Omada Tou Olympus

Omada Tou Olympus

Project Overview

In Olympus Inn, a motel passed down to Zeus from his father, plenty of deities live somewhat peacefully. Away from the hunters tracking them down to gain their immortality, with plenty of annoying neighbors, and enough chaos you'll think it's the beginning of time all over again. Zeus's choice of roommates doesn't make it easy, though. With many challenges to face, Olympus Inn takes them head on. Maybe not in the best ways, but it still takes them head on.
 - Omada Tou Olympus (Oμάδα του Ολύμπου) translates to "Group of Olympus".

Co-run with @amvaviva

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I want to clarify a few things since this project is growing quite a bit! 
1. This is an unpaid position! It's stated, but some of you may not realize.
2. I view everyone's submissions. If you feel you were skipped, you were not.

3. This series includes POC and LGBTQIA+, if you are uncomfortable with this, please don't interact.

4. This series also contains violent scenes, strong language, and themes that could be disturbing to some.

5. It may take some time to be cast, so be sure to check your submission in about a week. 

6.Our team uses Discord to communicate and host meetings, if you don't use this app it may be very difficult.

7. Please stay consistent! Please do not go inactive as soon as you are cast!
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If you receive an email saying you have been accepted before 5/5, it's false! We will only be approving auditions after 5/4. Thank you! (EDIT) Sorry for late casting! It will be done by 5/7.

I just wanted to thank you all for participating in this project! I review everyone's submissions every day, but it may take at least a week for me to call upon you (just to get more submissions). I will be making a list of people for myself to decide who will be cast during the week, so no need to worry if you think yours will not be viewed. So far, I'd like to tell everyone you all are doing amazing jobs! I'm so happy this project is finally getting done. Thank you all! - Olympus Studios 

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When you are logged in, you can comment, add submissions, create projects, upvote, search open roles, and way more. Login here.

Latest Updates

  • Final Cast

    Castings are going out! I will be gone for a little bit, so I will finish providing information as soon as I finish. Thank you to everyone!

    • Zel ⚡️

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Alanah Parkin

Goddess of war. Married to Jupiter, but they honestly just married for children and finance. Mother of Mars, Vulcan, and Minerva. Very quiet, cold and uncaring, distant. Doesn't care enough to show emotion.

Voice description:
  • Cold
  • unkind
  • female adult
  • emotionless
  • deep
  • It's a pain to bare three children anyway. Don't make it more difficult than it has been.

  • You honestly expected us to not hear your snarky remarks about my husband and I? How possibly dull can you be?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Mike T

God of thunder and skies. The opposite of Zeus in terms of interaction. Strongly dislikes the Greeks considering they are the annoying neighbors. Similar to Juno, emotionless and dull. Annoyed with a lot. Really doesn't like Zeus for how 'weak' he is. 

Voice description:
  • deep
  • Rough
  • male adult
  • Don't look so cheerful. It makes you seem weak.

  • Luck is not real, it is merely an illusion to make people feel powerful over coincidences.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: SilverSolfege

Goddess of art. Very sweet and absolutely loves everyone. Never really angry, just gets a little disappointed. Loves DIY things and hanging out with Mars, Selene, and Nyx.

Voice description:
  • kind
  • warm
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • happy
  • Oh! You've read that book? I feel like they could have made a better ending, but I still really enjoyed it!

  • Mars, did you see Nyx pass through here? We were supposed to hang out, but I can't find her...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Victor Melin

God of the arts and sun. Used to be part of the Greeks, but couldn't stand them. They left with Mercury (Hermes) and they now live with the Romans. Very smug, likes to annoy the Greeks and tease them. Apollo is non-binary and goes by they/them.

Voice description:
  • Smug
  • androgynous
  • male young adult
  • nonbinary
  • neutral
  • Mid-Tone
  • Awe, what's wrong? You can't reach it? That's adorable.

  • I was not expecting this evening to go the way it did, but it was honestly really entertaining!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Pakta

God of war and agriculture. Pretty much just a farmer, very quiet but also very kind. He usually spends time with his sister Minerva and her friend Selene and Nyx. He grows crops behind Olympus Inn, mostly for Asclepius.

