NEW ROLES | Ace Attorney: The Shield of Justice Voice Acting Casting!

NEW ROLES | Ace Attorney: The Shield of Justice Voice Acting Casting!

Project Overview

Welcome all! I'm IKG Productions, leader of Team Turnabout and producer of our video series, Ace Attorney: The Shield of Justice! We are reaching out to voice actors on Casting Call Club in order to cast the following characters for our fan series:

-Kristoph Gavin

-Bobby Fulbright

-Nahyuta Sahdmadhi

-Iris Fey

-Ace Attorney Investigations Forensics & Officers (Recurring Extra)

Our fan series:

We are looking for dedicated participants who will be willing to stick with us patiently and potentially wait for a long time to act their character before and during that character's time in the series. Please note that side content with no restrictions placed on canonical stories, such as Asinine Attorney episodes, may open up opportunities for some actors earlier than expected. Voice acting for TSoJ is not a large amount of work for one person, as once a character is introduced in the story and begins to receive lines, the chosen voice actor will be given ample time to get their lines in with breaks between episodes, often by a couple months or longer. The Shield of Justice is a complicated project with a lot of moving parts, but voice acting for the project won't be much work for one person. This is why we value commitment, patience, and communication so much! By auditioning to this casting call, you are promising to accept and cooperate with this process!


-Team Turnabout operates via a Discord server. We require that all dev-team members have a Discord account and check the server frequently.

-Poor microphone quality can significantly hurt the reception of your audition. A Blue Snowball is recommenced as a minimum source of microphone audio quality.

-Multiple takes per audition are perfectly acceptable, but also optional.

A select number of the most favored auditions will be asked to partake in an interview with me on Discord, and the official casting will be done shortly after, taking both the audition and the interview into consideration. If you do not accept a friend request from me, it's possible that I won't be able to reach you at all, so please be mindful of that! Look out for a Discord user by the name of IKG Productions -- that's me! :) We recognize that this is a highly unusual step in the process, but we deemed it was necessary given difficulties when working with a previous actor. Just want to be transparent!

This casting call will close on February 20th, 2021! We look forward to hearing your auditions!

Thank you,

IKG Productions

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Latest Updates

  • More VA Opportunities!

    Hello! I am happy to announce that Team Turnabout is looking to cast even more characters for future video projects! Feel free to audition and check out our page of information here:
  • VA Opportunity for Athena Cykes!

    Hello, all! It's wonderful to look back on how successful and fun this casting effort was! I wanted to inform all of those who auditioned for this wave of TSoJ character roles that we actually have a NEW casting page for Athena Cykes, right here: If you're interested, please consider auditioning! The deadline is March 27th!
  • The Results Are In!

    Hello, everyone! After lots of deliberation and interviews, SK-VA and I have cast the following people! Kristoph Gavin - Sankayy Bobby Fulbright - DramaJosh Nahyuta Sahdmadhi - DJKent Iris Fey - SeraphicSiren AAI Forensics & Officers: Male - JamesHalliday, Female - Taealdi I'd like to thank all of you for auditioning and expressing interest in our fan project! If you'd like to still be closer to the team than from our YouTube page, you are more than welcome to come join our Discord server and hang out in the viewer/public section! Thank you so much! -IKG
  • Checking In!

    Hello, everyone! IKG, here! I'd like to thank everyone for being so patient as SK-VA and I conduct interviews with several of you! Please note that it is not indicative of you failing to reach the interviewing stage if you have not received a Discord friend request from me yet. We have not sent out contact to everyone we intend to as of today, we are taking a slow and deliberate approach here! With that said, please continue look out for a Discord friend request from IKG Productions (me). It may take a couple more weeks to reach official castings for each of the roles. As said before, we really appreciate your patience during this time. Let me know if you have any questions!
  • Commencing Interviews!

    Hello, everyone! IKG, here! I'd like to thank everyone who auditioned for these upcoming roles on Ace Attorney: The Shield of Justice! As of today, we are no longer accepting auditions. The department head of voice acting on TT, SK-VA, and I are going to begin conducting interviews on Discord (see CCC description for more info) very soon. Please look out for a Discord friend request from IKG Productions (me) so that we reach you! Please note that it may take several days or even a couple weeks to reach official castings for each of the roles. We appreciate your patience during this time.
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kristoph Gavin
Role assigned to: Sankayy

Kristoph Gavin is a supporting character on The Shield of Justice. Kristoph will be used semi-frequently throughout the series, along with occasional appearances in Asinine Attorney videos and further main series episodes. We're looking for a sophisticated sounding voice with the evil mastermind hidden beneath once the shell begins to crack.

