[PHASE TWO] FE3H DND Visual Novel

[PHASE TWO] FE3H DND Visual Novel

Project Overview

I am making a video on YouTube for my 5e Fire Emblem Three Houses Dungeons and Dragons Campaign. And I decided the editing and presentation would look nice in the style of a visual novel slightly similar to the original game. The original game also has EVERYTHING voice acted. So I'd love to also do that. 

I'm looking for the Blue Lions students and Church members/Faculty! Roles of different types are available!

I don't want impressions of the original voice actors. I want YOUR interpretation of the characters. After all directors don't look for what's already been done they want something new.

This is inspired by a small DnD Campaign I ran with some friends in the setting of the Three Houses world. It is NOT actually a campaign you will be playing in but based off of one.

It's just a video on Youtube using the Ren'py Engine for the Editing.


I ask for a decent microphone that doesn't contain background noise. I'm not the most tech based person and I can't make voice clips sound pretty so if you need to please do that on your own. I recommend VoiceMeeter to block out static and background noise. I use it all the time. It's free!

Discord will be used to communicate so please include yours in the description or in DM's if you are cast, depends on which you are comfortable with. 

This will be a single video uploaded to Youtube. So short term.

Do not nit pick or criticize the way I am telling the story of Three Houses. This is a universe where Byleth does not exist in favor of my player's being in that place. I will also be changing some story plot points if it is in my opinion a flaw of the game.

This is a Blue Lions playthrough but I will be adding in elements from other routes because events in that route shouldn't be locked by choosing a class to teach. Ultimately it will follow the protagonists and their choices. 

This will cover Chapter 1 of the game so there won't be spoilers for major plot points aside from one.

Knowledge of the original game is great but isn't needed. You just gotta be able to make a character seem real. 

Don't be judgmental of orientation, race, sexuality, or gender. I will not work with someone that is closed minded.

This is not a paid gig and is all just for fun.

All credit will be given in the description of the episode listing your username and places to find you.

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Latest Updates


    I'm officially posting phase three of auditions for my project. The deadline for that is Sept. 20! Here's the link! https://www.castingcall.club/projects/phase-three-fe3h-dnd-visual-novel

    I've decided to make it the day before originally planned as there are certain events on the 31st that make me unavailable. I'll send out results some time after 4 pm EST.

    I will sent out casting results sometime after 3 pm EST! I'll still be reviewing any auditions before then. So you still have a shot!
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
Role assigned to: StoneTheVA

Crown Prince of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. Known for his chivalry, it seems a darkness may be lurking beneath. House Leader of the Blue Lions. He always has a twinge nervousness in what he says.

  • This will be your first time at the monastery. I'd be happy to show you around.

  • By the way, sometimes you find edible plants among the weeds.

  • I'll admit, it doesn't sit well with me either. After all, we wish to show you due respect.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Edelgard von Hresvelg
Role assigned to: katabelle

Princess and heir apparent of the Adrestian Empire whose steadfast ambition is veiled by her elegant, self-confident demeanor. House Leader of the Black Eagles. 

  • Professor, I want you to know it's perfectly acceptable for you to treat me as you do the others.

  • I may be the Imperial princess, but here at the academy, I'm just another student.

  • That said, know that I have high expectations of you. And high hopes. But I'm certain you can lead the Black Eagle House to greatness.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Claude von Riegan
Role assigned to: DietDrKelpVA

Heir to House Riegan, the leading house of the Leicester Alliance. Employs both an easygoing attitude and an effortless skill for scheming. House Leader of the Golden Deer. 

  • Don't tell me. You choose this class just to get to know me better, right? I'm flattered, really.

  • Heh, whoops. Now that your our professor, maybe I should choose my words my more carefully.

  • But if it's something silly like, "My ancestors were cursed, therefore I'm cursed," you should know that I won't accept that nonsense. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dedue Molinaro
Role assigned to: RedfieldSG

A man from Duscur who was spared from his people genocide by Dimitri. Owes him his life and is his most faithful servant.

  • Your Highness. Do take care not to go overboard.

