Musings of The Classic Sherlock Holmes Actor
Project Overview
Background and Synopsis:
I make a web series entitled "Musings of The Classic Sherlock Holmes Actor", which goes on both the website No Place Like Holmes ( and YouTube. In them I narrate the written musings of classic Sherlock Holmes actors including Jeremy Brett, Basil Rathbone, and Douglas Wilmer. We cover such ground as what they thought of their films/shows, Sherlock Holmes, acting, and much much more. All readings are sourced from written interviews or autobiographical entries. I enhance some of the entries by adding some other actors to read quotes of other actors mentioned in passage. They are typically no more than a line or two for the most part.
To date, there have been 155+ episodes.
Actors will have their web site/socials plugged in the video description and comments as well as on the NPLH website. They will recieve a credit on IMDb, as well as getting a glowing recommendation on CCC from myself.
What you submit in your audition could potentially be the final piece used if done well enough. XLR mics preferable or USB through a decent mixer.
Please ensure files are recorded in Mono in either Wav or MP3 and free from excessive background noises/pops/crackles. Some clean up can be performed my end though. Please record 2-3 takes per line. Demo reels will not be accepted for the named roles themselves, but can be submitted for the general "Actor for future role" position.
Please include your name for what you want to be credited as if chosen with your entry.
Thank you for taking the time!
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This casting is for joining the team for future roles. Please just submit your voice reel for this one. If I think you will be a fit, you will be invited to a Discord server where the majority of the roles are posted before arriving on CCC.
Submit your voice reel. a quote from any Actor of your choosing.

- female adult
- all american accents
'Well, nobody said nothing about this at my audition. I can't! I won't! I shan't! You can't make me you hear, you can't make me!" (Hysterical)

- female adult
- all american accents
"Swimming? I've been swimming since before I was born. I'm your gal, Mr. Fairbanks,. You just watch me" (boastful)
"*GLUB* Help! Help! I can't swim! I can't swim!"

So said William Gillette, to the theatrical publication 'Dramatic Mirror' when speaking of his early days. And while the leading Utility player may sound grand, the reality, of course, meant that he was of the lowest status. A jack of all trades doing grunt work. He might work the lights, man the box office, or even work as a mechanic and repairman.
And all for the princely sum of nothing a week.
- female adult
- all american accents
- canadian
- male adult
- all english accents
As above.

Benedict DeBar (1812–1877) was a prominent American actor-manager. He is associated with operating a major theater in St. Louis, and best known for portraying the role of Falstaff. He was also connected by marriage with the Booth family of actors.
NEW ORLEANS or Louisiana accent.
- male senior
- male adult
- louisiana
- new orleans
And you'll really supply your own costumes? Well, come in dear boy. Come in. Consider yourself hired!

'Spoons? Hats? Bats? You name it, I got it'
'Finest cotton, madam'
'I have just the thing for you!'

American doctor (2 lines) and a nurse (1 line). 19th century.
- male adult
- female adult
- all american accents
'Take 5 of these a day' (DOC)
'Let's take a look at you shall we. Say Aahh.' (DOC)
'The Doctor Will See you now sir' (Nurse)

Machine shop worker. 19th century. Looking for mid-western accents.
Steady...steady...AGHH...son of a......I gone done hit my hand.
Gillette, where the hell you been?
Public Submissions