Lego batman who laughs origin

Project Overview

This is Lego version of Batman who laughs origin with my own twist

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Project Roles: Batman who laughs Joker
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Batman who laughs
cast offsite

Can do kinda like a joker voice

  • I just walked through justice league trophy room and it struck me how many wepons we gathered over the years i remember how i justified bringing them here you thought they shoud be destroyed but i pushed i wanted to know how they work and i do superman i know how operate doomsday Machines that coud level cities and secons they used to keep me up at night but now that my mind is put right i understand why i wanted to use them Clark i wanted to use every one of them

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: MansonTheJoker


  • See bats Were running out of time you and me we need to evolve and FAST or we’ll miss our chance there is no by the book anymore i burnned the damm thing every story every character one by one all the cops all the villains looking for that breaking point and that breaking point is the joke too far


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