Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story Dub

Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story Dub

Project Overview

Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story is a game that many of us remember very fondly. From the witty dialogue, to the fantastic music, to the memorable characters, many agree that this is the best game in the entire Mario and Luigi series. It has been my dream to direct and organize a dub of this game for a very, very long time. And now I finally have the courage to do it. 

Actors from far and wide are encouraged to try out! If you try out for any characters who have very brief spoken dialogue in the game (Peach, Bowser, Fawful, etc.), I implore you to try to match their in game sound as closely as possible. 

There are many, many roles in this game. Even if you're not selected to be part of the main cast, I may still reach out to you if I like your voice. 

This dub will be for the original game released in 2009, not the remake. If you have additional skills/talents like mixing, that definitely helps. 

The final project will be posted on Vimeo upon completion, as Nintendo is a little copyright crazy on YouTube. 

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: NickH

The big brute, Bowser. He has one of the biggest speaking roles in the entire game, so come prepared. Also, Bowser likes to yell. A lot. Only go for this guy if you have lungs of steel. Voice reference is Kenny James, the current VA of Bowser. Try to match his growly tone that we hear in the game. "SHOWTIME!" 

  • "Did someone just page the king of awesome?"

  • (furious) "MAAARIO! Are you seriously trying to start with me again?! I hear about this big meeting, and I'm all ready to act nice... But man, the second I see your face, Mr. Nice Bowser is GONE." 

  • (incredulous) "Some nutjob's after my castle! And you guys are hanging out playing Cram-in-the-Cage?!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Princess Peach
Role assigned to: Gina Moravec

Everybody's heard fair Princess Peach. Sweet and mature, she is portrayed in many newer games by Samantha Kelly. If you audition for her, please try to match the sound of her canonical voice. I recommend trying out for her if you have a soprano sounding voice. 

  • (grim) "Yes... We've sent word to the Star Sprites for help, but we've gotten no response."

  • "Mario, Luigi, good luck. Starlow and I will debate what to do next." 

  • "Long, long ago, a star sleeping deep below the Mushroom Kingdom was dug up. It was not benevolent. It was a frightful star that hid a great evil." 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Yari

Starlow is a sweet girl with just the right amount of spunk. She's a loyal friend, but has a very short temper. Her voice can't be too low, but it can't be an annoying squeak either. I hope you like voicing unskippable tutorials. 

  • (friendly) "Nice to meet you! I'm Starlow! Peach sent word of trouble in the Mushroom Kingdom. So, as a representative of the Star Sprites, here I am!" 

  • (losing her temper) "Don't be ridiculous! You have no right to be here! Get out!" 

  • (dejected) "Well, I did some research on similar afflictions, but the blorbs is in a class of its own. It seems to be incurable." 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: MatGettigan

The main antagonist, who is simultaneously scary and hilarious at the same time. His voice reference in game is Nami Funishima, who manages to make him sound very high pitched. Since he was voiced by a woman in the game, it's probably best that a woman voice him here. I will be stunned if a male actor can match the pitch of his in game voice. 

  • (taunting) "What is your surprise face? Was there forgetting about me?"

  • (completely missing the point) "Beef? I am lacking in beef. Fawful is beefless." 

  • (maniacally angry) "Fawful hates your timing!! A nuisance barge barging in at a critical time for us!" 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Jacob M. Keene

Princess Peach's faithful caregiver. An old man with a frazzled heart. He has been portrayed by Charles Martinet in a few games, but this time, I wouldn't mind hearing some different takes on Toadsworth's voice. 

  • "Oh! How absolutely wretched... Such a thing has never happened in the history of this kingdom!" 

  • (thoroughly confused) "Princess... This thing is... what?"

  • (completely losing it) "WHAT?! The princess?! Don't tell me she was inhaled as well!" 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: GandalfWizard13

A nasally nerd. Ready to offer help, whether or not people actually want it. 

  • "Yeah, what's wrong with you, Toadsworth?! There IS someone we can count on, by boogity!" 

  • "Well, according to the witness, it was a fellow in a cape. All signs point to the suspect not being from this kingdom." 

  • "I know that voice, by boogity. Is Mario in here? Wow, it IS Mario! It's me, Toadbert!" 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: SuhmGuyVoices

Wise and ageless, Chakron watches the drama unfold while trying not to get directly involved. He first appears as a mellifluous voice in the back of Bowser's head. He definitely thinks he is much smarter than everyone else. 

  • "A great beast slouches by... It is you, who is he." 

  • "Ah. Search not, for I am not there. How would one describe me? I am... the voice within. I am your consciousness. I am above, and all around. I am all that is you." 

