Livestar! Love Live! English Cover Group! RECAST/Backup's

Project Overview
Why are Livestar recasting?
- Kotori Minami / Ruby Kurosawa - Wooly
- Umi Sonoda / Yoshiko "Yohane" Tsushima - Denise Joan
- Rin Hoshizora / Dia Kurosawa - ShaYume
- Hanayo Koizumi / Hanamaru Kunikida - Emisen
- Maki Nishikino / You Watanabe - Bananabear
- Nico Yazawa / Kanan Matsuura - CurePlum
- Eli Ayase / Riko Sakurauchi - bblackroses
- Nozomi Tojo / Mari Ohara - Bri/Risa
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Those who play as Honoka Kousaka will be singing in all of the songs involving her, which include the sub-unit songs by Printemps, solo's and duets! They must be confident, and comfortable with taking the center roll for most songs!
Voice Description: Honoka Kousaka is a mezzo-soprano range, meaning she can hit low and high notes. Her voice though clear in comparison to many other of her friends (Hanayo, and Kotori) has a slight nasal touch to it. She also, noticabely has a cutesy edge when she sings higher/ but a more mature edge when she sings lower. Her voice is vibrant, and energetic.
Wonderful Rush Chorus {00:58-01:26}"We're living in a Wonderful Rush, You and I~We'll aim for our dreams up in the sky!You'll see how happy we will be, in this new world; so let's go!This feeling is a Wonderful Rush, can't you see?My dreams are all laid out just for me!I believe we will reach both of our destinies- so let's all jump together! (ooo~ HI!)"
No Exit Orion {00:53-01:29}"And as I glance up at the winter sky, I feel myself begin to cry!I'm calling our your name, Orion they say, you'll grant my wish,"Make him stay!"With all the power you give me I swear, I will do everything I can-To keep him in my grasps, make him stay with me, I'll prove it to you, you'll see!
You can't get away, You can't get away, because one you will be all mine, right here you will stay!Please don't run away, Please don't run away- darling please!!"[optional] Feel free to introduce yourself, or say a few lines in character (introduce yourself as Honoka)! For your self introduction, feel free to discuss favourite song, best girl/girls (Muse and AQOURS!), singing experience/range, etc!

For backup, please also feel free to introduce yourself :D I'd love to hear more about you! In continuation, please make sure you comment which character you are impersonating, if you have any idea. If not, feel free to leave it blank, and I'll contact you privately addressing who I think you would suit best!!
Please note that for the audition, samples can be mixed/acapella, it's completely up to you. Harmonies are also optional, to show off your ability.
For Muse:LONELIEST BABY Chorus {01:06-01:42}I swear; I love you! I love you! (I will always love you) I love you! I love you!No matter the time (HI!) time (HI!) I'll share these feelings, I swear that it's the truth (let's fight!)I love you! I love you! (love you, love you~) I love you! I love you!Now you'll realise; maybe...When you feel down, please don't you frown (just call me ahh~)Think about what I said, and that will help you smile! I'm by your side my BABY!"
For AQOURS:Koi ni Naritai AQUARIUM Chorus {01:15-01:51}"At the AQUARIUM! (YAY!) It's where we met, within my fantasy~Don't you see, it's our destiny! To be caught in the magic of love! (FANTASTIC LOVE!)At the AQUARIUM! (YAY!) Please look at me, I want to tell you how I feel you see? (OOO~ YAY!)I won't hide my true feelings! Although I'm scared, I'll try being honest from now on!I love you, I am not scared to tell you so! (NO!)
[preferred] Please sing another Muse/Aqours sing in character in ENGLISH. Please credit the translator for the lyrics in the comments of your audition.
Public Submissions