Voice description:
  • Soft
  • warm
  • quiet
  • male teen
  • male young adult
  • My favorite crops are the tomatoes. They were the quickest to grow.

  • Nyx? No I haven't seen her. Have you tried asking Selene?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Goddess of motherly relationships. Pretty much the most loving, motherly figure to the Romans. She's very sweet to anyone and protects them from themselves (mostly Vulcan and Bacchus).

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • motherly
  • smooth
  • Your painting is beautiful! It truly belongs in a museum, I'm very proud of you.

  • Would you like to help me prepare dinner? You can mix the ingredients.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Davey Kine

God of interpreters and translators. After the Greeks called him Hermes just to tease him, he left with Apollo. Soon after he became a mailman. He mainly delivers mail door to door for the motel, but occasionally expands to the whole town. He's very pissy, pretty much done with life. Kind of an angsty teen, but not. He is bilingual, so there will be multiple languages to voice act. Think 'Craig Tucker' from South Park.

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • annoyed
  • male teen
  • dull
  • (Lightly annoyed) You can at least say thank you. You slammed the door in my face.

  • (Deadpan)Don't call me, don't interact with me. Stop calling me Hermes, I hate that name.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Goddess of domestic animals. She thinks she has some dark power that makes her better than everyone. Has a pet ferret named ferret, and pouts when things don't go her way. Tries to cackle evilly, but it doesn't really sound that good. Probably/most likely a furry.

Voice description:
  • powerful
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • confident
  • All you weaklings are no match for Ferret and I! Fear me! (crappy cackle)

  • Ceres! That idiot is on the roof again!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: joshedev

God of wine and ecstasy. Always drunk, high, or under the influence (literally). He mostly speaks in mumbles and slurs, it's never easy to understand him. There's never a time where he's sober. He has Ceres take care of him by feeding him, dressing him, and helping him with the essentials. She gave up on trying to get him to wear shoes though.

Voice description:
  • mumbles
  • mutters
  • male adult
  • slurs
  • *Just make up some mumbled, slurred stuff a drunk guy would say.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Catastrophe

God of fire. Is literally obsessed with fire. Speaks in 'UwU' terms. Replaces his L's with W's. "UwU", "*cutewy*". Pretty clueless when it comes to everything. Protected by Pluto. (It's so hard to write his script)

Voice description:
  • male teen
  • male young adult
  • Cutesy
  • chronically online
  • Childish
  • Stoppp I hate this game! You aw'ways change da ru'wes!

  • IIII'm Vuw'can! I'd wuv to be your friend!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Franky1582

God of the underworld, riches, and jewelry. Usually pretty annoyed with everything, short as FUCK, bites people when he physically can't overpower them. Most of the Greeks call him a beagle because of his hair looking like beagle ears. Loves Vulcan, but Vulcan is clueless no matter how hard he tries to show it. Trans F2M but got vocal surgery. Never bothers to wear real clothes.

Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • annoyed
  • Low-Tone
  • male young adult
  • male teen
  • Mid-Tone
  • nonbinary
  • neutral
  • You can't be serious. After everything, you still think this is funny?!

  • I didn't even want to come. It was their fault in the first place. They should've paid for it.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Lee/Langle

Goddess of the hearth, home, and family. Sweet baby, very nice once she gets closer. Overall, she's really shy, but makes an effort for the most part. She wants to be Hebe's older sister, but Hebe is still afraid of her.  

Voice description:
  • Shy
  • female child
  • quiet
  • Childish
  • (worried) It's okay! I'm friendly, we can be sisters!

  • (childish, playing pretend) I'll be the mom, and you can be the dad! You? You can be the dog.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Mia

Goddess of fertility, beauty, and sex. A giant hoe, kinda rude and bitchy, but really sweet with Vesta. She's friends with Eros (obviously) and is a bimbo. She always thinks she's right even when she's  not. Goes by 'Vee' a lot.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • sultry
  • seductive
  • bimbo
  • flirty
  • If it's 20 percent off, then you save 20 bucks! That's really weird though, since it's only $14... Will they owe me money?

