[PAID] Minecraft Voice Actors & Scriptwriters

Project Overview

Hi! I'm Ash, a Minecraft content creator who makes Minecraft roleplay videos. I'm looking for male and female voice actors interested in joining the team as extras.

I linked an example of a video from my channel if you would like to take a look at that first

Our RECORDING SCHEDULE is as follows, and is a REQUIREMENT to audition:
EVERY MONDAY & WEDNESDAY at 6:30 PM EST!! Each recording will usually take about 2 hours depending on the video/ if we come across any technical difficulties which happens a lot.

As an extra/ not a main character, you most likely won't be needed for every recording so don't get worried or confused if you are not asked to record on a certain day.

Before you audition, I ask that you please review the following requirements of these roles:

- Have a good mic and be able to record your separate audio using things like Audacity or Adobe Audition
- Experience playing Minecraft and a basic knowledge of how it works
- Own Minecraft Java Edition and be able to run a modpack on your pc
- Experience in live commentary and/or improvising, preferably towards a young audience
- Be at least 16 years or older
- And most importantly: Be able to commit to a long-term VA position

-This isn't a typical VA role. You are applying for a role that requires you to actually play Minecraft with us, and improvise as the character you apply for/ are assigned.

-You will be paid the listed rate per video.

-If you are chosen, we will reach out to you within that week.

-Keep in mind that you may have to play more than one character over time so we are mostly looking for VA's who have a good range in voices.

If you have any other questions about this opportunity, please feel free to reach out to me here but preferably on my twitter(linked on my profile) because I see dm notifications!

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Female Voice Actors
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD
cast offsite

We're looking for female voice actors who have a good voice range/ will be able to play different characters if needed!

We look for individuals with:

- Great improvision and roleplay skills

- Knowledge of how to play, and ability to run modded Minecraft Java Edition

When auditioning, please include your Discord username so that we can reach out to you directly.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female child
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • female senior
Other info:
  • comedy improv
  • quick to improvise
  • improvisation
  • Please submit a demo reel or any example of work you've done!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Male Voice Actors
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD
cast offsite

We're looking for male voice actors who have a good voice range/ will be able to play different characters if needed!

We look for individuals with:

- Great improvision and roleplay skills

- Knowledge of how to play, and ability to run modded Minecraft Java Edition

When auditioning, please include your Discord username so that we can reach out to you directly.

[Multiple people will be chosen for this role]

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • male teen
  • male senior
  • male child
Other info:
  • comedy improv
  • quick to improvise
  • improvisation
  • Please submit a demo reel or any example of work you've done!

Minecraft Scriptwriter
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD
cast offsite

We are also looking for Minecraft Scriptwriters to join the team! You will be writing scripts in scene-for-scene bullet-point form describing what happens in each scene with mostly improv but including some dialogue to help the cast know what they should say in a scene when necessary!

Examples of the content you will be writing include AshMC - YouTube, Aphmau - YouTube, & Ethobot - YouTube

Example of what layout should look like: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aoisFSejBYOY6h9KA3RgB-68fXCVAHuURRHsryoX-zI/edit?usp=sharing

As a Scriptwriter on our team, you will be required to:

  • Write 3-4 scripts per week with about 800-1000 words each!

  • Be aware of the latest trends, humor, and young people's interests (Target audience is children- teens)

  • Watch our videos to better understand how our characters personalities are!

  • Be familiar with Minecraft and gameplay

  • Great communication, creativity, and adjust to new styles of writing.

  • Be able to meet tight deadlines

Payment: $20-$30 per script

If you're interested & qualified, you can apply here: https://forms.gle/JGHdY5JjFNqhpGoJ6

  • english
Other info:
  • script writing
  • creating writing
  • storyline writer
  • *Say something you think would fit*


Public Submissions

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