Omada Tou Olympus

Ren for Bastet

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: abigailramsdale

Egyptian goddess of protection and good health. She was a cat goddess, taking the form as a cat for most of her existence. Very celestial and wise. She has been around for as long as Egypt has existed. She is the reason people think cats have 9 lives. She gave her immortality to Nyx for taking care of her.

Voice description:
  • celestial
  • soothing
  • kind
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • wise
  • warm
  • You've served me long enough. I appreciate your kindness, Nyx, but it is time for me to go.

  • For years, I have searched for someone to take my place.

Omada Tou Olympus
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