  • *scoff* You're going to tell me I have no sense of style, when you're the one looking like THAT?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

God of darkness. Always pretty angry or annoyed, only cares for Zelus, despises Nyx because of Zel's attraction to her.

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • Angry
  • annoyed
  • Rough
  • Do you seriously only want to go because SHE'S going??

  • Don't drag me into your dumbass conversation. It's not my problem.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

God of envy and eager rivalry. Very chill, uses words like 'bro', 'dude', and things that make him sound like a stoner even when he isn't. Absolutely hates Erebus because Nyx loves him (for some reason). Since he's wearing a mask because of Hanahaki Disease, his voice is muffled and robotic (the effect will be added later).

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • Stoner
  • laid back
  • chill
  • No way, dude. I'm staying here. You have fun though.

  • Bro, you missed it! That was the best movie I've ever seen!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Jake Grant

God of thunder and skies. Pretty much the dad of the Greeks. The kind neighbor who's also a pushover, but just wants everyone to get along.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Dad
  • fatherly
  • low to mid
  • Hey Apollo, how do you feel about fishing with your old man?

  • Oh, hey Jupiter! Just sprucin' up the trees a bit!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Nyima Green

Goddess of craziness. She has bipolar disorder; she can go from monotone and emotionless, to extremely hyperactive. Once she's crazy, her emotions become heightened and much more sensitive.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • hyper
  • high-tone
  • Low-Tone
  • Monotone
  • (monotone) It's way too busy. Why did we even come in the first place.

  • (hyper) Ohhh! That store has so many cute accessories, I love it! And that one, and that one- oh, oh, and that one!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: LEVA

Goddess of strength. The twin sibling of Zelus, trans M2F, always hungry. She's similar to Erebus with her explosive anger, but she can control it a bit more. Basically a mix of Zelus and Erebus.

Voice description:
  • M2F
  • Low-Tone
  • deep
  • haruhi OHSHC
  • female young adult
  • androgynous
  • nonbinary
  • neutral
  • (annoyed) Maybe you shouldn't have broke it if you didn't want to pay for it. That was all on you.

  • (yelling) You wanna take this outside?! I'll round-house your ass!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Alanah Parkin

Goddess of youth. A young deity, always afraid of strangers, even most of her roommates. Usually hangs around Eros and Zeus. She's deathly afraid of Erebus considering he's yelled at her many times. She loves to draw and always carries her stuffed lamb, Ducky. If you take Ducky from her, she will FYU.

Voice description:
  • female child
  • Shy
  • Childish
  • quiet
  • Why are you being so mean to me...?

  • [playing pretend] I wanted to be the mom... You be the dog!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Ben Akira Spencer

God of love and sex. Caerus's significant other. Eros loves humans not only sexually, but he loves how their emotions and minds are so advanced. He's very flirtatious, kind of a drama king, he does his makeup every morning even when it looks like he wears none. 

Voice description:
  • flirty
  • male young adult
  • sultry
  • seductive
  • powerful
  • One day, maybe you'll be close to looking as good as me.~

  • Hebe, don't touch that. Who knows where it's been!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: jingleberrydelight

Goddess of the moon. Her mutations make her look like a vampire, so she hides from the sun and paints dots on her neck to make it look like a bite. She's extremely loving, pretty hyper, and possesses major golden retriever energy. She's the non biological sister of Nyx, they are inseparable. 

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • golden retriever
  • happy
  • kind
  • Me first! Let's seeeee... Nyx! Truth or Dare?

  • (pouting) But I thought we were gonna go to the movies today...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: KindNaturedG

Goddess of the night. Almost as short as Hebe, shorter than Pluto. She loves to be motherly to the Greeks, she's very calm and her voice is soothing. She cooks, cleans, and helps Zeus with what he needs. Her and Zeus take turns cooking meals for everyone. She can get a little crazy when she drinks. Gained immortality from Bastet. She is clueless to Zelus's love for her, but she finds every excuse to think Erebus loves her. Her and Selene are always together.

Voice description:
  • deep
  • female young adult
  • motherly
  • soothing
  • Calm down, Caerus. Zeus is cooking dinner right now, he'll be done soon.

