follow for future announcements!

The series will be posted to this YouTube channel, so make sure to subscribe! 


Actors should be ready for several months of commitment. This is especially true for the main and recurring characters, who will have to commit to several seasons of this. However, if you wish to voice only a single, minor character in one episode, further commitment is not needed.

As this is a comedy series, comedic timing will be important in making it work. As the director and the editor, a lot of that responsibility falls to me, but I still expect actors to work with me to get timing down as needed. The ability to read and speak quickly, and to mimic me when I give instructions over a call, are preferred for this project.

Actors will need high-quality microphones to allow for clean audio, with as little echoing as possible. 

The #1 rule I have is this: Have fun! When you audition, and if you are chosen, have fun with your lines! Considering this is a fandub, I'm sure most if not all of you who audition are fans of the original, just as I am. Let's do it justice, and make a great thing, together!

A few notes:

Discord is not required, but it is recommended as we utilize it to organize group rehearsals, deliver announcements, and distribute the script (it's also been an incredibly useful tool for getting to know the people affiliated with the project and we've had a fair bit of fun with it). Once the cast has been chosen, Discord would be the easiest way to communicate with the various actors and get rehearsals and recordings set up, so that I can provide real-time feedback as lines get delivered. Again, Discord is not required, but IS strongly recommended.

And that's it! I look forward to hearing your auditions! Good luck, everyone!

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Red is the main character of this series. He is selfish, short-tempered, has a lot of mood swings, and believes the world revolves around him. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • (happy) Charmeleon, you evolved! I'm so proud of you! I promise I'll never take you for granted again!

  • (laughing rudely) Hahaha! No way! There’s NO WAY that’s your name! Brock?! Like, just “rock” with a B at the front? Bahaha!

  • (angry, very loud) It must be embarrassing to be a noob like you, Little Jimothy! I actually feel bad for your parents, having to deal with an embarrassment like you!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Blue Oak
Role assigned to: SleepingWooloo

Blue is actually a super-sweet person, probably the nicest boy you'll ever meet. He's always very cheery. "Golly-gee-mister" vibes.

Voice description:
  • male teen
  • (cheerful) Hey, Red! What a coincidence, seeing you here!

  • (very scared) Red, seriously! My Pokemon are in no condition to battle! I've got to get to a Pokemon Center!

  • (under his breath) Goddammit, Red.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Professor Oak
Role assigned to: RB Sounds-Voice actor

Professor Oak is very close to his stereotypical self here. Very kind, but a little eccentric. 

Voice description:
  • male senior
  • (enthusiastic) Hello there! Glad to meet you! My name is Oak, and this is the world of Pokemon!

  • (nostalgic) It was once my dream to catch every Pokemon in the world, but I am old now. Fulfill my dream for me, boys!

  • (excited) Ah, this is the new Poke Ball I ordered!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Red's Mother
Role assigned to: thesleepingswirls

Red's mom only makes a brief appearance, but she's very enthusiastic about Red going off on his journey--for one reason or another.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • (calling, calm) Red, it's time to come downstairs!

  • (overly enthusiastic) It's hard to believe that you're all grown up already!

  • (sensual) Oh yes. He's very old... And very... experienced.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Infectiouspink - Voice Talent

Susie is a sweet girl who's the granddaughter of the catch tutorial guy. 

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • (apologetic) I’m sorry, kid, Grandpa had a bit too much “glug-glug” last night.

  • (angry) Bro, that’s my grandfather you’re talking about!

  • (cheerfully) Grandpa had his coffee, and he’s much better now.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Justin Groats

An eccentric fool, and probably a conspiracy theorist. 

Voice description:
  • male senior
  • (yelling) Lance stole the election! He stole it, I tell you!

  • (still yelling) We will build a wall between us and Johto and make them pay for it!

  • (very calm) Do you know how to catch a Pokemon? Here, let me teach you!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: SlimSamVO

The clerk at the Poke Mart.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Ah, yes, Professor Oak called and said to expect you.

  • (serious) It's very important that you take this straight to Professor Oak. Very important.

  • (enthusiastically) You got two Great Balls!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy
Role assigned to: shattersoflight

The nurse at the Pokemon Center.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • (happy) Thank you for waiting! Your Pokemon are back to full health!

  • (annoyed) You do realize that none of this is free, right?

  • (fighting to be pleasant) Sure. I'll take good care of your Pokemon. Thanks for coming in. Thanks a lot.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: TheRealDrum

The ref starts with a can-do attitude and encourages Red. But after a few gyms, he's so defeated by Red's rudeness that he's a shell of his former self.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • (excited) Hi there, and welcome to the Pewter City Gym!

  • (shocked) You found a Shiny Zubat?!

  • (absolutely defeated) Misty isn't here. I don't know when she'll be back.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Puzzled Pete

Travis is an old man who assists Red. The oldest man you can imagine.

Voice description:
  • male senior
  • You'll have to forgive young Master Joey. He gets a bit excited with his Rattata.

  • Back so soon? We usually don't have repeat visitors.

  • Now that you're all patched up, I shall point you in the direction of Bill's house!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Light-years Trainer
Role assigned to: Mauly

This is a unique role. You will be required to improvise your lines for several minutes at a time. Please ONLY audition using the provided lines, but know that if you are cast, you will be given a blank page and expected to make up your lines.

Voice description:
  • male teen
  • Halt! You are light-years away from getting to Brock!

  • (nerdy) Actually, when you think about it, light-years are actually the best way to describe what I'm saying.

  • (gasping for breath) Which started over three hundred years ago, followed by eight months of darkness.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: J Ros

Hartman is a buff military man and yells every single thing he says.

Voice description:
  • male adult



Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: SleepingWooloo

Bill is a genius. Except when he's stuck in a bind. Like he is for the entirety of his appearance here.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • (screaming) Help me, please!

  • (crying) Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!

  • (shocked) There's only ONE ticket? Misty, you bitch!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Team Rocket Grunts

Multiple actors will be cast for this. The grunts are a mixture of personalities, genders, and ages. Season 1 will only have two Team Rocket grunts, but more will be necessary in later seasons.

  • (sneaky) Hey, Gary, take a look at all these Pokemon I stole!

  • (triumphantly) Team Rocket will take over the world, and there's nothing you can do to stop us!

  • (surprised) I lost? I really lost? But... but I had a Zubat!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kid Trainers

These are roles for Pokemon Trainers that are under the age of 10, both male and female. Very childlike voices. Multiple actors will be cast.

  • Wow, you're really strong, mister!

  • Check out my Rattata! It's super strong!

  • (crying) I lost! I lost! Mommy!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Older Pokemon Trainers

These are Pokemon Trainers over the age of 10; the age range will be from teenager through elder, male and female. Multiple actors will be cast for these roles.

  • Hey, you there! I challenge you to a Pokemon battle!

  • Why are you stealing people's Pokemon? Who do you think you are? Team Rocket?

  • (under breath) I knew I should have gone to boarding school instead.


Public Submissions

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