MySims Characters if They had English-Speaking Voices (New Roles!)

Project Overview

Hello, Fellow Sims Players & Future Jigglypuff Lovers! Who has played MySims before? I've got a special treat for all the ones who have... I have decided to make a project imagining what all the MySims characters might sound like if they could speak English! How it will work is that each Sim will have a collection of lines that work just like the conversation mechanic dialogue in the Sims Bustin' Out G.B.A video game! This chat I've had with Uncle Hayseed will be used as an example of what the project will be like. I'll write down a new line for every interaction response in that game for each Sim. A couple of Sims will appear in each video in sections, with more Sims appearing in future sections each time a new video is made. I'm currently starting off with 10 Sims, but there will be more coming in the future for this project, so please stay tuned for future updates if you want to voice a new Sim! Enjoy, Fellow Sims Players & Future Jigglypuff Lovers! 

(This project is non-profit and made just for your entertainment and mine. I do not own the characters or anything else MySims-related, nor am I affiliated with Electronic Arts, the company that created MySims in any way. These videos will be uploaded to my YouTube Channel and will be split into different sections.)

(All you need for this project is a decent-sounding microphone. By desktop or phone, it doesn't really matter to me, as long as there's little to no background noise, no mic popping, and no static when you audition. A Discord Account for contact is recommended, but not required, as I can contact you here on the Casting Call Club website if you'd like, Discord is just more of an easier reach. Good luck auditioning, and if you get cast for a role, be prepared to possibly stick around for future projects! Enjoy, Future Jigglypuff Loving Simmers!)

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Volunteer Role for Dialogue Writer (Multiple can be cast!)
Role assigned to: OrefilePK

I always love to come up with new lines for all of the Sims to say, but with another writer teaming up by my side, new lines can be made for the Sims that I've never even thought up! All of the dialogue will be like the lines in the conversation gameplay of The Sims: Bustin' Out G.B.A game, sometimes being short, simple, and sweet. I am looking for writers who have a good amount of knowledge of the original Sims B.O. conversation mechanic quotes or are willing to learn about them with my help. When I cast you, you're free to write down new lines of any Sim of your choice, and you can even change a few lines of the ones I made if you can come up with something even better! If you're interested in applying, you can send in any script you've made, or if you want to, you can even make one from scratch that's planned for this project!

  • english
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Meet Buddy the Bellhop. A kind-hearted, honest, hard-working young man who runs the town hotel. But there's more to this cheerful bellhop than meets the eye. He may look like just an average, patriotic, polite room server, but deep down, Buddy has a deep-seated fondness for superhero comics, video games, and outer space! Buddy's dream in life is to be the first Sim on the moon by being able to create a super rocket ship in order to blast off into his lifelong goal! Buddy also works part-time as an aspiring comic-book sketch artist too, and always loves to create and write new comics whenever he has the chance to!

(Since Buddy has been Greg Cripes' most recognizable role in the MySims series, I'm looking for a high-pitched male voice for Buddy, making his voice sound similar or identical to Beast Boy from Teen-Titans, with any accent that's been listed near the role. Here are some clips featuring Beast Boy for voice reference!)

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • californian
  • male young adult
  • male teen
  • american
  • american (new york)
  • north american
  • bostonian
  • brooklyn
  • (Cheerful) Oh, hiya pal! Buddy the Bellhop at your service! Things are a little slow right now so I've been practicing my salutes while I wait for things to pick up. I guarantee you, the next guest that stays here is gonna get the salutin' of a lifetime!

  • (Making superhero noises) ZzzzzzzZOOM!!! BOOM! POW! KA-BLOOEY! (Exploding noise) Ka-BOEWWWWW!!!! (Superhero Jingle) Dun-dun-dun-DUNNN! And that's how the Super-Kids conquered the Cortex Catastrophe! Eh? Eh? What do you think? Brilliant story, isn't it?

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
DJ Candy 'Supergroove'
Role assigned to: bluepenguingamer

All you grumpy neighbors better get your earplugs ready! When this DJ enters a room, the fun level turns up to MORE than eleven! Her real name is Candy, but some people have given her the name of 'Supergroove' because of her mix-mastery of scratching up those sick beats on those turntables! Candy loves doing what she does best more than anything else in the world, and she's not only the most fun DJ in the world, at least according to a massive majority of Sims, Candy's also a smart, intelligent scientist... Of sound! Being a DJ has taught Candy SO much about the study of things like watts, reverb, and noise reduction filters, and if you're lucky, she'll even give you so MUCH great advice on how to use these sorts of things wisely to make the best track you could ever mix! But to DJ Candy, the secret to REALLY getting a dance party going all crazy is... Waving glowsticks everywhere. That always works for her!

(For DJ Candy's voice, I'm looking for a mid-high-pitched or high-pitched female voice. And as you can see, one of the lines has the character call my name. I would tell you not to worry about the possibility of mispronouncing my name, as I get that a lot, but with DJ Candy successfully rhyming the first verse in her improv rap, my name sounds just like 'Pie', but with the letter J replacing the P.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • north american
  • animation/character
  • female young adult
  • (Pumped up) Aw, yeah!!! DJ Candy Supergroove is here in da house, chilling with Buddy, our Bellhop Dude, and Double J, JigglyJai!

