LarryDS Chapter 1 Trailer (Madoka Magica characters)

LarryDS Chapter 1 Trailer (Madoka Magica characters)

Project Overview

A MESSAGE BEFORE STARTING (You can ignore this section, just me whining)

(There may be a glitch that states this project is a paid project, it was originally going to be, but due to unfortunate turns of events out of my control, I am unable to make it paid, at least, I hope I could next month, but gosh dang it, but I have a deadline. About payment, I know zero budget isn't ideal, and if anyone wants me to, I can pay them for lines after this, my original plan was $150 an hour, or, more, if people want more, but that'd require $900 for me to have, and I don't have the money this month, and I am trying to make a deadline for a dumb trailer of my dumb project, which, I would have some money if not for my mother having to borrow $210 from me this month. Still wouldn't be enough though, I'd have to do something much less. I have about $133 this month, which an abysmal amount, since I usually have like, $600 or $700, and it usually grows and gets bigger by the next month, but at least two purchases, one $50 purchase, one $60 purchase, and another with which I will not say the price, was worth it, hahah! If my mother hadn't needed me to make a big $210 purchase, I'd probably have enough money that I could've probably done $25 per line, and that is including the crap that paypal does where it doesn't send the person the full amount so I'd have to send more to avoid that, oof, but anyway, this is why I can't make the project paid at the current moment unfortunately)

I've done enough crying and Steven Universe Future-ing about the bad memories with the Madoka Magica fanbase bullying me over my unpopular opinions and how no one wants to admit it's a terrible fanbase, but I don't think I'm gonna get anywhere if I don't start some way of at least TRYING to get voice actors for this project, while I am very very afraid I'd only end up starting more drama with the Madoka Magica fanbase for the millionth time by starting this up, I also can't just sit around forever and do nothing because I can't get the official ones to help me. Perhaps maybe by starting this, I wouldn't be letting them win by still trying to do what I want? Gosh, I feel like a loser that I'm resorting to this since I can't get the official VAs to help, but whatever... (I hope that by saying I might cause drama will cancel out the drama because that usually works, which is why I do it all the time, but whatever) This is gonna be one of the very first times in literal years I'll try to interact with Madoka Magica fans, assuming people who are PMMM fans would be the only ones, if anyone at all, who would voice the characters, all the while putting my bad experiences aside and try to be completely and entirely myself, but in a more positive way, please be nice and don't ruin this for me... (I would most certainly hope the drama gets cancelled out by me saying this has a chance of causing drama because sometimes that doesn't work and this project means SOOOOO much to me, and Cristina Vee said to me on a Cameo video I purchased that it'll be great and I'll do awesome in order to encourage me, I want to make that true, hahah, because this project means a lot to me) Okay, now let's just get on with this and cut to the introduction...


Behold! For a project inspired by Conker's Bad Furday, Channel Chasers, Paper Mario and abridged anime videos, I bring you the most awkward casting call ever started! A casting call for a Larry Koopa game, err, rom hack, with Madoka Magica characters... The most totally based project about, uh, Larry Koopa, of course, bahaha! Soon after being kicked out of his older brother's laboratory, the adolescent Larry Koopa (voiced by myself, so he's not on this casting call, aside from the fact this one is specifically for Madoka Magica characters) goes to play outside, only to eventually get bored and be met by a voice ( US Male), who asks him to find the five sacred keys and free his friends, the Starborn Quintuplets, so that they can enact an inter-universal force called "Comet-Side" stated to be the act of proving Larry is awesome. Larry, liking the idea, and having nothing better to do, agrees to help the voice collect the five sacred keys to free the Starborn Quintuplets so he can collect all 79 Power Comets and enact Comet-Side. Along the way, Larry goes through all kinds of crazy and unique situations he wouldn't go through on any normal day across five different chapters, including finding himself entering a TV to go into the world of Madoka Magica so he can bring Madoka over into his world to help him win a bet he made with a Yoshi who is crazy because he wants the 1000000 yen he'll get from winning the bet. Getting pretty close to getting Madoka (and Mami and Sayaka think he wants their help too), to say they'll help him, only for Kyubey (of all characters) to rat him out on not specifying anything and hiding details about the bet he wants help with. The hypocrisy frustrates Larry, which gets Mami and Sayaka to question him, and Madoka to question him kindly, obviously, as Kyubey states that Madoka and Sayaka should focus on what's important, being that they should focus on making contracts and becoming Magical Girls, which lands Larry into all kinds of trial and error in many attempts to get the girls to trust him enough to follow him to his world and help him with his bet without him having to specify anything about how he made a bet with a crazy weird green dinosaur or how he's getting 1000000 yen out of it all to himself if he can prove his point, because obviously Larry doesn't want to split that money with either of them. How will this baffling idea of a crossover no one probably would have ever thought of end up? I guess you'll find out.