  • That screeching noise... Is that your voice? I suppose it's to be expected... Your first trial, and it's a homicide. I guess "Justice" doesn't start small, eh? (His pure outward appearance- calm and sophisticated.)

  • A pleasure to meet you, ladies. Mr. Wright has told me a lot about your potential as a lawyer, Ms. Cykes. (Intrigued, a little pompous.)

  • Owning the same nail polish does not a murderer make. I have been in solitary confinement for half a year. How could I poison her? Her father died of the same poison... the meaning of which should be clear. The prosecution's case holds. She poisoned her father, then attempted to poison herself. Surely, you aren't going to suggest I was responsible for poisoning her father, too? (Trying to remain sophisticated and cool under the pressure, yet suspicious. The villain behind the mask is starting to show itself.) 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bobby Fulbright
Role assigned to: Drama Josh

Bobby Fulbright is a supporting character on The Shield of Justice. Fulbright will be used semi-frequently throughout the series, along with occasional appearances in Asinine Attorney videos and further main series episodes. We're looking for an upbeat voice that has a pronounced strength to its voice, almost like a cliché superhero.

  • My name? I'm Bobby Fulbright! The heroic detective who defends our good citizens from evil! The champion of justice who comes running whenever you're in need! And my catchphrase? It's "In justice we trust!" (Excited and with a firm undertone)

  • You… You dare to mock this court and justice itself?! You’re unfit to bear your name, boy! (Critical, yet exuberant)

  • On it! First, take a look at this pamphlet from the Cosmos Space Center! In it, you'll find a diagram outlining the overall layout of the Space Center. Ah, here we are. For a more detailed look at what's on the left side of this building... ...take a look at this cross-section that we the police have created. See the launch pad and the main building? (Informative, friendly)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Nahyuta Sahdmadhi
Role assigned to: DJKent

Nahyuta Sahdmadhi is a supporting character on The Shield of Justice. Nahyuta will be used semi-frequently throughout the series, along with occasional appearances in Asinine Attorney videos and further main series episodes. Note, he is being casted especially far in advance! We're looking for a controlled and refined sense of speech with enough power to make religious statements have a presence to them.

  • O Holy Mother. As your humble servant, you would have me apt to save this wretch's soul. I suppose this too is part of my fate. (Religious prayer, stately delivery)

  • O restless wandering soul of the dead... (Calm and zen)

  • In all this time, not once did I reflect on my own conduct... for I had believed all was fate. Lost in my own sense of resignation, I was unable to wake up from my despair. But you, Apollo. You have awakened me with your demonstration of our father's creed. A dragon never yields. (With strength, feeling freed and empowered)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Iris Fey
Role assigned to: SeraphicSiren

Iris Fey is a minor character on The Shield of Justice. Iris will be used only occasionally throughout the series, along with possible appearances in Asinine Attorney videos. Note, she is being casted especially far in advance! We're looking for a reserved and soft spoken voice.

  • ...I've been at Hazakura Temple ever since I was a little girl. Hazakura Temple is run by one of the branch families of the Kurain Tradition. One of our missions is to protect the main family. (Friendly)

  • I don't know if there were any bad feelings between them, but... It had been 17 years since Mystic Misty's disappearance. ...Perhaps they simply didn't recognize each other anymore... (Pondering, inquisitive)

  • If it's alright with you... I would like you to have this. It has the power to protect you from evil spirits. I pray for your safety on this dark, cold night. (Sincere, yet serious)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
AAI Forensics & Officers
Role assigned to: JamesHalliday Taealdi

The AAI Forensics and Officers role is an opportunity for two actors to provide voices for the forensics unit and officers found throughout Ace Attorney Investigations-styled episodes. This role is very small and very infrequent, but would be greatly appreciated. We will be accepting one male and one female to play the officers! In other words, we are looking to have two voices for this role. We're looking for voices that have firm and almost militaristic kinds of presence.

  • Yes sir! (Firm)

  • Ms. von Karma, Ms. von Karma! We have your test results! (Firm and strong, with positive tone)

  • There are no reports of a missing coat, sir! (Firm and strong) 


Public Submissions

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