  • (A little hesitant) Oh, uh, can I rap? Um... I don't know, but I can try if you want me to! Mic, please. *Clears throat* Yo, yo, yo! It's yo girl DJ Candy with his boy JigglyJai! A delicious duo that's sweeter than cherry cream pie! Our skills, magic & charisma are unmatched, because we both put the hip in... Er... Um... Hipster. Well, I tried.

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Travis is a former CEO of a party supply company in SimCity, which is amazing considering his young age. To me, becoming the headmaster and boss of ANY office company even BEFORE growing a mustache or at least any sort of full-blown stubble is a big worldwide achievement! But in Travis's case, that exact sort of achievement apparently isn't all it's cracked up to be, because he retired his position at a young age too. Now, Travis is looking to move into a new town to relax and just get away from all the company craziness and paperwork anxiety. Travis' new aim is to travel more of the world, experience new surroundings, learn about many different cultures, and figure out the best way to shave without it being too lengthy or too painful.

(For Travis's voice, I'm looking for a male mid-high-pitched young adult voice with a British accent.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • british
  • animation/character
  • Hello, mate! What's crackin'? I'm Travis, ex-CEO of one of SimCity's awesome party supply companies, and not just a pretty face as well! If you're looking for a smashing time, I'm your chum! Although I'm still learning the best way on how to shave that ugly bumfluff off my face.

  • (Amused) Did I ever tell you about the time I put one of my employee's staplers inside jelly? Oh, that bloke should've seen the look on his face! And before you ask, yes, I learnt that prank from watching The Office, and I kindly ask you to please keep the wisecracks to yourself. Thank you!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Rhonda is an energetic party animal daredevil who wants to live her life to the fullest. She's an independent Sim who enjoys doing things HER own way and doesn't care about the consequences later on. Rhonda believes that there's NEVER a time and place to not have any fun! She even makes up her own mottos to psyche herself up, and to help others see the world as Rhonda sees it!

(For Rhonda's voice, I'm looking for an energetic, super-enthusiastic medium-pitched Black American female voice.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • black american
  • animation/character
  • Hey, hey, hey! I'm Rhonda! What's up? Do you look like you could be a FANTASTIC friend for me or what?

  • You can never have too much fun, baby! Those pessimists don't even know what they're missing out on! Go ahead and have fun until your brain explodes! That's my motto, boy!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ms. Nicole Vogue
Role assigned to: enbybuddy

Nicole Vogue, or 'Ms. Nicole Vogue' as she prefers is a veteran fashionista and model Sim who has been stylizing her appearance for quite a very, very LONG time. There's only one thing that Ms. Nicole loves more than going on luxurious shopping sprees to find only the BEST of the best in the glamorous fashion trends, and that is inspiring other Sims to view fashion in a way that other Sims have NEVER viewed fashion before... Ms. Nicole is on a special mission to motivate Sims to overlook their inner beauty and make them believe that if you're not wearing fashionable clothing, you're not trying to be good-looking! To Ms. Nicole, it's the clothes that match the Sim, but her hairdresser twin sister Shirley, who prefers to have a much more hands-on approach to Sims, begs to differ, and the two sisters are currently in a fashionista-hairdresser rivalry because of it.

(For Nicole Vogue... Sorry, MS. Nicole Vogue's voice, I'm looking for a female low-mid-pitched or medium-pitched voice with any accent you think a snobby high-class fashionista Sim like her should have.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • animation/character
  • Oh, hello, darling. My name's Nicole Vogue... Actually, call me MS. Nicole Vogue, if you don't mind. I'm considering opening a boutique in this little town, but I'm not quite sure if it's fashionable enough for my tastes. I guess I'm just waiting to be pleasantly surprised at this point.

  • (Inspecting) Hmmmm... Darling, I know a pink Sim when I see one. Sure, you may WEAR pink, but judging by the way you act, I'm not so convinced that it's your type of color... Hmm, judging by your lively, energetic nature, I'd probably have to say... Orange is your color, darling, I just know it! Yes! A perfect fit! What's wrong, darling? That color's perfect for you, is it not?

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Shirley Vogue
cast offsite

Meet Shirley Vogue, master of the gossip collum, but more importantly, master of haircuts as well. Shirley owns a beauty salon in town, where she can really shine and show off her hair-styling skills to all of the Sims looking for a new hairdo if she's not stylizing herself and keeping her special pink beehive hair perfect and in place in her own spare time. Get ready for the hair of your dreams. Just take a seat, and let Shirley work her magic and take good care of you... Before you know it, you might even have hair almost as beautiful as Shirley's beehive! Shirley also has a twin sister named Nicole, who prefers to be called 'Ms. Nicole', and the two sort of have... A Fashionista Hairdresser clash, shall we say. You see, where Ms. Nicole is a strong believer that the perfect clothes make for the perfect Sim, Shirley begs to differ. You would almost NEVER see her pick up one of the clothing magazines in her own beauty salon, because to Shirley, when it comes to real beauty, it's not all about the clothing, but rather the biggest and most expressive hairstyle, along with the loudest and most colorful hairspray you could possibly get. In fact, Shirley has only three rules of style that are VERY important to her... Rule No. 1: No heels are too high. Rule No. 2: Animal prints look good on everything, especially with cheetah prints, And Rule No. 3: You know you’ve used enough hairspray when there's nothing left in the bottle.