  • Erebus.. Did you want to join me for lunch..?

  • BONUS (drunk) Yeaaaaah~! I'd LOVE to singgg...!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

God of luck. Caerus's luck is extraordinary, but he never uses it as a good thing. Significant other of Eros, pretty sadistic, doesn't care about Eros's affairs. He's very hyper, and often used as a form of torture to misbehaving deities. Erebus absolutely hates him for how annoying he is. 

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • hyper
  • high-tone
  • Childish
  • Sadistic
  • Nooo! I don't want to wear it! I'm not your mannequin...

  • (sadistic) You get to be locked up in here with little old me, for an hour? This must be my lucky day...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ryohayasa

Created with Void to come into existence and make nothing into everything. He's very monotone, doesn't understand how to express emotion, and he doesn't care. He knows everything about what he's created, but knows nothing about what it's used for. He especially doesn't know anything about humans or their inventions. He merely watches deities and looks for Void. Extremely tall and pretty intimidating.

Voice description:
  • Monotone
  • Careless
  • male adult
  • deep
  • Low-Tone
  • Zeus. How could you possibly want to protect those... Roaches? They are mere mortals.

  • What is a... A... Show-er? Why would I want to be soaked in water willingly?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Justine Man

Goddess of discord. She's extremely sweet, kind, helpful, any positive thing you can think of. This, however, is all a lie. By making people love her, they do anything for her. She doesn't care about anyone, she only cares for what she can get out of them.

Voice description:
  • kind
  • happy
  • female young adult
  • warm
  • Good morning, Zel! I bought you your favorite~

  • So what if I was talking to a few other people, did you really think you were the only one?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: abigailramsdale

Egyptian goddess of protection and good health. She was a cat goddess, taking the form as a cat for most of her existence. Very celestial and wise. She has been around for as long as Egypt has existed. She is the reason people think cats have 9 lives. She gave her immortality to Nyx for taking care of her.

Voice description:
  • celestial
  • soothing
  • kind
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • wise
  • warm
  • You've served me long enough. I appreciate your kindness, Nyx, but it is time for me to go.

  • For years, I have searched for someone to take my place.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Skylar Artaggat

Goddess of sexual love and beauty. Very flirtatious and always sounds like shes trying to seduce everyone. Kind of an asshole, hates kids, a hooker.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • seductive
  • female adult
  • Bitchy
  • flirty
  • sultry
  • You thought this was more than a one night stand? I'm sorry, hun. I'll be gone by morning.

  • (disgust) Get off me, creep. Only touch if you're gonna pay up.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Goddess of the hearth and home. She had no clue she was even a deity. She was Selene's first friend, very kind at the beginning of her schooling experience, and became dulled and emotionless due to bullying near the end. 

Voice description:
  • kind
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • happy
  • dull
  • Sad
  • (weary) I'm sorry, Selene. I didn't want you to see me like this.

  • Hey guys! It's my first day in a new school, so please be nice!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Crash Star

God of medicine. He serves as a doctor for deities at the bottom floor of Olympus Inn. He works with Gaia to create medicine and remedies for wounded or ill deities. He doesn't care much for anything but his job and Gaia, but he can get very deranged when it comes to something he's passionate about. He has a pretty deep voice, and he's kind, but can get annoyed easily.

Voice description:
  • dull
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • deep
  • Low-Tone
  • kind
  • Can you please grab me my vile? I only need a little so grab me the smallest one.

  • (passionate) Yes! It worked! It just takes a little bit to make a masterpiece!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Cloudi_wave

Goddess of Earth. She helps Asclepius with picking up herbs from Mars's garden, cleaning, and taking care of a few of their own rarer plants. The biological sister of Nyx, but they both don't remember each other. She's a ditz, can be pretty clumsy, but overall tries her best.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • golden retriever
  • hyperish
  • happy
  • Clumsy
  • Did you want the red, or blue one? Or the purple one...? Actually, can you just repeat everything...? *nervous laugh*

  • Hey, Mars! I just need a few herbs for Asclepius and I'll be out of your hair!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Sl3nd3rVA

The final challenge. After fighting with Chaos, he narrowly escapes into the woods. Not much is known about him, but he is crazy.

