Martincitopants video

Martincitopants video

Project Overview

This is just a once off quick bit in a youtube video that I'm doing about Martincitopants, and I was going to do a change of voice for shock value of going from one accent to another. (I found out that I'm horrible at British accents). I'll shout you out in the description of the video, it's a very small role being one sentence long. As long as it has some British essence about it, anything should be ok. Whether it's an annoying tangy voice or royal sorta feel, both will work in the context I'm using it for. 

My discord is smack donalds#4903, anyone is welcome to try. Just make sure you have a reasonable mic with not too much background noise :)

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Project Roles: British Person With Sword
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
British Person With Sword
cast offsite

This is just a once off quick bit in a video that I'm doing about Martincitopants, and I was going to do a voice change for the funny (I found out that I'm horrible at British accents). I'll shout you out in the description of the video, it's a very small role being one sentence long. As long as it has some British essence about it, anything should be ok. Whether it's an annoying tangy voice or royal sorta feel, both will work in the context I'm using it for. 

My discord is smack donalds#4903, anyone is welcome to try. Just make sure you have a reasonable mic with not too much background noise :)

Voice description:
  • british (london)
  • male adult
  • internet
  • british
  • broadcast
  • film
  • Rightio then scoundrel, pull out thy saber, we shall duel till victor is death.


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