(For Shirley Vogue's voice, I'm looking for a female low-mid-pitched or medium-pitched voice with a New York accent.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • new york
  • american (new york)
  • animation/character
  • Hey there, hon! Name's Shirley Vouge, but you can just call me Shirley. Don't you just love this bodacious beehive of mine? Yep, bingo! I had a feeling you knew I stylized it myself! You know, I'd be happy to do your hair sometime, sweetie!

  • Take a seat, and let good ol' Shirley take great care of you, boo! I've got a great little story to tell you that I think you'll really enjoy, sweetie. You know my twin sister Nikki, right? Of course, her real name is Nicole, but I call her Nikki just to annoy and frustrate her. *Mischievous chuckle* Anyway, have I ever told you about the day I directly threw cake into Nicole's face on her 23rd birthday, hon?

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Mean old Morcubus claims to be in his words: "King of evil, darkness, and everything else spooky and terrifying". Morcubus has a black heart of pure darkness... If you'd like to say he even HAS a heart... Morcubus is a powerful, but mean, ruthless, and nasty man who is the sole president of the MorcuCorp company, a horrid company whose sole purpose is to make all of your nightmares come true. With him being the man behind the mighty MorcuCorp, Morcubus once owned half of the entire city! Morcubus has tried EVERYTHING to make the whole town miserable courtesy of his diabolical plans to take over the entire world... From stealing Poppy Nightshade's dog named Dogwood and passing it off as his own with the name of 'Killfang', trying to frame Poppy, to breaking apart buildings, and getting his wicked hands on something powerful called a Nightmare Crown, whatever helps Morcubus and his No.1 goal of taking the entirety of Planet Earth under his control, he will put those sort of plans into action! But even an evil mastermind like Morcubus has a LOT to learn... And sometimes, even HE can't take himself seriously when others don't on rare occasions. 

(For Vincent's voice, I'm looking for a male low-pitched or low-mid-pitched adult voice with any accent you choose.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • Quiver in fear, mortal! I am the mean, diabolical, and terrible Morcubus! Does my vile, horrid, and awesome presence not make you quake, child?

  • (Bitterly) Hmph... I must admit, you've got nerves of steel standing up to such a fearsome Sim like myself. But don't think that this'll be over easily just because you've earned the respect of the great and gastly Morcubus! I shall return someday, and the black, burning fires will one day curse you for this... You shall rue the day you've ever defied the mighty, menacing, and powerful MORCUBUS!!! *Evil, manical laughter*

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Meet Brandi, mischief maker, fib flinger, and a rebellious renegade in general. Sure, she may be old enough to know better... But growing up didn't stop Brandi from pulling devious pranks. In fact, Brandi does what she does all just for fun! You see, Brandi loves nothing more than doing what she does best... And unfortunately, that's causing mischief and making the lives of good-hearted and angelic Sims all a wreck with impish pranks and troublesome trickery. Brandi will do anything she can just to get others in trouble by telling rumors and lies just to make every Sim she sees as miserable as possible. Brandi will fib and tell lies to anyone who talks to her when she gets the opportunity to... And it never helps to get work properly done. All devil, and no angel, Brandi will tell you that her reputation for being very troublesome and naughty is undeserved... But even THAT's a total lie... The truth is... Brandi pulls pranks and encourages troublesome behavior just because she can't help herself!

(For Brandi's voice, I'm looking for a medium-pitched female voice with any accent you choose.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • female teen
  • (Mischievously) Hey there, punk. Name's Brandi. Say, I don't know about you, but this looks like a nice place to cause some trouble... Heh-heh-heh-heh...

  • (Angry) Why you little twerp! I didn't do NOTHING! Did you see me do something?! DID you?! It was all like that when I got here, you big doofus! I ain't no culprit here, punk! I swear, I'm innocent I tell you! INNOCENT!!!!!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Chef Hisao Watanabe
cast offsite

Wise Chef Hisao Watanabe has been a veteran sushi chef for more than 40 years! He owns an orient-styled sushi restaurant dedicated to his family, sharing his profit equally with the rest of the Watanabe's, including Hisao's more timid son Jimmy! Hisao hopes that one day, his son will follow in his father's footsteps, despite the fact that Jimmy has a fish allergy and a phobia of knives. Hisao really believes in his son though, and deep down in his caring fatherly heart, his young blood will surprise him one day and gain the patience and precision Hisao has in making sushi...And master everything a sushi chef must master, from entertaining younger Sims with knife tricks, and making sure every piece of sushi ends up a masterpiece...  With every cut being exact, and every roll perfectly round. Not a single grain of rice out of place!

(For Chef Hisao's voice, I'm looking for a low-mid-pitched male adult voice with a Japanese accent.)  

  • english
  • japanese
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • japanese
  • animation/character
  • Kon'nichiwa! Hajimemashite! (Hello! Nice to meet you!) My name is Chef Watanabe. I have studied the wonderful art of sushi for the past forty years, and now I come to this town to lend both my aid and my cuisine, if you would like to have them, that is.