Voice description:
  • dark
  • Rough
  • Scratchy
  • male adult
  • Monster
  • None of you can compare to my power. I've been hunting deities for longer than your great grandparents!

  • It's pitiful that you think we are the same, Chaos. We may have helped each other exist, but we are on different levels.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Crash Star

God of the underworld. Zeus's brother who now lives as an alter ego within him. Hades and Zeus switch between each other at random points, but it isn't very often.

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • confident
  • Cool
  • Cocky
  • Good evening everyone, I just wanted to stop by to say hello~!

  • Hey guys, Hades is back! Did you miss me? Don't answer that, I know you missed me.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Carmeo's Voice

Given to Erebus while in limbo. Half of Erebus is Harbinger. He only comes out when Erebus is mentally or physically unstable. Pretty much has a strained, rough, and sultry monster voice.

Voice description:
  • Monster
  • sultry
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • dark
  • creepy
  • Your efforts are just sad. You can't expect to go against me, I'm as strong as the being that created me.

  • (angered) Don't leave me! You get back here, now! When I find you, I'll kill you!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Ren

A small demon that likes to mess around with deities in Olympus Inn. Her obsession with Oreo's is unmatched, and it's a rule in Olympus that Oreo's are banned. That doesn't stop her from appearing though, since after she finds out about how deities react to her, she sticks around to cause mischief.

Voice description:
  • hyper
  • Curious
  • High
  • female child
  • female teen
  • happy
  • It's meee~! The one and only, Luci! Don't worry about how I got in, you'll never find out!

  • I don't want to leave just yet, you guys are fun to mess with!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Isotopic Productions

God of family feuds and bloodshed. He's a young boy, not much older than Vesta, hired by Hera to eliminate Zeus. He only cares about getting his job done to support his family, and always gets annoyed when he can't finish a job quickly. 

Voice description:
  • professional
  • Stern
  • male child
  • nonbinary
  • neutral
  • child
  • Ms. Hera, may I come in? Zeus got away, again. I swear I will get him next time.

  • (focused) I got you now you son of a bitch...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: scarletpiano13

Goddess of the hunt. A  follower of Void, collecting deities for him to one day harvest. She's very kind, she claims to be the twin of Apollo, and she gets confused very easily.

Voice description:
  • happy
  • female young adult
  • kind
  • warm
  • Curious
  • Hello! My name is Artemis. Don't you remember your own sister, Apollo?

  • What? What's going on? Who are these guys?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Goddess of marriage, women, and family. After Zeus ran when he found out she was pregnant with Hebe, she sought revenge. Though Zeus has ruined her, she still tries her best to be motherly with Alastor. She's always tired, depressed, and gets agitated easily, but she immediately regrets getting angry. 

Voice description:
  • warm
  • mother
  • Strict
  • female adult
  • easily agitated
  • Broken
  • (angered) Damn it! He's gotten away every other time you tried!

  • I'm sorry. I did not mean to raise my voice. You did well. Please, try harder though.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Swordtee40

Egyptian god of the sun. After losing his daughter, Bastet/Ailuros, he seeks revenge. He hunts down Olympus Inn due to learning that one of them 'killed' his daughter. He's fairly short at 5'6. He usually ignores everyone because his main goal is searching for the Inn. He's always been angry since the loss of his daughter.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Angry
  • vengeful
  • deep
  • You can't possibly expect me to forgive you after you took away the one thing I had left!

  • I will not disperse until you either tell me where my daughter is, or pay for taking her.

Deferred: Agreed Amount

We need animation help, if you are alright with being an unpaid animator for Olympus, please apply! We need all the help we can get! Thank you!

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Background Musician
Deferred: Agreed Amount

We need music for our series, royalty free music is not the way to go for us. If you're interested in making instrumentals for the background music, please apply! Thank you!

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Deferred: Agreed Amount

I may need an extra set of hands to help with animation… Since this is more of a tasking role, it may be a paid role depending on this project’s success rate.

  • *Say something you think would fit*


Public Submissions

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