  • Please do not eat the weeds.

  • Chef Deddles? (Dead-uls)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sylvain Hose Gautier
Role assigned to: Jaxxzy

The skirt-chasing heir of House Gautier and bearer of a minor crest of the same name. He is very suave in the way he speaks.

  • Such benevolence is a sight to behold!  

  • I don't suppose you'd care to join me for tea?

  • We could discuss education...and marriage.  

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Felix Hugo Fraldarius
Role assigned to: dazzerbee

The sharp-tongued heir of House Fraldarius who challenges any person he deems strong to a duel. Bearer of a Major Crest of Fraldarius. He always sounds uncompassionate towards others. 

  • Control yourself, Sylvain. I have more important matters to discuss with our new professor.

  • Come to the training ground later. There, you will show me what your capable of.

  • [Angerly] I know your there, show yourself you ghost.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ashe Ubert
Role assigned to: dazzerbee

A former thief adopted by Lord Lonato. Aspires to be a knight like his adoptive older brother. He always sounds hopeful for the future.

  • Pardon me, but I would also love to observe you in battle, for future refence. If that's ok with you.

  • Professor? I had a question.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ingrid Brandl Galatea
Role assigned to: Ren

The knightly and chivalrous member of House Galatea and holder of a Minor Crest of Daphnel. She's very firm and direct with her piers, almost like a big sister.  

  • Huh, I never thought of it that way.

  • Well, if that's how you feel, I suppose you'll just stay behind while the rest of us are on the training ground?

  • When you where 8, you hit on my granny! My poor granny!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mercedes von Martritz
Role assigned to: Ribz/Rebecca Danae

The adopted daughter of a merchant family with a gentle, easygoing personality. Bearer of a Minor Crest of Lamine. She has a slightly higher-toned register than most other females.

  • If you get injured, simply say the word and I'll patch you up straight away!

  • You're my closest friend, and nothing will ever change that, Annie.

  • The goddess my forgive you...but I won't! Check yourself before you wreck yourself!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Annette Fantine Dominic
Role assigned to: Senri

The intelligent yet absent-minded estranged daughter of Gilbert and heir to House Dominic, bearer of the Minor Crest of Dominic. She sounds slightly younger than others.

  • Wait! Does this mean our new professor is... No! I can't beileve it!

  • But I was speaking to you so casually, as though we were companions!

  • Oh, Merice (Mercy), will we always stay as close as we are now? So much has changed...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jeralt Reus Eisner
Role assigned to: Peter Nye77

Jeralt is the former Captain of the knight's of Seiros. Though left 18 years ago in favor of the life of a mercenary. No one really knew why he left, there are many rumors but one regarding his family seems to be the favored answer of most. Very gruff sounding.

  • I told you before, it's far from here, we'll need to leave at dawn. 

  • Hm? Oh, good grief everyone is already waiting for us outside.

  • You seem...familiar...but I'm not quite sure. Have we met before?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Ren

Rhea is the Archbishop of the Central Church of Sieros. As one might expect from someone with this role she is benevolent, kind, and compassionate. Though she is tolerant of others ideologies those who act in violence towards the faith or damage holy spaces are punishable by death, she labels this as the goddess' judgement. She sounds very motherly.

  • I wonder...did the flow of time bring you here?

  • From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for saving those students of the Officer's Academy.

  • Jeralt. You already know what I wish to say, do you not?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Addled Mindsets

Seteth is the older brother of Flayn and the Archbishop's second-in-command, chief aide to Rhea since being summoned in 1159. He always sounds as if he's analyzing something.

  • Thank you for your patience Jeralt.

  • My name is Seteth. I am the advisor to the archbishop.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Senri

Flayn is Seteth's younger sister. She first came to the monastery in the year 1179 and has wanted to become a student at the Officer's Academy but due to her brother's overprotectiveness, she is unable to. She always sounds full of energy yet speaks like someone in their 50's.

  • Oh my! A new addition to the Officer's Academy! I am very pleased to meet you, Professor.

  • I am Seteth's younger sister, Flayn. I am so happy to make your acquaintance. 


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