- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - [March 16]
Project Overview
After recently playing the trilogy on my 3DS I kept thinking "How fun would it be to do a dub of this?" so after a lot of consideration I decided to go ahead and do this project.I have been doing dubbing for 4 years now and have directed for a good 2 years. It has been awhile sense I have directed so I will be a little rusty BUT I am ready to get back into it. Anyway enough about myself and onto the project, I currently am only doing one case. But that may change depending on the team and the want to do the other cases. Even one episode of a dub is ALOT of hard work!Also I want everyone to have fun with this dub, I want it to be taken professionally as well. I am very open to talking to people about lines and parts and I am not afraid to start skype calls with everyone and rehearse the script. I am extremely excited to be doing this and I hope everything will go well.
1.) Have a good mic! I cant not stress this enough! I do not want to hear any background noise in your mic, also beware of puffs and spikes.
2.) Be kind to everyone that is casted! Again can not stress enough! Please respect your fellow cast members and your director.
3.) Stay in contact! This is key! When you audition for this project be aware that you may get the part which means you are dedicating yourself to this project. Please do not drop of the face of the earth. Be aware of deadlines and have good communication. (Like if you need more time please tell 3 days in advance from the deadline)
4.) Use emotion! Emotion is key! (Excuse me as I chuckle at myself) But seriously don't forget to put your own spin on these characters. I want to see them come alive!
5.) You MUST have a Skype! This makes it easier to get a hold of you along with an email.
6.) In the email tell me your username (VAA or youtube basically the name you want to be credited with) Along with who your auditioning for (Feel free to audition for more then one character)Also your Skype.
7.) name files as such Charactername_Username_Take#
Turnabout Sisters : I decided to start with the second case in the game sense the first one is more of a tutorial then an actual trial.
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Voice Range: High - Medium
looking for: A younger male voice (High in energy)
Why did I become a lawyer in the first place...? Because someone has to look out for the people who have no one on their side
My heart goes out to you, Edgeworth. Not.
Wasn't it you who told me "proof is everything"? Well, I was listening. And now I'll show you the "proof" you like so much!
Voice range- low-medium
Looking for: A little bit of a comical voice, a rough tone.
Anyway, get the name right. And don't go calling me "Dick"...
Umm... well... I hear they take the, um, little bits in the blood, the... er... hemo... hemogl... Hermo... goblins... hobgob... Er...? Herma-goblin bobbin... I-I refuse to testify on this matter, sir! I'm no expert on blood tests!
Voice range: High/ medium/low
Looking for: A seductive voice that also has a crazy side.
I like a man with a big... vocabulary. - seducing the jury
What's it to you, porcupine-head!? - She yells at Phoenix
Bottom-feeding, scum-sucking lawyers!
Vocal range: Low- medium
Looking for: A older tone voice
"Ah... the days of my youth... like the scent of fresh lemon..." you see.
Despite his name, Mr. White has the blackest reputation of any man in this country.
Vocal range: Medium-High
Looking for- A comedic toned voice (If you want to do an accent feel free)
Ah, yes. We plan to install a telescope in that window, of course. Just $5.00 will earn you three minutes of a "view to a kill"!
J-just kidding, sir. Oh hoh hoh hoh!
I feel it will be best to have these characters voiced by the same person. But if needed I will cast two different people.
Voice range: Mia Fey - (Left) Low - Medium
Maya Fey - (Right) Medium- High
Mia lines -
Lies always beget more lies! See through one, and their whole story falls apart!
This is no laughing matter! You did pass the bar didn't you?
I think I feel a migraine coming on...
Maya -
Hey! I'm only 17! That's seven-"teen." See? I'm a teen! Not like you, Nick.
Maya -
Old windbag sure has balls! Or... well, you know what I mean.
Maya -
Um, Nick? You know that problem of yours? That problem where you present evidence that makes no sense? You're doing it again.
Voice range: Low
Looking for: A older tone and a serious voice
Order! Order!
Yes Mr. Wright!
Voice range- Low to medium
looking for: A serious voice, a little broody.
Amateurs, amateurs. Listen to me, Mr. Wright. In the courtroom, proof is everything. Without it, you have nothing. You ARE nothing.
The guilty will always lie, to avoid being found out. There's no way to tell who is guilty and who is innocent! All that I can hope to do is get every defendant declared "guilty"! So I make that my policy.
I object! That was... objectionable!
Voice range: High-Medium
Looking for: High in energy but also scary low tone
Welcome! Please furnish me with the title of your personage! …Your name! What's your name? I was just inquirably asking the title that you go by.
The police... the courts... To me they are mere toys. Playthings for my amusement!
What's wrong? Is something stuck to my face? Why yes! There's my eyes, and my nose, and my mouth.
I didn't realize this website only lets you cast one person soo all that auditioned for Maya please place them here please!
Hey! I'm only 17! That's seven-"teen." See? I'm a teen! Not like you, Nick.
Old windbag sure has balls! Or... well, you know what I mean.
Um, Nick? You know that problem of yours? That problem where you present evidence that makes no sense? You're doing it again.
Public Submissions