Lion King Singers

Lion King Singers

Project Overview

I am looking for singers for the lion king fandub. 

Circle of life

I Just can't wait to be king

Hakuna Matata

Can you feel the love tonight.

Be prepared

The sings roles are provided at the bottom and musted be submitted in song. 

Thanks for your particapation!

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Latest Updates

  • Deadline

    Please Be ware that you have two weeks to get your lines in. If you have them done sumbit it to me through here or my via email: This includes the singing roles as well. 

    All speaking roles is giving the choice to do background singers for each song provided

    Can you feel the love tonight.

    I Just Can't Wait To Be King.

    Be Prepared.

    Inbox me if you would like to be a backgroung singer

  • Deadline

    Please Be ware that you have two weeks to get your lines in. If you have them done sumbit it to me through here or my via email: This includes the singing roles as well. 

    All speaking roles is giving the choice to do background singers for each song provided

    Can you feel the love tonight.

    I Just Can't Wait To Be King.

    Be Prepared.

    Inbox me if you would like to be a backgroung singer

  • Deadline for Auditions

    Two weeks from today will be the deadline for auditions. So please if you haven't audition yet please do so. Also for the people who did thank you very much. It's very hard to choice who gets what. All of you are fantastic! 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: chrisparlamas

  • I can see whats happening.

    And thy don't have a CLUE!

    They'll fall in love and heres the bottom line. Our trios down to two!

  • Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase. 

    It means no worries for the rest of your days

    Its our problem free philosophy, Hakuna Matata.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: julz0802

  • His carefree days with us are history.

    Insure our pal is doooooooooooooooooom.

  • (cries hysterically)

  • Im a sensative soul though i seemed think-skinned

    And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: RikuVAnueva

rough like the original voice actor of Scar

  • I know that your powers of retention
    Are as wet as a warthog's backside
    But thick as you are, pay attention
    My words are a matter of pride

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Adult Simba
Role assigned to: harrynerdbird

  • So many things to tell her, but how to make her see.

    the truth about my past.....impossible.

    She turned away from me.

  • It means no worries for the rest of your days.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ruby_levm

  • Hes holding back hes hiding, but what I can't decide.

    Why wont he be the king I know he is; the king I see inside.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Opening Sequence singer
Role assigned to: deleted14456


    From the day we arrive on the planet
    And blinking, step into the sun
    There's more to see than can ever be seen
    More to do than can ever be done


    It's the Circle of Life

    And it moves us all

    Through despair and hope

    Through faith and love

    Till we find our place

    On the path unwinding

    In the Circle

    The Circle of Life

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Young Simba
Role assigned to: them

  • I'm gonna be a mighty king so enemies beware!

    I'm be the main even like no king was before. I'm brushing up Im looking down I'm work on my ROOARRR!

  • It mean not worries for the rest of your days! 

    It's our problem free......Hakuna Matataaaaaaa!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Young Nala
Role assigned to: deleted14456

  • No one saying be there

    No one saying see here!

  • Oh i just can't wait to be king

    Oh I just can't wait to be king

    Oh I just can't waaaaaaaaaaaaaait to be kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Lucas Bradley

  • Well I've never seen a king or best with quite so little hair.

    I think it's time that you and i arrange a heart to heart.

  • Nobody knows the trouble I've seen

    Nobody knows my sorrow


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