  • "The mists of consciousness part, and two figures emerge. Why? Here in this place, Chakron meditates on the nature of all. It is Chakron's special place." 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Broque Monsieur
Role assigned to: KyleRhysMarsh

The strange block man. He throws French occasionally into his dialogue, and speaks with a heavy French accent. Pronunciation of his French dialogue is key. He's cheerful and difficult to anger, and has the patience to put up with Bowser's rudeness. 

  • (desperate) "Ah, sweet monsieur! 'Elp me! I need 'elp! Helpez-moi, s'il vous plaît!"

  • "I am Brock Monsieur! I ask zat you look upon zis! I was cleaning zee collection, but... Disaster, it struck moi! Zee bridge to zee beach, it fell into zee water!"

  • "Ah! Monsieur Turtle Bits! We meet again, do we not? Oui. And zat is called fate." 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Private Goomp
Role assigned to: JoshIsFine

Eager, but wimpy. Not especially smart. Often gets pushed around. 

  • (defeated) "I wonder what everyone else is doing right now..." 

  • "Yeah... It... Well, this weird duo just showed up and went nuts. Huge attack, and just like that, they had the castle." 

  • "You got it, Boss! We'll find a Banzai Bill right away! So, uh... So where are they at, again?" 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sergeant Guy
Role assigned to: mccormickjess7

The no-nonsense cynic of the Elite Trio. Quieter and less emotional than the others. 

  • "Get it together, Private Goomp! Let's scout the area, at least."

  • "Sir, the bonking to which he refers is on the enemy heads!"

  • (dreading an inevitable reaction) "To be frank, sir, we appear to be lacking ammunition..." 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Corporal Paraplonk
Role assigned to: Naze

The unofficial leader of the Elite Trio. He can be dramatic when talking about his plans or recalling past events. 

  • "I bet they're hurting bad. I mean, you guys were there. That scene was GNARLY." 

  • "Uh-huh, we were doing a, uh, tactical retreat, and we grabbed this cannon to maybe use."

  • (sheepish) "Yeah, lemme just jump in here and add that I forgot to bring the Banzai Bill for the cannon." 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Doctor Toadley
Role assigned to: yamitomoshibi

Toad Town's strange psychic doctor. A guy with a flair for the dramatic. Condescending and absolutely sure of his powers. 

  • "GRAVE ILLNESS! Do these two men have an incredibly grave illness? Yes. Will there be catastrophic results if we do not cure their ills? There certainly will."

  • "Yes... Do I see it? I do. And did it emerge? It did. A most deadly virus that will surely spell your doom... It is... called... BOWSERITIS!"

  • "I must be frank with you. Bowseritis is powerful. Recovering from it takes quite a bit of time. I'm prescribing ten days' worth of antibiotics." 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dark Star
Role assigned to: MrSteeletrap

An evil creature of legend, a monster that radiates an aura of hatred and bitterness. I kind of imagine it sounding like Voldemort, raspy and terrifying. You'll definitely need some kind of vocal filter for this thing. Anything that makes it sound scary. 

  • "Your body, I have copied... Your power, I have copied..." 

  • "Who... Who will give me the dark power..."

  • "Still here? Has the dark power not crushed your puny hopes? Soon this kingdom will vanish along with all who dwell within." 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Wolfeyboy

Fawful's loyal minion, he is the brawn to his boss's brains. He speaks in deep grunts, and only cares about enforcing Fawful's will. Midbus is capable of losing and then quickly regaining his composure. 

  • "You. No longer needed. Here, you taste defeat." 

  • "You are weak. Most weak. It does not end here. Work on your skills."

  • "It is time. The special weapon of Lord Fawful. I will release it. SUPER ULTRA WONDER ULTIMATE RUTHLESS GREAT IRON BALL! HYAH!" 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Toads. Toads are everywhere. We all know what Toads sound like. Give me your best Toad impression. 

  • "Soon the entire Mushroom Kingdom will get the blorbs... We've gotta find the cause and get this place back to normal!"

  • "I have absolutely no idea what to do! I suggest we panic!" 

  • "Pull yourself together, man! We have to do SOMETHING!" 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Various Assorted Minions

Bowser has a lot of minions. I HIGHLY recommend auditioning for the various assorted minions, because if I like your voice, you will almost certainly be granted a role. 

  • (try different pitches and tones for each sentence) "Ouch, man! OUCH! Haaaaalp! Can't breathe... I want my mom!"

  • (again, try different pitches and tones for each sentence) "You guys hear footsteps? Could it be Bowser? It's us, Sir! Your Koopa Troopa unit! King Bowser! Your Awesomeness!" 

  • (cheer and fangirl/fanboy/fanwhomever over Fawful like he's your favourite celebrity. Ad-lib. Act like you're at your favourite concert)


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