Phoenix Rising (Destiny Machinima Movie)

Project Overview
Phoenix Rising is a Machinima Movie based off the lore of the videogame Destiny. It centers around the Battle of Six fronts, and the brash Warlock Osiris, whose refusal to conform to the rules of Humanity's last City lead to conflict between him and the governing body of that City, the Consensus, and its leader, the Speaker.
This is the fourth Destiny Machinima project I've headed on this scale, so I do have some experience in this kind of production. The movie is scheduled to be released sometime around summer 2019, so the voice cast (especially the large and recurring roles of Osiris and Saint-14) will need to be committed and dedicated.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to PM me here
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The central protagonist of the movie, Osiris is a brash and narcissistic Warlock who is discontent with the way the City is run. His outspoken demeanor and obsession with world-conquering robots the Vex lead him into a feud with the Speaker, with dangerous consequences.
Osiris speaks with a deep, smooth voice. An example of what I'm looking for can be found here:
NOTES: Osiris is a very large role, so his voice actor will need to be dedicated to the project. In addition, Osiris will be returning for future projects, so his voice actor will need to be dedicated these as well.
When the Darkness comes, I will face it alone. And I will face it without fear. Can you say the same?
Knowledge should be shared freely among the City, not locked up in archives. If some minds cannot bear the burden, then they must be left behind.
You’re a long way from the Tower, my friend.

A Exo (robot) Titan, Saint-14 is universally adored by the citizens of the City. Despite his calm, stoic, quiet appearance, he is a ferocious fighter who is more than willing to die for the City; and is championed by the City for his heroics at the Battle of Six Fronts. He has a close bond with the Speaker, whom he refers to as "father", and is devoutly loyal to him. His relationship with Osiris is more strained, as the two Guardians are on opposing sides of a growing ideological conflict.
Saint-14 speaks with a deep, calm, soothing voice.
NOTES: Saint-14 is a very large role, so his voice actor will need to be dedicated to the project. In addition, Saint-14 will be returning for future projects, so his voice actor will need to be dedicated these as well.
I’m going out there. Alone, if I have to. And I will face down an army of Fallen to save this City.
I swore an oath to protect this City. And when you became the Vanguard Commander, you swore that same oath.
[Dejected] I don’t think I can do this. I don’t think I’ll survive. But I’m going in anyway.

The Speaker is the City's de facto leader, heading the Consensus and acting as a sort of High Priest to the Guardians. He is considered by many to be a source of hope and inspiration, but to Osiris he is a backstabbing fraud who represents a corrupt autocracy. He has a close relationship with Saint-14, whom he refers to as his "son".
The Speaker talks with a deep. smooth voice, similar to Osiris. An example of what I'm looking for can be found here:
When you decide to play with fire, this City burns with you.
You are more intelligent than any Warlock I’ve ever seen, but you are still arrogant and vain. You may end up making the situation worse.
[Furious] Your heretical dogma is nothing more than baseless propaganda!

A raging, screaming lunatic, Lysander is the leader of the notorious Concordat faction, an anarchist group who want to destroy the Consensus and in particular the Speaker. He is perpetually high-strung and speaks with a slow, dark, scathing tone.
And there we have our opportunity. This City is withering under the rule of the Speaker and the Vanguard. It’s time for a little reform.
I can still go down fighting.
[Quickly, Commanding] Take him!
[Quietly] I wonder what would happen if I took off his helmet. What would I see?

Saint-14's Ghost is his loyal companion and faithful ally. He/She is a quieter, more timid character than her Guardian, and makes only a few appearances.
[Pleading] Don’t do this. Please. I don’t want to lose you.
Osiris has always been good at manipulating people. How do we know this isn’t a trap?
He’s dead alright. So that’s it? We’re done now?

A Vanguard operative, this character makes a few minor appearances, acting as a messenger and reinforcements, among other roles.
: I still gotta do my job, though. You need to get your followers to stand down
Hey, don’t shoot the messenger.
Sir, are you all right?!

Theus is a Titan and an old friend of Saint-14. He is a gruff, solitary figure who leads the City's defense during the Battle of Six Fronts.
[Sighs] Not much I can help you with. Unless you need me to punch something for you.
Hah! That’s stubborn, even for you.
You all came here because you wanted to defend the City. And sometimes, that means breaking the rules.

The Executor is the leader of the New Monarchy, an aristocratic faction that opposes the Concordat. He is a fairly minor character who appears only in a few scenes.
[Tense] When?
Your coup is over, Lysander. The Vanguard’s reinforcements are on their way, and you can’t stand against the entire City.
How long will it take us to prepare a counterattack?

A minor character who is blindly loyal to Lysander and who only appears in a few scenes.
Heh. No, he won’t. I covered my tracks well.
I don’t know, sir.
Sir, our forces are armed and in position. They’re ready to strike on your command.
This New Monarchy messenger is a minor character who only appears in one scene.
We’ve intercepted a message from the Concordat.
We can be ready within the hour, Executor.
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