Outlaw Star: The Cherry Blossom Fandub

Outlaw Star: The Cherry Blossom Fandub

Project Overview

What is this?

This is going to be a fanmade dub of the anime series, Outlaw Star. We will be using the subtitles of the original Japanese as our script, but aside from that, we will be doing our best to keep both the sound effects and the soundtrack more or less unchanged.

For those of you unfamiliar with the premise: Outlaw Star tells the story of a would-be Outlaw, Gene Starwind and his partner Jim Hawking, and their pursuit to become rich and famous as they search for a legendary, outer space treasure trove called the "Galactic Leyline" after coming into possession of a state-of-the-art Grappler-ship, the XGP 15A-II.

1.  Please make sure your microphone is capable of recording your voice without picking up overwhelming background noises or excessive peaking/clipping.
2. You must have a Discord account, as the project will be going into production over there.
3. Your voice files must be sent in a .wav format, though if it ends up too big, .mp3 files will do as an alternative.
4.You need to have a very clear idea of both the series and the character you're auditioning for. It is recommended that you either watch or rewatch the series so you have a better understanding of this.
5. Remember to have fun!

Payments will be made on a per-episode basis. (i.e: when an episode is finished and uploaded, payment should be expected in the weeks following) Payments will be sent exclusively through PayPal or Venmo. Be sure to contact me if there's some other avenue you'd prefer to be paid in.

Thank you all so much for reading and I can't wait to hear all of your auditions!

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gene Starwind
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: Jordan Alan

Gene Starwind is an outlaw, pilot, gunman, and jack-of-all-trades. Business partners with eleven-year-old computer prodigy Jim Hawking, Gene runs a semi-legitimate business dubbed "Starwind and Hawking" on Sentinel III. Gene is a very guarded man, hardly ever displaying his true feelings. Instead of confronting or showing his emotions to others, he puts on a brave and gregarious front. A notorious womanizer, Gene is extremely flirtatious with women and easily aroused. He will often go to great lengths to get a glimpse of a naked woman, despite their objections. a businessman, Gene often takes huge risks on deals he assumes will make his business, Starwind and Hawking, easy money at the expense of his partner, Jim, and their financial stability. In a fight, Gene can become cocky and overeager in situations that require defusing. Though he is confident in his abilities against an opponent, Gene is not afraid to admit that, if the situation were not in his favor, he would run.

  • Just listen for a minute. There's something that my old man told me a long time ago. He always said people who think big make it big. People who choose to only think small will only earn chump change the rest of their lives. It's the way things are! And that is what business is all about.

  • Don't worry I'll fill you in on all the magic soon enough Jim. Outlaw Star, get ready to launch.

  • Keep in mind there's no reset button on this game.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jim Hawking
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: Greg Vinciguerra

Jim Hawking is an eleven-year-old outlaw and the business partner of Gene Starwind. The co-owner of Starwind and Hawking Enterprises, Jim acts as the "brains" to Gene's "brawn" in harried situations and is a constant voice of reason. Jim's personality is the polar opposite of Gene's, in that he is responsible, honest, and prefers an honest day's work overtaking a risk for a big score. He is also shown to be bashful when surrounded by beautiful women. He also has great integrity with women. Despite this, Jim is also shown to be rather precocious in his behavior. Jim is much more willing to be honest with his emotions than Gene but still tries to keep up a strong face at times when he is scared. He also is more genuinely friendly, often reading into people with good judgment of their character.

  • Women will be the death of you one day.

  • Treasure? This is bad news, Gene! Let's get out of here!

  • Wow, I'm impressed. You managed to get on the bad side of the pirates and the space forces.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: ClickClackSnac

Melfina, born Melfina VSD02C, is a biological android created by the Kei Pirate Guild and Professor Gwen Khan in conjunction with the XGP 15A-II with the sole intention of finding the Galactic Leyline. Melfina is known for her extreme kindness, bravery, and a desire to know who and what she truly is. These questions haunt her for much of her journey with Gene Starwind and are a source of indecisiveness and doubt at times. She is usually very cheerful and upbeat, acting as a surrogate mother to her friend and teammate Jim Hawking, looking after his and the group's well-being, even outside perilous situations. Melfina is friendly and easygoing with most people. The nature of her creation suggests a type of naivety toward most situations or subjects, resulting in a straightforward but innocent question or outlook.

  • Who am I? Why was I made? Who made me? And what did they make me for?

  • Oh no, I'm so sorry Harry but I can't be what you want me to be.

