My Amazing Woman, S03E03

Project Overview
My Amazing Woman is an ongoing romantic superhero action comedy. A husband adjusts to having a wife with superpowers and a bunch of super powered friends (and enemies). While the major ongoing roles have been cast, there are guest roles available, some of which have become recurring.
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Frank Astin is a highly intelligent, methodical, and refined criminal who is the arch enemy of Millionaire Man and Penny. Even though he's been incarcerated for a while, he has nonetheless launched a plot to destroy Millionaire Man's wealth from prison by turning one of Penny's most trusted accountants against the two of them. He has a disdain for everyone less smart than he is, which in his estimation is everyone other than the criminal The Big Idea. He thinks highly of himself, perhaps too highly, and attributes his failures to the luck of those who bring him down and not to any failings of his own. There is a whole Batman 1966 aura to all things Millionaire Man, and that includes the Crimson Actuary
- english
- male adult
- Cultured
- Snooty
- Ronald Coleman
- Victor Garber
And yet, somehow, he consistently defies the odds and comes out on top. Do you know how infuriating it is to lose to the guy whose coin always lands on heads?
(laughs) No. I could have broken out of here anytime in the last few years. No. This is about revenge. Pure, sweet, revenge. After you stopped my crime spree, I thought long and hard about how I would get back at you and Millionaire Man. And then, right around Christmas I saw the movie Trading Places and I knew what I had to do.
No, Kevin. As the astute Billy Ray Valentine said, “The best way to hurt rich people is by turning them into poor people.” So, I studied your operations. I followed your every move in the financial papers. I knew Black Enterprises as well as anyone. Still, your systems were well defended. And then you went and bought the rideshare company. Their software was already compromised. But I needed someone to introduce my code into their system. And that’s when I saw “Super Coward.”

Kevin is a relatively shy, nervous bookworm who was briefly a superhero when pressed into service to replace Penny by Millionaire Man (see My Amazing Woman Season 1, Episode 2). His biggest moment was running like a frightened bunny upon seeing a rat in a warehouse. This incident (a part of that episode), is the key to turning Kevin against Millionaire Man and Penny because the video of that happening went viral as a TikTok-style video called "Super Coward."
You will be trying to match energy (and voice if you can) to the original actor, whom we have not been able to contact. If you can, please listen to how the part was played and take your cues from his performance.
- male adult
- american
(one sided phone conversation) Hey, Boss. I think we have trouble. Can you have the program direct any big fares in the next hour to me? I just saw a Penny, and now I think I need to pick her up and bring her to you. (a beat) Yeah. I’ll meet you there.
(angry, speaking to Penny) Don’t call me that! And you can stop with the voice, Boss. I know it’s you.
(angry, speaking to Penny) It’s you and Steve and that video! Do you know how many times a day I get called Super Coward?
Public Submissions