Out Of Reach | Roblox mini series

Out Of Reach | Roblox mini series

Project Overview




It's been 3 years since Bri and her brother Jacob left their hometown to live with their mother. After their mother decided it was time for them to move back to live with their dad again, Bri and Jacob reunite with their old friends they kept in touch with all these years. Except for Bri, one friend in particular she had not spoken to since before she left. Once she reunites with that old friend after a long time of no contact, nothing but confusing emotions, drama, and miscommunication is involved. It turns out her old friend, Aaron has had feelings for since they were little. Their relationship goes through the difficulties of rumors, old flames, and misunderstandings. Hoping that this will all be solved by the time homecoming comes around. 

This is rated PG.

This mini series will be uploaded on YouTube.

This is an original project.

This will be filmed in the popular gaming app, Roblox.

Once casted the scripts will be sent to you immediately, giving you a deadline of 1 week to send in your lines.

(not all episode script will be be sent immediately. next episode script sent will give you the same deadline starting from the moment i send it.)

if you have questions you can contact,

@ren.lover on discord.

Or PM me on CCC.

Auditioning guidelines:

  • Please send all auditions/lines in either .mp3 or .wav format.

  • I’d prefer if you can do no more than 2 takes per line.

  • Please include any extra information you feel is necessary for your audition.

  • Please include your discord in your description.

Communication will be used through discord.

This is an unpaid project.

I’d prefer good mic quality.

This could be roughly 4 - 5 episodes, with many lines. please keep that in mind.

This project is for all ages to audition.

Please keep in mind everything i have listed and only audition if you can fulfill it all to the end.

Deadline is February 20th, 6:00 PM, EST.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bri (Lead)

Bri is a 14 year old girl. She is generally very happy, and can be nervous at times. she is kind, and a little feisty.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • teen
  • american
  • high schooler
  • “ugh, i don’t know. I told you I don't want to hear about your girl problems.” (slightly annoyed/uninterested)

  • “bye dad! i’ll call you once i get out school!” (happy/excited)

  • “y’know… i just remembered! i have to call my mom.. we’ll, see ya!” (nervous/making up an excuse)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Aaron (Lead)

Aaron is a 15 year old boy. He is kind, and fun, but can also be distant and closed off. He enjoys the company of others, but also loves his alone time. He is the main love interest for Bri (Lead). And doesn’t get along with Miles (Side).

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • male teen
  • teen
  • “ i was running a bit late after class ended. so, do you mind moving up so i can get my food?” (polite/slightly annoyed)

  • “ Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. Do you need help up?” (sympathetic)

  • “ Why don’t you go hang out with your other friends? i’m sure they’re dying to see you.” (mad/sarcastic)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jacob (Side)

Jacob is a 15 year old boy. He is the older brother of Bri. he is very kind, easily excited, and playful.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • teen
  • american
  • “ Bri, wake up!! c’mon you can’t make us late on the first day.“ (calling for her)

  • “ Where has Eve been? she’s been ignoring my texts for a week!“ (frustrated/confused)

  • “ it’s been so long since i’ve seen caleb and aaron! i bet they’ll be so shocked to finally see us!“ (excited)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jenna (Side)

Jenna is a 14 year old girl. She is friends with Jacob, and best friends with Bri. She is very kind, and a supportive friend. she can get easily excited.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • american
  • teen
  • “ it’s so good to see you! how come you never told us you were coming!?” (excited/surprised)

  • “ what! he isn’t ignoring me.. he is just busy with his friends right now!” (nervous/defensive)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Camila (Side)

Camila is a 14 year old girl. She is best friends with Bri, and Jenna. She is kind, a little feisty, and easily ticked off. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • american
  • teen
  • “ Eeek! hey caleb! where have you been all night? i kept texting you but you wouldn’t answer.“ (Excited)

  • “ great… class with mr. johnson again.. seriously when will he stop torturing us with quizzes.“ (annoyed)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Miles (Side)

Miles is a 15 year old boy. He is a old friend of the friend group. He is very kind, easily excited, and polite. He doesn’t get along with Aaron (Lead). He is a second love interest to Bri.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • american
  • teen
  • “ Bri! it’s been so long! when did you get back?” (Surprised/excited)

  • “ It’s not my fault you misunderstood everything.” (Stern/mad)

  • “ hey, do you want to go to my place after school?” (curious/nervous)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Caleb (Side)

Caleb is a 15 year old boy. He is twin brothers with Aaron (Lead). He is pretty chill, and a fun person to be around. He is dating Camila (Side). He is best friends with Jacob (Side).