  • (Very cross) *Gasp!* Yuki! Oh no! No, no, no, no, no! Not you again! You are not welcome here in Watanabe Sushi! Not anymore! You hear me? Never coming back! Not after all the trouble you've been causing with MY humble sushi business! So you no enter! Nope! いいえ! ( Īe!) (No!) No! Now you go away! Now!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jimmy Watanabe
cast offsite

Jimmy Watanabe's the son of the legendary veteran sushi master Chef Hisao. Jimmy really looks up to his father, and tries to follow in Hisao's footsteps as much as he can... And as Jimmy's father understands, imitation is the most sincere form of flattery! Like father, like son... Jimmy wears the same clothing as his father, and shares the same dreams of making sushi as his father! But when you're someone like Jimmy, making proper sushi is actually easier said than done, believe it or not! That's because Jimmy has a severe allergy to fish... And a big phobia of sharp things like knives! Every time his Dad, Hisao wields out his trusty knife he sharpens before every preparation of sushi, Jimmy flinches, winces, and makes sure he stays away from the kitchen in a safe area and distance... As if the kitchen wasn't off limits for Jimmy already for the good of his health and wellbeing... Lots of fish being served in one period... But Jimmy has a big heart and high hopes... And despite him having something that usually isn't recommended to be a sushi chef, Jimmy believes that one day his lifelong dream of becoming a masterful sushi chef will all come true one day... And his father believes the same thing! Now that's what I call true father and son bonding!

((For Jimmy's voice, I'm looking for a high-pitched male teenager voice.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • north american
  • male teen
  • japanese american
  • animation/character
  • Hi there! I'm Jimmy Watanabe. Have you met my dad? He owns a Sushi restaurant. I'm hoping to one day become a great sushi chef just like him! If only I wasn't allergic to fish...

  • (A little hesitant) Um... You can keep a secret, can't you? Can I trust you to keep this between us? Ok... If there's one thing that scares me more than anything sharp, it'll have to be Yuki. Have you met Yuki before? I still remember the time my Dad opened up our sushi business at that special beach resort... Yuki tried EVERYTHING to find a way to get my father framed... She caused all sorts of trouble with us! (Shudders) Oh boy... I really hope us Watanabes NEVER go down that road again...

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Don't let her cute kawaii looks deceive you, Yuki still is a vicious vampire looking to bite any Sim who messes with her! Yuki likes to be very mischievous and often tends to scare other Sims with her threats of biting them just to get a good laugh... Most of the time. You STILL should be careful of Yuki though! Her tendency to be cheeky has led her to the dark side working for MorbuCorp once... But to be fair, she wasn't INTENTIONALLY trying to frame anyone at that beach party... After taking her mini-sub for a joyride, she once killed a jumbo crab, and it raised suspicion... Over to masterful sushi chef Hisao Watanabe! Thank goodness the proof is in the pudding, and Hisao was innocent after further investigation! Yuki may not INTEND to be evil, just a cute, playful, and silly Sim. She also speaks in 3rd person sometimes, and enjoys cute things as well as spooky things! Yuki's really into this anime sitcom which is a mix of both adorable and freaky called "顔を噛んでもいいですか?" which is Japanese for "May I Bite Your Face?".

(For Yuki's voice, I'm looking for a cute and adorable squeaky high-pitched female teenage voice for her with a Japanese accent. I'd like her to sound like a character belonging to a kawaii Japanese anime.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • monster
  • japanese
  • animation/character
  • Kon'nichiwa! Shiriai ni aete ureshīdesu! (Hello! Pleasure to meet your acquaintance!) My name is Yuki. If you don't keep a close eye on me, I'll bite your face! (Mischievous Giggling) Tee-hee-hee-hee!

  • Do you like anime? Yuki's favorite anime is Kao O Kande Mo īdesu ka? Translation: May I Bite Your Face? Yuki's no joking! Yuki learnt a LOT from watching Kao O Kande Mo īdesu ka?, like how to easily bite people's faces off as if they were paper masks! Yuki tried doing that once before with silly Jimmy Watanabe! (Mischievous giggling) Tee-hee-hee-hee-hee!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Patrick Rhino
cast offsite

Patrick Rhino is a construction worker and former part-time trucker who has a BIG appetite. After driving from town to town in his truck, Patrick retired and moved on from transporting things in his massive Mack to have more time to eat some delicious food in the town! He loved the pizza Papa Gino always passes on, the ice cream Roxie Road always dishes up, and the sushi Chef Hisao Watanabe always serves fresh! After falling in love with the town's food, Patrick decided to become loyal to the town and NEVER leave it behind... Patrick still needed a job, and luckily, he was able to apply to be a construction worker, building new valuable properties on the main street! Patrick hopes to one day be able to construct a new restaurant, an opportunity that he'd be HONORED to take, and hopefully, maybe that could happen this year!

(For Patrick's voice, I'm looking for a tough, but friendly-sounding low-pitched, or low-mid-pitched male adult voice.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • male young adult
  • american
  • Hey there, Sport! Name's Patrick Rhino! But you can just call me Pat. I've been living here in this town for quite a while now. I used to be a trucker before coming here, but the town's tasty food is why you see me here and not in my truck anymore. Hey friend, A Sim's gotta eat. Know what I'm sayin', Sport?

