Let's Play (Webtoon) English Dub

Project Overview
LET'S PLAY is a web comic by Mongie (twitter.com/mongrelmarie), who has graciously given me permission to do a fandub!
*You will notice numbers enclosed in brackets after each audition line. That indicates the episode number where the audition line is from. This is for your reference, should you want to see the actual panel and get more context about the line.
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AHHH I'm a dumbass and a CCC noob. Please PM me your emails if you were cast so I can email you! lol
Closed and Casted!
Thank you so much to everyone who auditioned for the project. Most roles have been cast and I am veryyy excited to get started! If you were cast, please expect an email from me soon! Best regards, Vanille

Marshall is a gamer on 'Viewtube' and an online personality. He played Sam's first game, Ruminate, and gave it a bad review. Now Sam suffers the wrath of his fans. Since he's a 'Viewtuber' (lol), be sure to sound engaging and more energetic on lines he's filming a video. Oh and Ms. Whipple thinks his voice is "sultry" so there's that.
Whoa, nice gamer-callus. A callus like that could only come from an FPS, MOBA, or MMO. (Sam answers) Oh, would it be World of Warquest? I raided in that game with a guild for years. (impressed, interested) [4]
AIIEEEEEEEE!!! ("totally manly scream" lol; playing a horror game) That was a great jumpscare! Holy sh*t! And a great stopping point for this video. We'll pick this up in the next one! Thank you for tuning in and watching! This is Marshall Law, signing out! (high energy, filming a 'Viewtube' video) [5]
Please excuse me, but I need to get to my mailbox. Excuse my reach. Uh, hello neighbor. Didn't mean to startle you. I can't talk much louder than this. (raspy, hoarse, whisper-y; Marshall lost his voice after doing a 12-hour stream) [10]

Angela is one of Sam's best friends, and a member of her guild. She is loud and rather rash, and is very protective of Sam.
Dee! Link! Angela needs caffeine badly! (announcing upon entering the cafe) [3]
Damn that Marshall Law! I'm gonna kick his ass! (Vikki stops her) Well, what am I supposed to do?! He's really screwed Sam over. I've got to do something! [3]
She's right, Sam. Sure, it's a bit different than most games out there, but that's part of what makes it so great. (comforting, motherly) [3]

Vikki is also a best friend of Sam's and a member of her guild. She is sweet and gentle, and is the voice of reason that talks Angela out of her impulsiveness. Also, her eyes are like permanently closed like Brock from Pokemon lol
Oh Sam, darling! Don't cry! Vikki and Angela are here. Everything is going to be just fine. No more tears. (a little over dramatic at first, then calmer and comforting) [3]
Though it is true he did play Ruminate incorrectly, it was Marshall's fans that took action against Sam. Not Marshall himself. It sounds like his fans are more to blame in this instance. (calm, rational) [3]
Now, now, everyone. Let's not get worked up. Since most of us are here, let's go inside and get ourselves a table. [10]

Link is a barista at Sam's favorite coffee shop. He also has a crush on her, which Sam is completely oblivious to.
Hey, Dee? I did the inventory. I don't know who is stealing all the toilet paper... but their reign of terror must come to an end. (serious) [3]
Sam?! What happened?! Are you alright?! (...) Isn't there someone you can talk to at Indigineer? Surely the staff will understand what happened and fix this mess. (helpful) [3]
Uh, Sam? I was wondering... Do you have plans Friday night? The new Mason Dourne movie will be out and I thought we could see it if you're interested? (shy) [8]

Dee is a barista at Sam's favorite coffee shop. She knows about Link's crush on Sam and helps him get out of embarrassingly awkward situations.
Here's your drink, Sam. Have a nice evening and we'll see you tomorrow. (handing Sam's order) [8]
Sam? Bowser? You, uh, doing alright there? (concerned) [3]
No problem, Link. But don't take her response personally. I've known Sam for years and I've never known her to go on a date. With anyone. I just don't think she's ever been interested in anyone like that. [8]

Abe is the guildmaster of Sam's guild. He is respected by his members and acts as a second brotherly figure to Dallas.
Thank you for coming on such short notice, everyone. I have an announcement to make. As of this morning, our guild, "The Rare Spawns" is now the third ranked raiding guild on our server. [11]
This is important training to prepare me for when we revolt against our robot overlords. (dead serious) Haha! The look on your face! I'm only joking! (lighthearted) ...Or am I? (dead serious) [12]
Our guild is like my family. So don't think you're on your own. I care, Dallas. And that's why I don't want to see you smoking. And if I ever catch you smoking again... it will cost you 500 DKP points! (brotherly, then dead serious) [14]