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • american
  • teen
  • “ Jacob! hey man! you should have told us you were coming! aaron is gonna be so excited you’re back!“ (surprised at first then excited)

  • “ yeahhh, i think if we stay in line any longer the lunch lady is gonna drill a hole in our heads..“ (concerned)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gabby (Side)

Gabby is a 14 year old girl. She is considered the classic “Mean girl”. She is old friends with the group. She is manipulative, and spoiled. She causes a lot of problems for the group.

  • english
Voice description:
  • teen
  • female teen
  • american
  • “ Wow, Bri is that really you? y’know you look so different without your braces.” (“fake” kind tone/sarcastic)

  • “ He’s kind of cute.. i’m gonna go over there and talk to him.” (confident)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Xavier (Father/Side)

Xavier is the father of Jacob and Bri. He is very kind, and can be stern at times. He is in between his late 30’s-40’s. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • adult
  • american
  • male adult
  • “ oh that’s right! it’s really been a while. have you guys kept in touch with your old friends?“ (kind/curious)

  • “ it feels just like yesterday you were so short. and Jacob, look at you! you’re as tall as ever.“ (surprised)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mom (minor)

This is a minor role for the mother of Jacob and Bri. she has only a few lines. she is easily annoyed, but also kind. She is in her late 30’s.

  • english
Voice description:
  • adult
  • female adult
  • english
  • “ I can see your father’s place hasn't changed a bit.“ (slightly judgemental)

  • “ Ha. Ha. very funny. Now help me get the rest of these boxes. I can't stay here all day.” (sarcastic/annoyed)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Annie (Minor)

Annie is a 14 year old girl. She is best friends with Gabby (Side) and Coco (Minor). She is rude, and pretty whiny. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • american
  • teen
  • “ Can you believe they are making me stay after school?” (annoyed/upset)

  • “ Ew, you’re going to ask out… THAT?” (Rude/disgusted)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Eve (Minor)

Eve is a 14 year old girl. She is dating Jacob (Side). She is flaky, but kind. she tends to ignore Jacob at times. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • american
  • teen
  • “ Oh.. Jacob! i had no idea you were back..” (nervous/shocked)

  • “ Whatever. it’s not like he’ll find out.. at least, not unless someone tells him.” (secretive/annoyed)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Felix (Minor)

Felix is a 14 year old boy. He is the younger brother of Aaron (Lead) and Caleb (Side). He is pretty quiet, but gets annoyed very easily. He has a short temper. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • teen
  • male teen
  • “ Do you ever shut up? can’t you see i’m trying to drown out your annoying complaining?” (annoyed)

  • “ Maybe if you worried less about your girl problems.. you wouldn’t be here right now.” (frustrated/annoyed)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Zayne (Side)

Zayne is a 15 year old boy. He is kind, chill, and fun to be around. He is considered a friend to all. But he is close friends with Aaron (Lead).

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • american
  • teen
  • “ Hey, Aaron! what’s up man? you still sulking over Bri?” (curious/poking fun at him)

  • “ No way, i failed again! if my parents find out they won’t be too happy about this..” (annoyed/nervous)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mae (Side)

Mae is a 15 year old girl. She is very kind, helpful, chill, and cares for her friends. She is friends with everyone in the group. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • american
  • teen
  • “ Bri, are you alright? you seem different..” (concerned)

  • “ Don’t dwell on the past. I’d say just forgive and forget. it’s not like we can change what’s already happened.” (reassuring)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Coco (Minor)

Coco is a 14 year old girl. She is best friends with Gabby (Side) and Annie (Minor). She is rude, judgemental, and can be quite annoying. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • american
  • teen
  • “ Who is that? and what’s with that look on her face?” (Judgemental)

  • “ No offense.. but that doesn’t look real. you wouldn’t catch me wearing a fake brand like that..” (disgusted)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lorenzo (Minor)

Lorenzo is a 15 year old boy. He is pretty popular with the school. He is considered a player when it comes to relationships. He’s pretty chill, but knows how to cause drama. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • american
  • teen
  • “ Wow, Jacob? you’re that kid who is friends with Aaron? “ (trying to sound cool?/curious)

  • “ Let’s head over to my place! my parents won’t be home for the rest of the weekend.” (excited)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Viv (Minor)