  • Gene, is there something you desire? Say it. By using the Leyline, I can grant anything your heart desires and make it real.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Aisha Clan-Clan
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: CaroCabaConiVO

Aisha Clan-Clan is a Ctarl-Ctarl and former officer of the Ctarl-Ctarl Empire. Charged with the task of searching for the Galactic Leyline, Aisha hunts would-be outlaw, Gene Starwind and later joins his crew in search of answers. Born into a proud family, Aisha takes great pride in her heritage and physical prowess. However, despite her sense of authority and entitlement, she is incredibly boisterous, clumsy, and easy to anger, often causing her to act inappropriately at times. Her large ego prompts her to make remarks about the inferiority of other species compared to hers, and her hot-headedness usually results in her accidentally causing massive property damage.

  • Who are you calling an animal?!

  • Hey! Hold it right there! All of you stop your ships do you hear me? You're under arrest in the name of the Ctarl Ctarl empire!

  • Stop trying to second guess me. You're gonna pay for that. I am your worst nightmare. [to herself] How in the world did I end up here? I thought I was supposed to be on a treasure hunt. Well, never mind. Always attack the problem that life places in front of your face!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: katabelle

Suzuka is an "Ultra Class A" assassin who is known for killing her victims during a setting sun. A woman with a "mysterious past", Suzuka joins up with Gene Starwind and the crew of the Outlaw Star, claiming that she finds them to be all rather interesting people, and teams up with them in their fight against the Kei pirates. Suzuka is a woman of few words and is very tough to read. She clearly doesn't mind killing but is not a psychopath. She takes pride in her work and bends her morals for no one. She takes little pleasure in nonsense or hyperactivity and thus is tough to work with. Suzuka is a rather eccentric woman who follows her taste for intrigue wherever it leads her, thus she is almost always on the move. Despite her penchant for murder, she is actually very kind, polite, and cordial. She is driven by honor, vengeance, and her livelihood, and almost nothing else. The few people she can call her friends are able to rely on her in a pinch, and she will fight to protect them with her life.

  • Why don't you stop running and learn to face me?

  • My individuality is what's important to me. Everything in my world is an extension of that standard. But you wouldn't understand that, would you?


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ron MacDougall
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD

Ron MacDougall is the elder MacDougall Brother. Always calm, he is the brains of the MacDougall's entire operation. Ron is a man who will take on any job so long as the money is right and he ends up finishing ahead of where he started. Be it pirates, Space Forces, or private contractors, he will consider anything viable and carry out the job only as it is stipulated, and no further than that. Despite his amoral personality, Ron is fiercely protective of his younger brother, Harry, who he considers his only family.

  • You can't leave, I'm not finished playing with you yet.

  • Calm down Harry, calm down. If you're a MacDougal man, you don't get upset over a stupid little scratch.

  • Jackals, huh? Nah, we're big-game hunters. We're gonna take down the XGP for starters, then plunder the Leyline.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Harry MacDougall
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD

Harry MacDougall is an artificially created human being, a biological android, and the younger brother of Ron MacDougall. Harry is much calmer than his brother most of the time, often keeping his cool and being able to keep up a more innocent façade. Unlike his brother, he is willing to allow a bit of embarrassment to come his way to see his goal through. The only exception to his normally calm and focused personality is when Melfina is his goal. When it comes to Melfina, he acts with much more rash abandon, becoming a very violent and possessive person in the process. Harry is a ruthless person, fully willing to do whatever it takes to make Melfina his.

  • Die! Die! Die! Die! You die!

  • Nothing good can ever come of staying with normal people.

  • You better watch what you're saying, mister! I'm the only man in Melfina's life so you better back off.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lord Hazanko
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD

Lord Hazanko is a member of the Kei Pirate Guild and leader of the 108 Stars. A key player in the creation of the ship, the Outlaw Star, Hazanko seeks ultimate power, through the mysterious ship, known only as the Galactic Leyline. A ruthless tyrant, he is willing to do anything, even sacrifice his own people.

  • What do you think you're up to? Loathsome jackals like you don't have a chance of getting in there.

  • So there you are. At last we meet, my prize Melfina. Come, open the gate.

  • You'll pay. I'll make you pay Gene Starwind!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD
Role assigned to: SeterraVA

Hilda is an outlaw with an enigmatic life and a sworn enemy of the Kei Pirate Guild and the MacDougall brothers. Before landing on Sentinel III, she stole the prized possessions of the Kei pirates, the XGP 15A-II, and a bio-android named "Melfina". Hilda is a woman who plays everything close to the chest, she is an extremely guarded person as a result of her profession. What she allows an individual to know and do in her presence depends on how much she trusts that person. However, she has been known to refrain from telling even her most trusted allies (such as Swanzo), from knowing her every move, most likely out of protection for herself. The less someone knows, the more likely she is either not to trust them or is preserving the nature of the information for herself alone. There isn't anyone alive who can say that they know Hilda completely.

  • No one's going to give you a map, you've gotta walk your own path.