A member of Sam's guild, and Link's younger brother.
YEEHAW! Hello ladies! You are looking fine tonight! [10]
Abe! About damn time you showed up. This group needs more testosterone before these chicks start talking about their periods. (playful) [11]
What the hell, man?! I had to pay a guy 20 bucks to get those! ...Y-you're not gonna tell Link, are you?! He'll be pissed! (when Abe sees him smoking a cigarette) [14]

A member of Sam's guild. Olivia looks younger than the other members (I'm unsure how old she's supposed to be). She is deaf-mute and speaks through her cellphone. She is always accompanied by her butler, Edgar.
What did you say, you piece of trash? (to Dallas, threatening) [10]
You want I should have Edgar break Marshall's legs? (Sam tells her no) Oh poo, you're no fun. (beaming, then disappointed) [12]
Are you listening to yourself, Sam? It's your dream to become a game developer, but it sounds like you've already given up because the fans of some narcissist trashed your game. You need to decide whether or not you're going to start fighting this, or continue being a victim. ...Geezus, I'm gonna get a hand-cramp from typing all this out. [12]

Also known as GlitzKitten, Monica is a beauty vlogger. Unknown to both of their fan bases, she is actually Marshall's girlfriend. I would suggest a bit of a Valley Girl accent, especially when she's being overly nice.
Oh my god. How do you fangirls figure out where he lives so fast? When will you fangirls learn he doesn't want you coming over his home?! (irritated) [13]
Neighbor? Oh my gawd!! So sorry!! I must seem like such a betch right now! (complete 180 from her attitude in the prev line) [13]
That's right, I'm Monica McKenzie. The beauty vlogger known as "GlitzKitten"! I have over 2.5 million subscribers on Viewtube and 2 million followers on Instafame. And twice a week, I upload makeup and fashion view tutorials helping viewers find a more beautiful you! [13]

Good morning, Miss Young. You are certainly here quite early for work today. Are you that eager for this morning's meeting? ...Or did you not sleep well? [6]
That should sum up the details for the new contract. From here on out, we'll refer to this contract as the "Ellesmere Project". Remember this is for a medical office, so the integrity of our software is essential. (at a meeting) [6]

Sam! Sam! Guess what happened last night! (...) You are in the presence of a "Masters" ranked Underwatch player. We were on fire, Sam! Winning one match after the next. We couldn't be stopped! (excited) [6]
There have been changes to the project's roles. Granted, your work will pale in comparison to the quality of THEE, Mr. Umed Patel. Try not to crack under pressure. (teasing) [7]

A trainee at Sam's office, under her supervision. Says a lot of slang, dude.
Sounds good, my dudes. [6]
Whoa! So what you're saying is that G.U.I. stands for "Graphical User Interface"? I thought it stood for "Genius Under the Influence" and was thinking we'd do some sweet substances. (...) Haha, I'm just joshin' ya, dude! I know what it means. [9]

Sam's co-worker, who wears goofy glasses... are those glasses or are those really her eyes? HAHA Who knows. I would suggest to have a more comedic type of approach to her voice.
Good morning, Sam! [6]
Sorry to bother you, Sam, but your father has called you to his office, and wants to see you immediately. [6]

Sam's dad, whom contrary to his stoic appearance, is actually very goofy. He is the CEO of of Young Technologies, the same company Sam works for.
Enter. (...) Have a seat. (...) How have you been, my daughter? You sound distressed. (formal, calm) [7]
Why won't you talk to your dear old dad?! You used to tell me everything, now you don't even want to chat! (comically crying) [7]

Ms. Whipple is Sam's landlady. She is a sweet and excitable old lady who finds Marshall quite charming, much to Sam's annoyance.
Well, as I was saying... I stopped by to let you know you have a new neighbor. (...) Nonsense! This should only take a minute! Let's show Mr. Law what good neighbors we can be! (excited) [4]
There isn't some sort of conflict between two of my precious tenants, is there? (low, dark, scary) [4]
Public Submissions