One Bizzare Wold (Original Animated Series) SECOND CASTING CALL

Project Overview
This animated series was created by Sebastián Miranda Ortega & Cynthia Valeria Navarro in 2012, with a different concept and many different characters. Today we are looking for some voice actors, so at least we will have the first step done. For the moment, this casting call only includes 8 characters, an animator and a sound designer, but soon we will add more characters.
No money is involved
We really hope you like this and we are excited to see your talents...
-Good microphone
-A lot of enthusiasm
-Take the role serious
-Sebastián Miranda Ortega
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*send an example of sound effects you've worked on*

Character description
Shane is a 22 years old guy who lives with his sister called Pam, he's happy but depressed at the same time. He has to live many weird things day after day, but well... that's just Shane's life
Voice description
Deep and serious
*Do not count on me, never!*
*So, i wasted $90 for something so stupid like this?*
*That was a long time ago, i completely forgot about Grettel*
*Stay away from me, freak*
Character description
She's 15 years old, lives with her brother Chris, she's Pam's best friend and a professional karate fighter
Voice description
I will only say this... you must have 15+ to do this role
*No offense Leon, but you're the most pathetic, selfish and arrogant person i've ever met*
*Whatever, still sounds boring*
*Now, this is a true show...*
*Odeon Gilmour? The fourth richest man on Deenville? Meh, he's so naive*
Character description:
Carson Wood is 22 years old, brother of Kimberly Woods and George Woods, son of DeenVille's ex president.
Voice description:
Do your best please
"NOO, Kimberly... Kimberly, don't do it"
"What a wonderful place"
"Ok, that's enough, get into the car right now"
"Bitter sweet, but fitting"
"Leon... you're such a *censor beep*"
Character description:
Aaron Odeon Gilmour is a 25 years old man, boyfriend of Grettel Fitzgerald and one of the antagonists of the show
Voice description:
A serious voice
*Listen to me, Marson. I am one of the most powerful persons here in DeenVille"
"What a nice show"
"Ok, i had enough, VERONICA!!!"
"One man's trash, is another man's treasure"
"Oh come Marson, try something i don't EXPECT!"

Character description:
Grettel Fitzgerald is one of the antagonists, sometimes good, sometimes evil. She's Shane's ex-girlfriend and she's also a criminal
NOTE: She's NOT supposed to sound cute. You must have a deep woman voice.
*Leon, admit it, you're a criminal in a different way*
*I'm going to say this in words you won't understand, vete al diablo. Yeah, i'm a professional in languages*
*I can break all the windows you want*
*You're going to what? Shane, believe me, there's no way to defeat Sebastian, he's really smart*
*Dude, my work is not so easy, it's not only go to a place and say give me all the money in the cash... Pfff*
*I don't really remember how i met Odeon...*

You must have a deep voice, if you need an example of how deep, here you are.
*Well, well, well. Look who's here... the Marsons...*
*I just warned ya! Shane, didn't i told you not to mess with me?*
*Bring it on!*
*Feels good right?*
*Game Over... Marsy*
*fight moans*
Must be a professional animator
Say something you think would fit
Wish Pierce is 20 years old, she lives with her mother, she's kinda weird but friendly
*Listen, i don't know where Odeon is, but, i know he's looking for ya, only to kill you*
*Pam, come on, i need you and your brother here, NOW!*
*Believe, you can't defeat that guy*
*Tssssss. . . what a disgrace*
Kurt is Shane's cousin, he's an evil sucker who has tried to destroy Shane and Pam too many times, but he always fails.
*Were you looking for this?*
*Fair's fair Shane, now it's time for a little one on-one*
*Like looking at a mirror ain't it? Only i'm bigger, and better.*
*You're such a pathetic douchebag*
Public Submissions