Viv is the mother of Aaron, Caleb, and Felix. She has very few scenes per episode. She is kind, but can be harsh on her kids. She is in her late 30’s.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • american
  • adult
  • “ Where have you two been? do you know how worried i was?” (angry/concerned)

  • “ I want you home in time for dinner, and that’s final.” (Stern)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ace (Minor)

Ace is a 15 year old boy. He is dating Jenna (Side). He tends to ignore jenna a lot. He likes to come up with many excuses and is very flaky. He has an “I don’t care” mindset. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • american
  • teen
  • “ Oh, i meant to call you but you seemed busy.” (uninterested/coming up with an excuse)

  • “ Sorry, i was out with my friends. maybe we can hang our next time?” (uninterested)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mr. Johnson (Minor)

Mr. Johnson is their history teacher. He has very few lines per scenes in each episode. He is very stern, and serious. He is in his 40’s-50’s.

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • male adult
  • adult
  • “ Please peacefully and quietly take your seats. and i don’t want any laughter coming from you two.“ (stern)

  • “ I will not tolerate anymore interruptions. Please quiet down. I do not want to ask this again.” (Stern/serious)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Young Bri (Minor)

This role is the younger version of Bri (Lead). She is 11 year’s old. This role is open for all ages to audition.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female child
  • child
  • american
  • “ 6.. 7.. 8.. 9.. 10..! Ready or not, here I come!“ (excited/counting)

  • “ nope! i’m not going. there is nothing you can say or do that could make me go..“ (unsure/scared)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Young Aaron (Minor)

This role is the younger version of Aaron (Lead). He is 12 year’s old. This role is open for all ages to audition.

  • english
Voice description:
  • child
  • male child
  • american
  • “ oh, come on! there is nothing to be afraid of!” (reassuring/happy)

  • “ that’s how the game works! next time find your own spot!” (annoyed)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Young Jacob (Minor)

This role is the younger version of Jacob (Side). He is 12 year’s old. This role is open for all ages to audition.

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • child
  • male child
  • “ But it’s my turn to be the seeker after bri!“ (disappointed)

  • “ C’mon! let’s go climb that tree over there!” (excited)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Young Miles (Minor)

This role is the younger version of Miles (Side). He is 12 year’s old. This role is open for all ages to audition.

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • male child
  • child
  • “ you kept trying to take the best spot for yourself!“ (annoyed)

  • “ Hey Bri! wanna play some games at my house after school?” (happy/curious)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Young Jenna (Minor)

This role is the younger version of Jenna (Side). She is 11 year’s old. This role is open for all ages to audition.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female child
  • american
  • child
  • “ Aw, man.. you just got lucky!“ (disappointed)

  • “ I’m gonna go follow Jacob! um, wherever he’s going!” (unsure/excited)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Young Camila (Minor)

This role is the younger version of Camila (Side). She is 11 year’s old. This role is open for all ages to audition.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female child
  • american
  • child
  • “ Don’t be such a baby! let’s go!” (excited)

  • “ Ew, why is gabby playing with us.. we all know she is just doing it for attention..” (annoyed/whiny)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Young Caleb (Minor)

This role is the younger version of Caleb (Side). He is 12 year’s old. This role is open for all ages to audition.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male child
  • child
  • american
  • “ Yes! my mom got me the new Nintendo game! wanna come over to play?!” (excited)

  • “ I win! haha! that was easy. let’s play again!” (happy/excited)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Young Eve (Minor)

This role is the younger version of Eve (Minor). She is 11 year’s old. This role is open for all ages to audition.

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • female child
  • child
  • “ Ugh, C’mon.. this is so boring. Jacob, can we leave?” (frustrated)

  • “ I don’t wanna play that game.. How about we do something i want?” (annoyed/eager)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Young Zayne (Minor)

This role is the younger version of Zayne (Side). He is 12 year’s old. This role is open for all ages to audition.

  • english
Voice description:
  • child
  • american
  • male child
  • “ We’re all going to Aaron after school right?” (curious)

  • “ Can we play something else? like.. oh! red-light-green-light!” (thinking/excited)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Any Extra/Additional Voices

This role is for those who’d like to audition for extra voices. such as one-two line characters for scenes or more. feel free to use different voices for the lines as you see fit.

  • english
Voice description:
  • all american accents
  • “ No way! there hasn’t been a fight here in ages!” (pumped/excited)

  • “ Ew, did you hear what she did?” (disgusted/gossiping)

  • “ Stop holding up the line! i have customers here!” (mad/frustrated)


Public Submissions

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