Lucidus Somnia Season 2
Project Overview
Government experiments on unassuming persons have fanned the flames of conspiracy theories since the 19th century, but two teenagers have first-hand accounts of an incident that forever changed their lives. Set in 1991, Lucidus Somnia tells the tale of Kendra and Michael, who managed to escape the clutches of a government research program designed to study children who possess a rare phenomenon called "the three Ts" - telekineses, telepathy, and teleportation - and their mission to right the injustices of the world.
In Season 2, their story continues approximately four months after the events that started the first season.
About the Production
Bargo Productions is casting supporting and minor characters for Season 2 of Lucidus Somnia <LOO-key-deuce SOM-nee-yah>, a science fiction podcast. It is a serial drama, with each episode continuing where the previous episode's cliffhanger ended save for the season finale, which will wrap the story arc. The episodes are presented in the style of a radio drama with music, character dialogue, and sound effects immersing the listener into the story without the distraction of a narrator. Season 2 will be comprised of 7 to 11 episodes that will run from 30 to 45 minutes.
The first season is available on all podcast streaming platforms, with an enhanced visual version on YouTube.
About the Casting
Cast members will be required to sign a buyout contract with Bargo Productions. If you are selected, when compensation is greater than or equal to USD 600 in a single calendar year, you must submit Form W-9 to Bargo Productions. You will receive a 1099-NEC and will be responsible for paying income taxes to the IRS. If you do not want to submit a Form W-9 directly with us, you can alternatively transact with Bargo Productions using a trusted third party, like Fiverr. They will handle all of the tax documentation and payment distribution.
All payments not handled through a third-party contracting service (e.g., Fiverr) can be made through PayPal or a business check by mail.
All cast members will have profile cards featured on the Lucidus Somnia website. The cards will include the voice actor's photo, a brief bio, and links to social media and demo reels.
About the Roles
We are casting multiple roles and will consider all candidates for characters that may not be in this audition. All actors will be self-directed, requiring a minimum of three takes per line unless otherwise stated in the script or from directions received before recording. Ad-libs are encouraged and often used in the final production so long as the original dialogue is captured at least two times.
Audition information
Please record at least two takes per audition using the AABBCC method - read all dialogue from the first block, and repeat it two more times before moving to the second block. You can record more takes if you'd like but don't get crazy. We highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the tone of the first season ( so that your audition matches what we're looking for. We have a very natural-sounding cast, so anything too over-the-top or comedic sounding will break immersion for the listeners.
The deadline for auditions will be Thursday, June 29, 2023. If second rounds are required, they will be before July 8, 2023, with the final cast selected before August 1, 2022. Contracts and scripts will be sent to voice actors once casting is complete, with a deadline for completed work tentatively being around August 30, 2023.
We will not have the capacity to critique or give feedback on your auditions.
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Donna is a no-nonsense journalist. She’s friendly when she has to be and always has her sights on her next news story.
- english
- general north american english
- female adult
(playfully catching up with an old friend) Oh, I’m sure your story is much juicier than mine...but don’t worry, I won’t ask what it’s about again. I’ll buy my tickets to the premiere just like everyone else.
(perturbed) Why else would he be here, Kevin? To live off the land? We’ve been recording video of this place for three days. We were actually getting somewhere, but he managed to get three steps ahead of me out of nowhere! I’ve got to do something.
Joshua, an enigmatic and captivating figure, is the charismatic leader of a religious community. At times he is condescending and sinister, while at other times, he’s loving and compassionate. This character could have a Texas accent but one that is subtle and natural and not played for laughs.
- english
- male adult
- general north american english
- south texan
(Speaking to his community on a stage) My dear friends, on this day of independence, I want to talk to you about the hypocrisy of freedom. You see, you've all been sold a lie. All your lives, you were told that freedom means the ability to do whatever you want, whenever you want. “Unalienable rights” is what they call it.
(having a conversation with one of his community members) Claire, this is a community where we live our lives without judgment. Your salvation is not based on whom you convince to serve the Lord. Saving everyone isn’t your responsibility. Our job is to find the people who want to be here...not change the minds of those who don’t.
Damian is a member of the religious community and has a strong sense of belonging since joining. His confidence has increased since arriving because he feels a level of acceptance he never felt before.
- english
- male young adult
- general north american english
Yes, I can’t thank you enough for taking me and AJ in. We had nowhere to go after my mom changed the locks on us. She didn’t approve of our relationship. I don’t think she approves of anything I do, if I’m honest.
(concerned) A lot of us were reported missing by our families. What if the police come and try to put us back in those bad situations we finally got ourselves out of?
Calvin is the father of someone who has gone missing. He is being interviewed by law enforcement.
- english
- male adult
- general north american english
She didn’t want to be here. She told us that single every day. She wanted to be back up at Baylor with that good-for-nothing son of a bitch she met.
Look, officers, my wife and I grew up going to church, and we brought both our girls up the same way. I probably only missed three Sundays going to church my whole life. My faith is strong. I’m a believer...but Claire was talking like someone who had been brainwashed.
Public Submissions