PG-13 - A Virtual Rock Band (PAID)

PG-13 - A Virtual Rock Band (PAID)

Project Overview

Welcome to my passion project!

About Me:
I'm a singer who's been writing songs since middle school and a recording artist since about 2015, making hip-hop music under the guise of "Wolfe". When I was in high school there were a couple of times I almost had my own rock band but it never happened. Well now, thanks to the wonderful power of technology and some help from a few different producers composing the instrumentals for me, I can finally live that dream!

What is PG-13?
PG-13 is a virtual band (kinda like the Gorillaz) of fictional high school students who attend Harmony High and most of the characters meet each other in the goofiest way. But their adventures get even goofier; with a hint of drama spice mixed in. The roadmap I have so far stretches as far as them going on a journey to another world to save the main character from signing a deal and becoming a soulless solo artist to battling a band of evil doppelgangers. It's going to be crazy.

I'm making this casting call to give all the characters voices and have them appear in various songs and skits within the songs. There's also going to be a comic book drawn by me that will follow each album release, telling the overall story and expanding their fictional world. However, I have other plans to help sales at some point, such as allowing fans to do a Zoom call with a character of their choice as a reward for supporting the project if I ever decide to start a fundraiser.


Some roles are needed sooner than others, so I may cast before the casting call is actually over. This only applies to the first round of casting however, backups will still have a chance to audition.

This project will be ongoing for the foreseeable future. Please do not audition, if you don't plan to commit to it. As of writing, there are already plans for at least 5 albums. I would prefer to not have to recast roles, except to make the characters sound older as they age in the story. I understand that things happen, but PLEASE do not audition if there is any doubt at all. And if something does come up, you need to be upfront and transparent.


  • Deliver requested lines on time

  • Must be willing to do table reads through group voice calls, when needed

  • Must be willing to possibly do up to 30-minute voice calls with fans

  • Clean/clear audio; no background noise or humming (as professional sound as possible)

  • Must have a Discord account for voice calls (the server will be our primary point of contact)

  • WAV or lossless formatted audio ONLY


You will be paid after I receive all final recordings. The minimum for all roles is $5 for anything under a minute, one at a time. So the first lines I request are $5 at the time of finish, and then if I ask for more lines a week later that aren't related, you get $5 more. The pay rate will go up based on the work scope. ($25 isn't necessarily the max; it will change as the project moves forward into the future)

Please note, that by auditioning and being cast for a role in this project, you give me full permission and rights to use the audio you provide and you are paid for, in my music, for profit.

And don't worry, even if you don't get cast for a role, I will be picking backups in case someone decides to not follow any of the rules I've stated here or can't follow through for any reason.

You can get more details about the story and future plans from me after being cast! (Just to avoid spoilers being posted here)

A few singles are already released if you want to give the music a listen and see what you're getting yourself into. The band will explore several different subgenres of rock ranging from pop-punk to alternative and heavy metal, but what you can hear now is going to be the main style of the band. Character designs here are also very simple and not finalized.

Here's a link to the music:

Side Note: If you are a talented singer as well, you may get higher opportunities to be an even bigger part of the project and get paid for vocals.

Even if you decide you aren't interested in this project, I really appreciate any support!

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Latest Updates

  • All roles have been cast!!

    Just want to take this time to congratulate everyone who was cast and thank everyone else as well! It gets me so pumped to push this project forward and to see so much talent; it really reminded me why I liked being a director of projects in the first place. You guys did not make it easy to choose at all. I have to give myself several days, just to have a fresh listen and opinion (some were so good I had to listen to them all again just not to have a bias), and on top of that
    I enlisted the help of a friend to decide. Everyone did a really good job, and I can see so much potential in all of you. I hope that you all continue this path.

    For those cast:
    I will be making a Discord server just for all of us to keep in contact and do any table reads and directing/coaching if it is needed. There is a project DM that I will be sending you all the invite link on.

    For those not cast:
    Be on the lookout for a DM from me, asking some of you to be listed as backups for a role. This is just in case someone that was cast can't commit for whatever reason. You all will also receive an invite when I make the server later today.

    Thanks again everybody! Those are the only characters requiring vo for now, but I'm keeping the project open for anyone that wants to follow its growth or try out for any new roles that might come out. I hope you all will continue to support my little dream project, and remember to always chase your own dreams as well!!

  • Sorry for the Delay! Making my Decisions

    Sorry for the delay everyone! My IRL job has kept me pretty busy and stressed; I've been working 84 hour weeks for 2 weeks and it's been absolute HELL. But I'm finally free and I will be making my final decisions today. I haven't looked over the auditions in several days, so if I feel like we don't really have enough yet, I may open it back up to more submissions. So be on the lookout for DMs from me!

    Also want to answer a few questions that were brought up recently:
    1. I've heard about something going on right now dealing with a strike or something because voices are being replicated for use with AI; that IS NOT what's happening here. Like I said in the details of the project, this is a long-term thing so anyone that auditioned should take it seriously, because they will be stuck for a while. I really don't want to have to recast in the future, but if it comes down to that I will. I do not plan to use anyone's voice to make a fake AI version and continue using their voice for free. You now have this promise in writing, right here.

    2. There will be no swearing for this current album, we're working on. But there will be in future projects, I'm sure. Please be aware of this. I will ask everyone that is cast if they are still okay with this, before I make any final decisions.

