

Joined Jun 2018 0 Following0 Followers
About briannahaden

Hi! My name is Bri and i'm an aspiring voice actress. I was always able to make my friends laugh at the weird voices and impressions i've done so I wanted to try real voice acting out. I'm female, but I have a deep voice and can do possible small male roles. Don't worry, I can bring my voice up a pitch or two! Here's a little Q and A;

How old are you?
i'm 15!

Are you experienced?
Nope! I practice a TON though, and everyone needs to start somewhere, right?

Should I trust a 15 y/o?

Typically.. not so much. But you can trust me! I plan on doing most auditions/roles now, as I write this, in the summer for fun and some money. So, my schedule will be clear, i'm mature (I swear), and I get along with others!

Can you sing?
Yes, I can. I just can't do a lot of high notes and it's hard for me to keep my voice steady. If it comes down to it where I NEED to sing, I'll do my best!

You speak Italian?
Yes, only some. I know basics and I only put it down on my profile because according to 2 of my Italian teachers, I speak it very well pronunciation wise. Just give me a script and I can prove it! 

DISCLAIMER: I don't have a clear and crisp fancy mic. I end up using my macbook's laptop in a quiet room or one on some earphones.