  • Whew! Constructing buildings sure is a lot of hard work! Hey, gang! Excuse me, but I was just wondering... When is the lunch-time whistle going to blow? All of this constructing sure is making me hungry!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Roger is an energetic and ambitious health nut and fitness freak. It's very rare to see Roger NOT doing something athletic out in public, whether it's doing push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, going out for a jog, lifting weights at the gym, checking his pulse at the hospital, or even just stopping to catch his breath after all of the hard, tiring work, you can almost one hundred percent for sure bet that if it's anything that helps build a stronger, sturdier body, Roger's gonna do it! And the list will go on and on and on as long as Roger can find something to do that will help keep his body fit and active!

(For Roger's voice, I'm looking for tough-sounding training coach-like low-mid-pitched male adult voice.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • north american
  • animation/character
  • *Huffing and Puffing sounds* Hi there! The name's Roger. I was just running through town for my daily exercise routine, but this looks like a fun place to take a breather. *More Huffing and Puffing*

  • *Straining as if he were lifting heavy weights* No pain, no gain... *More Straining* Especially in the pursuit of a strong, healthy physique! *More Straining*

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Annie Radd
cast offsite

Hey, Simmers! Are you ready to rock? Because Annie Radd sure is! Just give her an electric guitar and a stack of amplifiers, and Annie will be all set to rock your world up to eleven! This enegertic rocker wants to make sure all of her preformances on stage end with a bang, on a high note, and with a loud guitar rift that can be heard all the way from here to SimCity! Annie likes to pratice her rocker skills by headbanging and playing air guitar whenever she can. And she espically loves to show off her love for heavy metal and at DJ Candy's Club Rubb, where she will air guitar and headbang her heart out to the beats like no one's watching! Oh, and of course, Annie's favorite word to say is 'Rocking' too.

(For Annie Radd's voice, I'm looking for an energetic tomboyish Californian mid-high-pitched female voice.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • animation/character
  • tomboy
  • californian
  • Yo! What's going on, SimTown? I'm Annie Radd, and I've got one question for you... (Heavy Metal Screaming) ARE YOU READY TO RAWK?!?!??!!?!?!

  • AW, YEAH, BABY!!! RAWKIN' GOOD CONCERT! RAWKIN' GOOD! Alright, my rockin' dudes and dudettes, before I wrap the extreme mood of this rockfest up for good, I would like to give a big shoutout to my hero who inspired me to become the extreme vocalist and musician I am today, the world famous daredevil stuntman Chaz McFreely! Much love to you, bro! And much love to your radical stunts too! Thank you one, thank you all! Peace, goodbye and goodnight! WOO!!!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Meet Renee, former meat-eater turned animal lover, all thanks to cute little baby pigs! Growing up, Renee was never really picky about her meat at first... But one visit to the petting zoo changed everything... After getting to hold and pet a cute little baby pig, that adorable moment something sparked in Renee's life... And as a result of that, Renee vowed to become a permanent vegetarian and never EVER eat meat again... For every pig out there on planet Earth! Renee's loyalty to her new farm friends may be as strong as a brick wall, but Renee STILL eats the meat of other animals from time to time... Her favorite meat so far right now is lamb chomps. Renee still finds those VERY tasty!

(For Renee's voice, I'm looking for a female mid-high pitched teenager voice with a South American country accent.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • south american
  • animation/character
  • Hi, I'm Renée! Do you know what's so cute? Pigs! This one time, I was at this petting zoo, and I was lining up to hold and pet the CUTEST little baby pig you've ever seen!

  • Would I consider myself a strict vegetarian? Hmmm... Well, yes AND no. You see, I still enjoy what I'd like to call, making occasional exceptions to the vegetarian rule. I still enjoy eating fish for instance. Fish is especially good fried and battered, like that takeaway store that Travis always used to go to where they served fish with piping hot french fries! And I especially still love those delicious, juicy lamb-chomps. Those are the most yummy! But you're DEFINITLY still not going to eat up any pigs as long as I'm around! No way! Pigs are for hugging, not for chewing!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Noelle is a sweet young lady with a love for even sweeter things... Cookies! Noelle's into cookies of all shapes and different sizes, but doesn't love them all the same... In fact, if you were to give her an oatmeal raisin cookie instead of a chocolate chip one if you had both, Noelle would say she prefers the chocolate chip cookie. Chocolate chip cookies are Noelle's No.1 favorite, but after learning how to bake her cookies, Noelle's planning to put herself out of her comfort zone and give herself a MIGHTY challenge... To successfully find a way to make the first-ever doughless cookie!

(For Noelle's voice, I'm looking for a high-pitched female child or preteen voice for her.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female child
  • north american
  • animation/character
  • Hi there! I'm Noelle. Do you like cookies? I like lots and LOTS of cookies! My favorite cookies are the cute little chocolate chip ones! I once ate 97 of them with 14 glasses of milk! Then, I had a bad case of cookie coma straight afterwards. True story!

