Planet Humans - QnA with the characters

JadedPencil for Neptune

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: James Michael

Neptune is the one who is in least contact with the group. He mostly just does his own thing, wich is often fishing, taking care of fish or studying fish topics. He is a quiet guy who doesn't speak much unless it's necessary or if he has a funny thing to say. He and his brother can seem like opposites but they get along very well. The one Neptune is closest to is Jupiter, who also likes quieter outings and activities, like a game of monopoly or cards. Neptune is always direct and expects people to be direct and honest with him too, even if it can sound rude sometimes.

His voice is mostly emotionless and soft.

  • english
Voice description:
  • emotionless
  • Soft
  • mid-range
  • male young adult
  • went on a date with a girl i really like. I dressed nice, did my hair, gave her an extensive 30 minute lecture on coelacanths, yet I haven't heard from people please advice

  • My brother is ok. He watches fish documentaries with me, it's nice. But on the other hand, he often doesn't flush the toilet.

  • No.

Planet Humans - QnA with the characters
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