NEW ROLES | Ace Attorney: The Shield of Justice Voice Acting Casting!

Minty-chan for Iris Fey

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Iris Fey
Role assigned to: SeraphicSiren

Iris Fey is a minor character on The Shield of Justice. Iris will be used only occasionally throughout the series, along with possible appearances in Asinine Attorney videos. Note, she is being casted especially far in advance! We're looking for a reserved and soft spoken voice.

  • ...I've been at Hazakura Temple ever since I was a little girl. Hazakura Temple is run by one of the branch families of the Kurain Tradition. One of our missions is to protect the main family. (Friendly)

  • I don't know if there were any bad feelings between them, but... It had been 17 years since Mystic Misty's disappearance. ...Perhaps they simply didn't recognize each other anymore... (Pondering, inquisitive)

  • If it's alright with you... I would like you to have this. It has the power to protect you from evil spirits. I pray for your safety on this dark, cold night. (Sincere, yet serious)

NEW ROLES | Ace Attorney: The Shield of Justice Voice Acting Casting!
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