Planet Humans - QnA with the characters

Project Overview

Hello! I am Zeusko, and I have a youtube channel where i often post shorts about the humanized versions of the solar system(and others!). I am planning a QnA video with the characters and thought it would be a fun idea to have it voice acted.

In the link I added I have some ideas about the voices, but It doesn't have to be identical- give your own spin on it if you want.

If you'd like to learn a bit more about these characters before voicing them just watch some of the shorts or ask me anything, there shouldn't be too much content.

As for payment, The video will be monetized and if it gets a dencend amout of return I will be paying the voice actors. I imagine 5 to 10 dolars to each VA, unless it ends up getting really popular, but i doubt it lol. The payment will be made through paypal and we will communicate through here or e-mail.

Thank you so much.

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  • We did it!

    For anyone who might've not seen it, the project was completed and released!

    you can watch it here:

    Thank you to everyone who auditioned and all who have been following this project! see you in the next one!

  • Casting Call results!

    All auditions have been listened to and carefully discussed, and after many hours of confabulation, they've finally been chosen!
    I will get in contact soon and send the scripts and everything. If you've been cast, feel free to send a message!
    I want to thank all who auditioned once again, they were all incredible and i honestly wish we could cast multiple people for some characters haha... thank you so much!

  • Auditions are closed!

    The Auditions have finally closed, wich means the roles will be cast soon! I really didn't expect over 200 auditions!!!! Every audition will be listened to in the course of this week, hopefully.
    Thank you to all who participated and auditioned!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: LmaoD4C

The sun is a popular, somewhat egocentric guy. He worries about his reputation and loves going to parties and meet-ups to mingle with others and meet new people that can shower him with their praise and admiration. He likes cracking jokes and keeping a light mood, cheering people up; but sometimes that can lead to him ignoring important things.

Important info if you haven't seen this content before: 

-He used to have a relationship with Earth, but it went wrong and Earth pretty much hates him now.

-Earth's younger sister has a crush on Sun.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • mid-range
  • confident
  • PJ Byrne
  • (unsure,pondering) In a perfect world? yes? maybe! But it would be too much of a pain.

  • (teasing) Aww don't be like that. We could be bestiess!

  • (trying to dodge a question) Ehhh, I mean...she's nice and all! But...that would be too much of a dick move, even for me...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: NickBenWong

Mercury is a shady chemistry major who spends most of the time playing games and still gets perfect grades. A bit of a gremlin, he likes knowing about everything that happens in the college campus everyone attends, and has connections with lots of people. Mercury has plenty of self-confidence and isn't shaken down by most things.  His voice is usually snarky or doesn't show too much excitement. He's also everyone's dealer.

  • english
Voice description:
  • snarky
  • male young adult
  • low-medium range
  • eric vale
  • Nasal
  • (dismissive) well...They say the best company is yourself. I don't want a team of low-ranks stalling me- I'd just carry everyone anyway.

  • (weirded out) Do you ever do ANY of your essays? If I wasn't such a greedy bastard, I'd have stopped making them for you by now.

  • (unbothered) It makes no difference whatsoever. I just can't reach shelves sometimes. But that's what tall friends are for!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Mustard

Venus is everyone's crush. She is confident, she is pretty, she is smart, she has it all! She can be a bit vapid sometimes, worrying too much about her appearance, but will always support her colleagues with wise advice. She loves fashion and anything with hearts on it. A hopeless romantic, she is head-over-heels with Uranus, but it's completely one-sided. She is the type to post everything on social media, much to her bff Earth's demise. A focused and determined socialite, her voice should translate that confidence with a hint of warmness of a truly accepting person that likes to have fun.

  • english
Voice description:
  • mid to low-range
  • warm
  • female young adult
  • Sweet
  • confident
  • (reminiscing) She thinks we underestimate her - I think she is still upset about being expeled and decided to take it out on us. *shrug* If she ever wants to make up, I've got my arms wide open.

  • (excited) This is SO CUTE!! I need to buy, like, a bunch of these NOWW!!!!

  • (pensive) *Sigh* I really do worry sometimes. At first, he wouldn't leave his bed. But he's improving and i'm really proud of him!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
cast offsite

Earth is a mess. He has been down in the dumps for a while, not that he was ever a super cheerful guy. He doesn't take good care of himself and is done with everyone's shit. Impatient and acid, he can be a pessimistic jerk sometimes. He has a passion for photography and nature, but hasn't been able to focus on these recently. He cares a lot about his sister, since their parents aren't around, leaving him to raise her for a while. Had a nasty breakup with Sun and absolutely hates him for what he did. Still, he is very loyal and protective of the ones he cares about. 

His voice should sound tired and somewhat grumpy sometimes.

  • eglish
Voice description:
  • tired
  • male young adult
  • Jerry Jewell
  • mid to low-range
  • (flustered, grumpy) Ooh no. There's no way in HELL I'm answering that.

  • (mocking, half smiling) I'm not gonna die. Ya'll are. *monstrously sick cough*

  • (done with it, slightly angry)I swear, this guy.... Get off the alt account, Mars!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: JadedPencil

Mars is a questionable guy. He has some kind of need for attention and will do the worst things to get a reaction out of people, even thought he doesn't consciously know it. He is a huge fan of aliens and nerd stuff. He spits out conspiracy theories constantly, anything to excuse his flaws. He is bitter and angry, but really lonely too. Uranus is the only person who tolerates his nonsense, wich softens him up a bit. He looks up to Uranus a lot, as in his delusional head, Uranus is  the representation of an "Alpha male" - truth is, he just has a massive crush on him and won't EVER admit it to himself.

Need a voice who is constantly on the verge of breaking down and gets riled up very easily.