    Thanks again to everyone who has tried out for a part and supported my music! It really means a lot. And congrats to anyone that gets cast!!

    (I also have the first asignment ready, and I'm excited)


    Okay so I haven't made a casting call in a while and this was a huge one, so I definitely left some things out that have been brought to my attention.

    More explanation on the "Zoom call for fans" idea:
    The zoom calls with fans will either be AUDIO calls only or we will do it VTuber style and have your avatar be the character you portray. Your face and/or likeness will NOT be used at any time. And you can also remain totally anonymous if you prefer that, even from the credits of the albums. If we use the VTuber tech, I assume it would have to track your body/facial movements, but again, you will not appear in the calls. Your identity will be totally safe; even your name will appear as the character itself. This entire feature is just an idea for the future anyway, so you can consider it as not a requirement. We will cross that bridge when we get to it. But you still MUST be able to do audio calls for possible table reads or for coaching by me. And these calls will be open, not private.

    Other notes:
    If you are NOT interested in auditioning for the project but are still wanting to follow its progression, another way you can do that is by following my Twitch. (Especially over the next few days) I'm often working on the music on stream live, and I will probably be drawing the comic live sometimes too. It's also just another way to support me, and I really appreciate it.

    Lastly, I just wanted to thank everyone who has been listening to the music and jumping into this so quickly. Everyone is doing a great job, and it makes me so excited for the future of this project. Good job everybody!

    I'll post more updates if I think of anything else I might've missed. Remember, please read these fully as well as the description of the project, if you haven't already. This is a very important project.

    Thanks again!

Project Roles: Trent Chris Jason Autumn Pinky
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 25 USD
Role assigned to: Darby Blast

Trent is the rhythm guitarist of the band, and a childhood friend of the lead singer and main character, Drake (played by me). Before the band was brought together, Trent and Drake wrote songs together, alone. Trent was fine with them just being a duo, but Drake aspired for more; one of the traits that would tend to get on Trent's nerves. On one fateful day, while Trent and Drake are walking through their neighborhood, they meet Chris, Jason, and Autumn by happenstance, siblings who will eventually become the other members of the band. In no time at all, Drake becomes very close with these new friends and Trent obviously doesn't like that. In his eyes, they are stealing his best friend from him. With growing resentment, Trent keeps his distance from the others when he can, but against his own desires, they all form a band called PG-13. To start with, Trent actually plays the lead guitar until a random popular and preppy girl named Pinky invites herself into the band, and because of her natural talent, she takes over as lead guitar.

He's a tall, burly teenager with an attitude problem. He looks very mature for his age.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male teen
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 25 USD
Role assigned to: Darien London

The bass guitarist of the group, and the oldest of the three siblings; he eventually aids Drake in the lead vocals of certain songs, primarily including scream vocals. Chris is a tall, slender teenager with a shy, soft-spoken personality, towering over even Trent (the second tallest of the group). He prefers to practice his bass skills isolated in his bedroom when everyone else in the family home is preoccupied. Drake and the other siblings spy on Chris from the other side of his bedroom door, and when Drake discovers his talent with the bass, they decide to form their band.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • male young adult
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 25 USD
Role assigned to: Urchids

Jason is the drummer of the band and the youngest of the three siblings (with Autumn & Chris) as well as the entire group. He is a short, loud, and energetic teenager with a big heart and is the main instigator in everything they do as a band because he's always ready to jam out with his friends. Thanks to Jason showing off his older brother's talents, Drake decides to form the band and recruit Chris as the bass player. He also becomes the closest friend to Drake despite their age difference.

Could be considered the hype man of the group, when the others are still suffering from stage fright.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • male child
  • *Say whatever you think fits*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 25 USD
Role assigned to: Julie M

Autumn doesn't have much role in the band to begin with, mostly just showing her support to her family and friends, but eventually, she becomes the keyboard player and sound engineer. She is fairly short, just a bit taller than her youngest sibling Jason, and she's got some of her oldest sibling Chris' shy personality. At times she can be a little hot-headed and emotional, but for the most part, she is sweet and innocent. Almost immediately after meeting Drake, she develops feelings for him but is never able to convey them properly. Eventually, Pinky appears and he ends up with her instead. Despite the bit of jealousy and disappointment, she strives to be more like Pinky in being upfront about her feelings for Drake.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • *Say something you think fits*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 25 USD
Role assigned to: Star Jackson

No one ever bothers to get her name, so after Jason starts calling her "Pinky", the nickname sticks. None of the group is very familiar with her at all, since she was one of the attractive, popular kids at school. After watching the group from a distance, she decides to include herself in their band and reveals that she's actually a punk to her core. Jason instantly agrees to let her in once she reveals just how talented she is with the guitar, and so eventually she takes Trent's place as the lead guitar. Drake doesn't have much problem with her joining either, since he's instantly attracted to her bad-girl vibe. Sometimes she also helps with vocals. She's just a bit above average height for a teenage girl and looks very mature for her age. She's rebellious and assertive, always clinging to Drake and showing it off to Autumn. Drake and Pinky get into a relationship, often distracting him and causing them both to neglect the band. Overall, she becomes a terrible influence on Drake; he is in love but she just wants to have fun.

Even though the others are considered losers in their school, she doesn't take her place in the social hierarchy very seriously.

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • *Say something you think fits*


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