Moonhoppers Recast
Project Overview
The original actors for this animated web-series were cast a while back, but with some recent changes to the project and story, I'll need to cast some more! The series is centered around a group of researchers exploring "humanity's" new solar system after the exodus from Earth. Early episodes will be shorter comedy focused episodes, but hopefully it will expand into more in-depth character and story driven episodes in the future! This is a passion project I have been planning for a while, and I am exited to hear new takes on these characters!
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-Obeys authority
-Strong but quiet
-Reserved, casual
(distracted) Huh, oh yeah. I swear I just saw a star disappear
(they killed an endangered animal, trying to find a reason to be happy) Did we even need it alive? I mean, no harm, no- well. Wait, no one was hur- wait. Uhm…
(exited, but also being dragged by a creature) Em! Good news!

-Strong, meathead
(considering, but then acts hyped) Well.. as acting commander I have a lot of responsibilities… that I am going to completely ignore because we’re going to the fair!
(referring to another member who attacked them) A44 right? I always got weird vibes from that guy. You show ‘em who’s boss?
(seeing people's reactions to her shooting a creature that ran into the room) Oh should I not have done that?
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