Voice description:
  • grumpy
  • satya bhabha
  • male young adult
  • raspy
  • low-mid range
  • Angry
  • (confused) Y-you...want to hear theories? Is that what I heard or...?

  • (angry) *scoff* As if she'd ever REALLY care about him! She's just gonna stick around until some chad shows up and then she will LEAVE!!

  • (Excited) Why, of course! In an infinite galaxy, do you really think we are alone in the universe? I think not!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Devvids

Jupiter is the group mom - the responsible one that drives everyone home safely and insists on checking if everyone is using the seatbelt. He's the definition of a gentle giant, being very soft and sweet. He is a little shy but will follow his friends to whatever they wanna do. He is the oldest in a very big family, so he ended up taking up a lot of responsabilities from a young age - wich resulted in a worried guy that has some trouble letting go and having fun. He is good friends with Uranus and Neptune, and often plays board games with them. He loves reading and is a bit of a nerd (think of the nerd emoji). His voice should be gentle with a slight undertone of anxiety.

  • english
Voice description:
  • calm
  • Soft
  • male young adult
  • mid-range
  • adam gibbs
  • (flustered) Aha ha...sure..! uhhh..I don't know what to say...

  • (anxious, doubtful) *inhale* Am I? Am I calm? You might be mistaken.

  • (having fun) *chuckle* Jeez, I guess since you asked nicely....come here!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Star

Saturn is a chill, fun-loving gal. She works as a DJ and loves going to clubs and raves to dance the night away. She doesn't stress about things and is always down for an adventure! She is super close to Uranus, and together they might end up putting themselves in danger....but they'll have fun! She is also good friends with Venus and Sun, and they all go to parties and events together. She has a passion for music and collects disks and tapes. 

Her voice doesn't need to sound like the example, i feel like any range could suit her. It's really more about her relaxed energy.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • any range
  • chill
  • (excited) Oh, digeridoo by Aphex twin goes so. hard. But I'll dance to anything with a beat!

  • (happy) Why, I'm flattered! Let's go out together sometime, sweetheart!

  • (about her rings)They're family heirlooms. I think they give me luck. Also, they look cool as fuck!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Solar

Uranus is a guy who is chill with everything - always in the clouds, unbothered, just living his best life. he can be a bit incomprehensible in his strange ramblings, and some would call him a weird hippie. He is the most patient out of the entire group and never worries or gets angry. He may come off as dumb, but is quite wise when he wants to. He is reckless and does stupid stuff for no reason other than to amuse himself with new experiences and curiosity. He has a hedonistic lifestyle and won't really settle down for anyone. He is true to himself and won't change for anyone. He is into some weird stuff, though.

His voice should be spacey but happy, like he is constantly under the influence (cause most likely, he is.)

Voice description:
  • relaxed
  • Stoner
  • johnny simmons
  • male young adult
  • (content) Free food! yeaaaaaaa babyy!!

  • (relaxed) Nooo, dude. I love everyone equally. my heart is too big for favorites.

  • (thinking)uhh, I had some stomach pain and threw up agressively but it was cool. I'd do it again. :)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: James Michael

Neptune is the one who is in least contact with the group. He mostly just does his own thing, wich is often fishing, taking care of fish or studying fish topics. He is a quiet guy who doesn't speak much unless it's necessary or if he has a funny thing to say. He and his brother can seem like opposites but they get along very well. The one Neptune is closest to is Jupiter, who also likes quieter outings and activities, like a game of monopoly or cards. Neptune is always direct and expects people to be direct and honest with him too, even if it can sound rude sometimes.

His voice is mostly emotionless and soft.

  • english
Voice description:
  • emotionless
  • Soft
  • mid-range
  • male young adult
  • went on a date with a girl i really like. I dressed nice, did my hair, gave her an extensive 30 minute lecture on coelacanths, yet I haven't heard from people please advice

  • My brother is ok. He watches fish documentaries with me, it's nice. But on the other hand, he often doesn't flush the toilet.

  • No.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Honeyydew

Moon is a goody-two-shoes who does her best not to worry her big brother. She keeps things organized and running, and looks up to her brother a lot. When they were younger, she used to be the one to protect him, and still has some traces of that. She likes singing and playing her guitar, but hides the fact that she performs in bars and other places because she fears her brother might get worried about her, and he is already in a pretty bad condition. She studies a lot so that she may enter the same college her brother goes to. She has a huge crush on Sun and wants to be confident like him, but she is scared of revealing her secret habits. She is kind and sweet and gets along with most people.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • Cheerful
  • light
  • high-range
  • (flustered) Oh, uhm... I think he's really cool know,!!

  • (excited,rambling) I have way too many to count! Of course, I named all of them...!!

  • (upset) I wish he wouldn't worry so much about me... I know it's because he cares, but...I want him to trust me too.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Kawiria Creed

Pluto is ...feisty. She gets riled up extremely easily, and ends up saying things without thinking. She likes poking fun at people, but when they retaliate she gets really angry and will scream. She is cynical and sarcastic and likes having the upper hand. She is constantly bitter over being expelled from the college and ended up ruining her friendships while lashing out in frustration and self-hatred, but she is too prideful to apologise. She does wish she would get along with her friends Venus and Earth once again, but is unsure of how to do so. She and Earth sometimes go back and forth trying to annoy each other. She is outspoken and isn't scared of standing her ground and defending what she believes is right, no matter the consequences.

Pluto's voice should be snarky,loud and confident.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • snarky
  • Sarcastic
  • Angry
  • high-range
  • (angry) *scoffs* I guess I'd choose Neptune, because he never says a damn word!

  • (grumpy) Look, I know i messed up, ok? I just don't know how to fix it...don't rub it in.

  • (Proud,confident) Ha! I know, right? When you look THIS perfect, it's hard not to notice...


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