  • Still read me, Gene? Just remember, outlaws never go down easy, no matter what happens to them.

  • Listen, I'm an outlaw. I hate to say it, but I don't have a treaty with you, understand? This departing ship is taking the right of way.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gilliam II
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD

Gilliam II is the artificial intelligence system of the Outlaw Star. Primarily communicating through speakerphones, an interface on the bridge, and a seemingly limitless number of miniature maintenance robots, Gilliam is a constant companion of the crew, and assists them in all areas of the ship's upkeep – even including the kitchen duty. Sporting a wryly sarcastic, if soft-spoken and humble, personality, Gilliam has been referred to as an "old man," and indeed, is almost always engaged in reminding the crew of their personal duties and responsibilities, much as a father-figure or a butler might. This often irritates Gene, who would rather sleep late and shirk chores, and Gilliam, as a result, is frequently compelled to confront Gene about his laziness and inadequacy. Gilliam also regularly voices concern over his "future prospects" due to the brash nature of Gene's captaining.

  • The only answer I have in regards to myself is that the name I have been granted is Gilliam II, and that I have been authorized with the maintenance of this vessel.

  • I am myself. But it is inappropriate for me to subjectively define who I am. I'd take means to test the veracity of any such definition. And the restraints, therefore, have been placed within me restricting such an act.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Fred Luo
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD

Fred Luo is a weapons merchant and the son and heir of a rich corporation. A close friend of Gene Starwind and Jim Hawking, Fred often supplies them with odd-job opportunities and weapons for the Outlaw Star. Fred is very much the consummate merchant, being from a very wealthy merchant family, and does his best to do fair business, oftentimes offering the crew of the Outlaw Star jobs and discounts to foster future business opportunities. He is also very curious, which is part of why he offers Gene jobs, despite his increasing debts. One of Fred's more marked traits is his homosexuality and jovial attitude. This contributes to his clients being somewhat uncomfortable around him. Despite his affable and easy-going personality, Fred is still very much a businessman and is capable of being dead serious in his work. He can also be quick to anger when confronted with less than desirable circumstances.

  •  You never call me! you never write me! I never hear from you. Aw! I'm so very happy you came to see me!

  • Yeah, my father secured our company's headquarters on Heifong. Now that I'm in charge, I want to concentrate my efforts on the frontier. If I don't expand the Luo family business beyond what my dad has, I'll be a laughing stock!

  • Ohh... You know, we have a rule in the Luo family to never ask the customer "why." That means we sell the customer what they want, no questions asked. But for the first time in my life, I want to break the rules.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD

Swanzo is a short Corbonite mechanic who works at Blue Heaven with his partner, Mikey. He's a close friend of "Hot Ice" Hilda and outfits the XGP 15A-II to repay his personal debt to her.

  • There are 3 powers in space. The Space Forces, the pirates, and outlaws. The difference is what motivates them. What motivates an outlaw varies from person to person. Good or bad, doesn't figure in solidarity in their duty.

  • Morons who can't follow the rules don't have a right to go on livin'.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD

Mikey is Swanzo's human partner at Blue Heaven. He does not like to work for free. He also apparently had some dealings with Fred Luo and doesn't like the young merchant one bit.

NOTE: African-American POC preferred for this role.

  • The ship isn't Horus, Swanzo. And it doesn't look like Hilda's with them from what I can tell

  • Make it big?! Hmph. Hey, this guy's a piece of work! [Laughs]

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD

Clyde is the owner of Gene's favorite bar on Sentinel III. He and the waitress are friends of Gene and like to check in from time to time. He also seems to know about many bounties and acts as Gene and Jim's source of job information. He doesn't mind when Gene wrecks up the bar in a fight, as business always picks up once word gets out.

  • So, you think everything's "okay", Gene? And what about the damage to my bar?

  • [To Iris] Now don't be like that. We're pulling in money because of it.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD
Role assigned to: mismouse

Iris is the waitress at Clyde's bar with unrealized romantic interests in Gene. Their relationship is comically unconsummated. Although he is never involved with her, Gene is not above flirting with Iris and occasionally rubbing her rear end. Likewise, Iris has feelings of envy when she sees Gene with other women, such as Hilda or Melfina.

  •  [Upset] Gene! I was so scared!

  • [Annoyed] Oh, I hate him. Look at him. Flirting away with that girl over there.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gwen Khan
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD

Professor Gwen Khan is a scientist and member of the Keyline Project. The creator of Melfina, Gwen Khan joined forces with the Kei Pirates and the Space Forces in an attempt to create a state-of-the-art ship to locate the Galactic Leyline. Gwen Khan is an eccentric scientist. He tends to speak in run-on sentences and repeat words or phrases more than once. Inquisitive, Khan’s ultimate interest in the Galactic Leyline is spurned on by a love of knowledge and the desire to be all-knowing in all things. Regardless of affiliation, he will ally himself with whoever is willing to help him achieve his goal. What he lacks in physical strength, he makes up for with cunning and intellect. Despite his seemingly harmless appearance, Gwen Khan is a vengeful person if betrayed or insulted.