  • (Calling out) Hel-lloooo! Cookies for sale! Huh? Well, no, I'm not officially one of the girl scouts, but I promise you, my delicious chocolate chip cookies will taste just as wonderful! Wait a minute, what are you doing? Wait, please don't close the door! I promise my cookies are as good as the ones the scouts make! Wait! Please don't go! Don't go!!!!!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Grandma Ruthie
cast offsite

Grandma Ruthie is as sweet as you could imagine a Grandma to be... But she is just a little bit boastful about her proud success being the boss of TWO food companies... The CEO of the RuthieCo division of Hollard Foods Inc., and the proud owner of her very own oatmeal cookie bakery! What's the secret behind the Grandma Ruthie's Oatmeal Cookies bakery, you may ask? Well, according to Grandma Ruthie herself, all it takes is plenty of oats, a dash of cinnamon, lots of love... And marketing. Especially marketing. Lots and LOTS of marketing.

(For Grandma Ruthie's voice, I'm looking for a sweet-sounding, elderly, medium-pitched female voice for her.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female senior
  • american
  • elderly
  • animation/character
  • Well hello, dear. I'm Grandma Ruthie. I'm known for making Grandma Ruthie's Oatmeal Cookies. I'm also president and CEO of RuthieCo., a division of Hollard Foods Inc. Isn't that neat?

  • (Sighing happily) Ahhhhh... I remember the good old days back when I taught that little angel Noelle how to bake her first cookie right here in this kitchen! Have you met Noelle, deary? I taught her everything she needs to know about baking the best cookies!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Terry Toymender
Role assigned to: arlen chitty

Terry Toymender may be a senior citizen in appearance, but will always be a young child at heart. Terry has been a huge fan of toys ever since his 2nd birthday, when his mother gave him a stuffed teddy that Terry really grew attached to. Terry may not have had a lot of money back in his youthful years, but growing up, he seemed to appreciate toys more than ANYONE else in his young school years! But Terry doesn't just love his toys, he also takes great care of them. And I don't just mean with love and affection, I mean with stitching, sewing, and a LOT of other tools. From an early age, Terry didn't have to ask anyone to fix the things he's broken... Because HE'S the one that ends up fixing his belongings with NO problem. Terry shared his handy toy fixer-upper skills, and his love for all toys in general by opening up a toy store in town. But it's not just the toys that Terry grew up with that he enjoys! Terry is also willing to enjoy what the people today love! From video games, to pop and electronic music, whatever the younger folks enjoy, Terry also loves to! It's clear that Terry's big, friendly, fun, and goofy heart shows no signs of changing slighty anytime soon in the years to come!

(For Terry Toymender's voice, I'm looking for a friendly, cheerful, and playful-sounding elderly male mid-high pitched voice for him.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • elderly
  • american
  • animation/character
  • Why hello there, young'in! I'm Terry Toymender, an expert toy maker, toy designer, toy fixer-upper, and children's entertainer. Looking to bring back your inner-child, sonny? Come over to my toy store, where laughter comes in all shapes and sizes, even the ones made out of plastic! *Chuckle*

  • Bah! You typical old folk today... Relying too much on the music from yesteryear... Why not be more like me and the kids of today and appreciate the new music from hip popstars like Katy Perry, Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus? Uh... That is what you young'ins say these days, right? Hip?

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: casper 🛸 VA

Hopper is a very sprightly, energetic, and bouncy young Sim. Emphasis on bouncy, because this Sim likes to hop and bounce like a frog as far as he possibly can! Hopper really loves frogs, and sometimes even acts like a frog by bouncing on floating lilypads in bodies of water every now and then! Believe it or not, Hopper used to be more of a typical, normal school boy, but after winning the golden trophy in the high jump competition, Hopper sort of let the success go right to his head... Heck, some Sims would say, that Hopper actually thinks that he's a real frog who can do everything a frog can do... And more! Except that Hopper can't extend his tongue, of course. 

(For Hopper's voice, I'm looking for a male high-pitched child voice. I actually want Hopper to sound like a character that Amy Brinbaum or Kayzie Rodgers would voice, which is why I'm looking for a female voice actress for this role. Here are some voice clips featuring some of Amy and Kayzie's characters for voice reference!)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male child
  • north american
  • animation/character
  • (Making cute frog noises) Ribbit! Ribbit! Hi! I'm Hopper! Nobody can jump as far as me! Wanna see? BOING! BOING! Ribbit, Ribbit! *Cute laughter*

  • I can also do some other cool animal noises if you wanna hear! *Making some duck noises* Those are my duck noises. I use those as my own personal duck-call sometimes. I can also make some fly sounds! Ready? *Mosquito buzzing* Oh, wait a minute that's a mosquito. *Buzzes lips* Still working on that one.

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Taylor is a young female Sim who is just a tad bit full of herself. But to be fair, it's not Taylor's fault that she has an ego inflated like a hot-air balloon, take it from Taylor's Grandfather! Like any Grandparent would with their kids, Taylor's Grandpa spoils her rotten... But now, all those compliments and confident boosters might have just taken a toll, with all of the tender care and flattery seemingly going right through Taylor's head! Taylor now has a LOT to say about everything her Grandpa has done for her that she's grateful for... Like the perfect curls her Grandpa did for her, the fabulous clothes her Grandpa picks for her... And just her Grandpa himself in general. Taylor just won't give it a rest when it comes to her Grandfather! Taylor is also best friends with the nicer Clara Belle, both of whom share the same interests. But there's one gripe that Taylor has with Clara... And that's Clara's "habit" of mentioning Mr. Suckers. You see, Taylor's never seen Clara's big sea monster friend, Mr. Suckers a blue Kraken to be exact, causing the two to lock horns with each other. Taylor always assumes and believes that Mr. Suckers is Clara's imaginary friend and nothing more, and always tells her to grow up and say big girls like both Clara and herself don't make up imaginary friends... Ah well, seeing is believing, and it might just be better for Taylor not to see Mr. Suckers anyway, as she HATES being spooked... If only she knew the friendly, heartwarming truth... If only Taylor knew...