  • Hm hm hm. I'm Gwen Khan. Yes, I'm Gwen. I am a race official. Of this race. Hm Hm Hm Hm. That's what I am, an official.

  • I'm interested, yes interested, yes I am. It's a high-performance ship made by an unknown manufacturer. Yes, it's a high-performance ship it truly is.

  • A problem? A problem? Let's see... I suppose there isn't. No, no problem at all.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD

Leilong, better known as "Shimi", is a member of the Anten Seven and the Kei Pirate Guild. Leilong shows an aptitude for compassion that most of the other Anten Seven members appeared to lack.

  • I know when you're young you have to be a smart-ass, even though you can't necessarily back it up.

  • I'm not making any excuses, but let's just say at the time I had no choice, it was something I had to do. In my own way, I show respect for those who have died.

  • He was more like a pupil really. He didn't have any talent so he died. That's all it amounts to.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lady Iraga
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD

Iraga is a werewolf and a member of the Anten Seven and the Kei Pirate Guild.  Iraga is a temperamental woman who takes great pride in her strength and her fighting skills. However, not unlike Aisha, she is quick to lose focus of her goal when pushed over the edge and agitated. She also appears to care little in regards to how others think of her beast form but rather relishes the fact that individuals are afraid of her.

  • Huh?! Gene Starwind?? What's he doing here? Have to stay calm. The match has to come first.

  • Normally, this is where I'd let you off the hook and show you a little mercy, but not if you're one of Gene Starwind's friends. You're not leaving alive.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD

Hanmyo is a member of the Anten Seven and the Kei Pirate Guild. Hanmyo is playful both in and out of combat, and a strong believer in fate. Despite being a member of the Kei Pirates and one of Hazanko's personal assassins she is capable of genuine love and compassion. Like the other Anten Seven members, Hanmyo is overconfident in her abilities as a pilot and an assassin to the point of underestimating her opponent.

  •  Oh wow, then it's fate! Don't you see? We were supposed to meet! What are the chances that both our ships would stop here? It was fate, Jim.

  • You brought me flowers? (Chuckles) Wow! That is so nice. (Continues to laugh)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD

Hamushi is a member of the Anten Seven and the Kei Pirate Guild. A skilled temptress who knows how to use her sex appeal to catch her targets and opponents off guard, Hamushi is a woman self-assured in her abilities as an assassin and takes great pride in her physical beauty.

  • We meet at last. You're Gene Starwind, hmm? My, how handsome. I could show you a good time if you'd be interested.

  • Is that a caster? That isn't going to work against me, Gene.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD

Tobigera is a member of the Anten Seven and the Kei Pirate Guild. Tobigera behaves not unlike Hazanko or Hamushi; refined and serious-minded. He may seem to be neigh comical and incapable of doing his job, however, he is just as lethal and cunning as the other Anten Seven members.

  • SHUT UP!

  • It's already been almost 24 hours since Lord Hazanko set out. I can't believe that no one has contacted the ship.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD

Jukai is a member of the Anten Seven and the Kei Pirate Guild. The "eldest" of the seven assassins, Jukai protects Hazanko and rarely leaves his side. Presumably the closest to Hazanko, Jukai displays absolute loyalty to his master. As well as being loyal, Jukai acts as a bodyguard to Hazanko, defending him against lower-tier enemies by merely moving him out of their reach. Despite (or possibly because of) his presumed experience and age, Jukai is arrogant and underestimates those he believes aren't strong enough to defeat him.

  • Stop! Anyone who dares interfere with Lord Hazanko will pay the consequences!

  • Very wise Aisha, you sensed my power and let the child escape before I humiliated you. How kind of you. Hah hah hah! 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD

Hitoriga is an assassin in league with the Kei Pirate Guild and Hazanko's Anten Seven. Years prior, he made an enemy of the assassin "Twilight" Suzuka when he killed her teacher and family. Against Suzuka, Hitoriga is a man with understated power. He speaks calmly, knowing he can manipulate Suzuka's emotions to a certain extent if she loses focus. Like other members of the Anten Seven, Hitoriga takes particular pleasure in his skill and profession. He shows no remorse for killing Suzuka's family.

  • Just because I killed off your entire family is no reason to hate me so. We both work as killers, you and I. We understand each other.

  • You're an extraordinary woman, Suzuka. I really do love you, in spite of what you might think. That's why I took this face. And you went to all this trouble to see me. With a mountain of treasure right in front of you, you turned it down and chose me.


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