(For Taylor's voice, I'm looking for a cute, squeaky high-pitched female voice for her. I actually want her to sound even YOUNGER than a normal female child's voice. I want Taylor's voice to sound like it belongs to a higher-pitched toddler even though she's still older. Very high-pitched, and almost baby-sounding. A 2 or 3-year-old high-pitched toddler-like voice.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female child
  • animation/character
  • north american
  • Hey there! I'm Taylor! Don't you just love this pretty little dress and these perfect swirly curls? You can thank my Grandpa for those! He's only the BEST Grandpa a girl like me could ever have, and that's the truthful truth, no doubt about that!

  • (Angry) Hey!!! Those are my pretty hair curls that you're ruining! Hey! That's not funny! You have to fix them now! If you don't, I'll tell Grandpa on you, and trust me, when Grandpa finds out, there WILL be trouble...

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Meet Billy, bright dreamer of the cosmos and the future at a very young age. There's only one pastime that comes to mind whenever you mention Billy, and that is stargazing. You see, this shy, introverted young boy spends most of his time gazing outerspace through a giant telescope whenever he can, and often ponders about what kind of secrets the galaxy really holds outside of the  human world. And all of the 24/7 solar system oberserving appears to have given Billy a really great influence on philosophy! If he didn't have an exciting outlook on his life that's as bright as a shooting star before, just thinking about what the cosmic road lies ahead for Billy makes him more starry-eyed by the minute! (No pun intended) Billy is very hopeful about what lies ahead of him in his future. Billy is confident that he has his own special dream that NO one else could've dreamed of! He just doesn't know what it is yet, but he will continue on stargazing for a clear idea on what he was put on Planet Earth for, and what his true destiny to succeed in life is even if he goes blind staring in his telescope for too long!

(For Billy's voice, I'm looking for a male high-pitched gruff-sounding child voice. I'm actually looking for female V.As who can do children's voices, just like in the video game or cartoon voiceovers. Sorry, adult males. I actually have a couple of characters who have the voice I'm looking for Billy, and here are some clips featuring them to give you an exact idea of what I want Billy to sound like. And yes, I'm using a PinkFong character for one of the voice references.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male child
  • north american
  • animation/character
  • Hi there. I'm Billy. Do you ever look at the stars and just dream of what's out there? There should be like a hundred mysteries out in the cosmic galaxy just waiting to be discovered!

  • My great tutor Professor Nova once told me “When you wish upon a star, you get some chocolate syrup put on Planet Uranus”. I still have no idea what that means yet.

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Liberty is a bright, intelligent, and very cheerful young Sim who, true to her name, has a completely free spirit. Weirdly enough, Liberity doesn't usually sense danger like other less eccentric Sims would, and that's especially the case with snakes. In fact, Liberity loves snakes so much that she will often give out different helpful, but also pretty random facts about snakes every so often. Also, no matter how long it has been, Liberity will remember almost EVERY single memory and event she's had with the snakes she's had as pets like it was all yesterday! There was one time when Liberity kept a snake in her school backpack in secret in the cafeteria because she thought it was hungry... Once the snake slithered out of the bag, that was it for the cafeteria lady and her career! There was another time when a snake Liberity played with was so sprightly and energetic that it actually bit Liberity on the nose, which might be the reason why she still has that band-aid as of currently! But Liberity is more than eager to forgive her slithering sidekicks and is always willing to let bygones be bygones with them! Will nothing break Liberity's spookily cheerful attitude? 

(For Liberity's voice, I'm looking for a female mid-high-pitched or high-pitched teenager voice for her with her speaking in a lisp, pronouncing 'S' sounds as 'Sh'.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • american
  • lisps
  • animation/character
  • Hi there! My name ish Liberty! Did you know that the biggesht shnake in the world ish the reticulated python?

  • (Dizzy and Uncomfortable) Woahhhh, my head'sh shpinning! It really ish inshane to find out how much the shnake venom can really do to your vishion! Woahhhh... Good thing I have an antidote! Uh oh... Where'sh it gone? Did I mishplace it? I can't even tell! Everything'sh jusht a blur now!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Madame Zoe
cast offsite

Wise Madame Zoe is a magical and mystical fortune-teller who can not only read palms with her trusty crystal ball, but can also hold supernatural seances and can contact the spirits of the dead! This mysterious woman knows all... As long as she has her crystal ball around her, that is. Zoe hails from deep in the forbidden swamps of Louisiana... One day, Zoe stumbled upon a very rare mineral which is the ONLY mineral ever POSSIBLE to make fortune tellings and seances come true buried deep in the murky swamp mud... Fortunite! After Zoe's successful discovery of this unknown grain, Zoe used the Fortunite to make sure every single one of her mystical predictions came true, and then moved into town to begin her chain of fortune-telling shops! And with her strange, spooky skills of paranormal communication, it was even rumored that Madame Zoe was the first EVER Sim to contact the mischievous, playful, cheeky spirit of the late Sim Cassandra! 

(For Madame Zoe's voice, I'm looking for a female low-pitched voice with a French accent.)

  • english
  • french
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • french
  • animation/character
  • Greetings, chere. You and I, we were destined to meet in this place. You can call me Madame Zoe, international palm-reader and communicator of the undead spirits.

  • (Reading a fortune) Hmmmmmm... I sense... A strange disturbance in our hometown... A suspicious man dressed in red who once wore the same exact hairstyle as our self-centered, swell-headed museum proprietor... You might know him... He is an arrogant, greedy, selfish man who thinks the whole world revolves around him... In fact, one like me could say... He has his own delusions and thinks he's the world ruler of everything spooky on this planet...

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tad "Flipper" McCaffrey
cast offsite

Safety first! Tad McCaffrey, who some Sims call "Flipper" is the active lifeguard of his very own indoor aquatic center, and REALLY takes his lifeguarding duties seriously. Whenever a life needs saving, Tad springs into action like an aquatic super-swimming superhero! And funnily enough, that MIGHT be the thing that inspired Tad to become a lifeguard in the first place! As a young boy, Tad was a HUGE fan of the superhero show Hydro-Lad, where he would imitate whatever he saw the teenage aquatic superhero too! Tad would run around all over the place in his swimsuit,  crafted water wings like the Hydro-Lad has himself, and would shout out Hydro-Lad's famous catchphrase: "Time to hydrate evil!". Now, Tad McCaffrey grew up having a dream of becoming the most heroic a lifeguard could ever be, saving Sims in the ocean, and fighting evil IN the ocean! It's a dream that's like a Baywatch episode... Only more super! Pun intended with the superhero theme, BTW. To achieve his lifelong dream, Tad had to start off with baby steps, and opening up his own aquatic center was a good start! Interestingly, there are some things about Tad McCaffrey that you may not have expected to come from a heroic lifeguard like him... Tad has a unique higher-pitched voice, making him sound younger than you may expect him to sound based on how he looks, both with strength and with age. Tad also really likes cute things almost as much as he likes to see people have fun and stay safe, which sounds really nice! But Tad's a bit of a scaredy-cat at times, especially when you mention spooky stuff like ghosts to him. Other than that, you can count on this lifeguard to make sure you ALWAYS stay safe in the pool! Even if he takes his job a bit too seriously.

(For Tad's voice, I'm looking for a male high-pitched voice. I'd like him to sound younger than he may look as a young adult. You can audition for this character using just your voice, like all of the other characters, or if you want to, I'll let you use a voice changer for this character to make his voice a higher pitch as long as the voice changer quality is as good as the mic quality and won't change anything too much.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male teen
  • north american
  • animation/character
  • Hi there, little fish! Name's Tad Flipper McCaffrey, aspiring lifeguard and savior of the deep! At least, soon, that is. This seems like a nice town, but it's too hot! Wouldn't you like to cool off by swimming in a Pool?

  • (Sternly calling out) Ah, ah, ah, excuse me? Hey! You there! No running by the pool! (Afraid) Wait, wait, wait a minute... Did you say you just saw... A ghost?! Oh my... Is it that Cassandra spirit coming back to haunt us again?! WHERE'S MY LIFEGUARD CHAIR?! I AM NOT CHANGING THESE SHORTS AGAIN! I NEED TO TAKE COVER!!!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Natalia Roshmanov
cast offsite

Who exactly is this Natalia Roshmanov woman and where exactly did she come from? Is Natalia Roshmanov even her real name? All we know is that there are rumours spreading around that this mysterious woman is a secret agent working undercover for an organization called S.I.M. What do those initials stand for? Nobody knows. And yet, those initials may even be fake and made up to test how easily Sims would spread urban myths about secret agents like this cryptic woman! Apparently, Natalia does her secret agent act really well, because amazingly, NO ONE has been able to know ANYTHING about her. No one knows where she lives, no one knows how old she is, no one knows why she moved to this town, no one even knows if Natalia's faking her accent or not! You may not know much about Natalia... But Natalia knows everything about YOU. We are uncertain if that's a good thing or a bad thing yet... All we know is that it's a very creepy thing indeed!

(For Natalia's voice, I'm looking for a mid-low-pitched adult female voice with either a Russian or Bulgarian accent. And as you can see, one of the lines has the character call my name. Don't worry about the possibility of mispronouncing my name, I get that a lot. Once you get cast for the role, I will then tell you how my name's properly pronounced.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • bulgarian
  • russian
  • animation/character
  • Hello, JigglyJai. Agent Natalia Roshmanov at your service. Surprised I know your name? I know everything about everyone in Simtown. And I mean literally EVERYTHING about everyone. How exactly, you ask? Well... *Giggles* That's a secret.

  • (Whispering) Shhhhhh!!! What do you think you're doing?! If you tell them what organization I'm working for, my cover will be blown, and then I'll lose my top secret agent title as well as the occupation itself! Do you realize how long and hard I've trained to become a professional secret agent? *Sigh* Sounds to me like you've still got a LOT to learn about being a secret agent's sidekick, my friend.

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!


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