Madoka's Dream - (Madoka's voice is done by chefra2)
New Transfer Student -
Madoka takes Sans Undertale to the Nurse's Office -
Larry meets Homura -
Madoka saves Larry -
#KyubeyIsCancelled -
This is Jimmy - 

All these scenes will be present in the trailer with a deadline of October 1st for something with an air date of October 9th. I really want to have LarryDS be on something I probably shouldn't be spoiling here, bahaha! Also, My Larry impression got Michelle Hippe approved! That makes me so happy, so Larry will definitely stay as me in this project, hahah! But I got no one to play the Madoka characters and I hope this won't be hard, I wanted to refrain from starting this because of how Madoka Magica fans don't like me, but I have no other options, and all I can do is start this and hope it goes somewhere so I don't have to cancel this project... And god it's worse when I don't have enough money this month, but I need to get VAs this month... I can't hold this casting call back any longer just because I can't find the motivation to make the rest of those scenes nor have any money to make this a paid casting call within the time I have to make it happen (I made almost the entire audio for the Little Jimmy scene so that scene is fully scripted, and obviously as you can see, the Madoka's Dream scene is done) So, unfortunately, without any payment plan, I'll have to publish this, and I guess bare with me, if you want me to pay you, I can always do that later on. Hopefully getting something to show people before they do lines for me will be a motivation to make those other scenes gosh dang it!

>My problems with the Madoka Magica fanbase by the way are people shipping the characters and depicting the ships as romantic, not because they do, but because I personally didn't, and people got REALLY mad at me, when it's up to interpretation, so it shouldn't matter how I depict it versus how everyone else depicts it, it depends on a person's point of view. I really hope people are willing to be respectful of that here, they really haven't been very respectful of that practically everywhere else I've been... Also, all my Madoka Magica opinions are unpopular opinions and people got mad I used to call Madoka "waifu" because ship but I hope that stuff about me and my experience with the Madoka Magica fanbase doesn't cause any trouble...

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Madoka Kaname
Role assigned to: chefra2

Madoka is the main character from Puella Magi Madoka Magica (obviously) and Larry goes into the world of Madoka Magica in this game (as well as several other anime worlds later on in the story) so he's gonna interact with each of the characters. Please try to sound as close to the official character voice as possible, I'm sort of a perfectionist, of sorts, I apologize if that sounds kinda, uh, entitled, I just want the characters to sound like themselves. How the original sounds -

  • (just woke up sort of talking) Sigh... Again? Why do I always have weird dreams...

  • (Sort of shy-ish when she's walking the new student to the nurse's office, in this case, Larry in a poorly made disguise) Hmmm, Sans Undertale... that's a weird name, not in a bad way, sorry for being curious, but is it okay if you tell me about your more about yourself, like, where you come from?

  • (crying sort of upset) You hurt him, didn't you! And, You told him to tell me that he tripped on a bug, even though that's not true!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Homura Akemi
Role assigned to: Crishelle Anne

Homura is one of the main characters from Puella Magi Madoka Magica (obviously, and arugably the one with the most backstory) and Larry goes into the world of Madoka Magica in this game (as well as several other anime worlds later on in the story) so he's gonna interact with each of the characters. Please try to sound as close to the official character voice as possible, I'm sort of a perfectionist, of sorts, I apologize if that sounds kinda, uh, entitled, I just want the characters to sound like themselves. Original voice -

  • (Serious tone) I don't like what you're up to, Larry Koopa! You baby-sized Alien!

  • (Serious tone) You aren't distracting me with that, I don't care about some dumb top ten list about why Beast Boy from Teen Titans Go is better than me!

  • (Serious tone) He did trip on a bug, he was trying to run away from me because I was trying to hurt him. I can't tell you why though, it's in my character to be vague about everything.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mami Tomoe
Role assigned to: anniekim

Mami Tomoe from Madoka Magica. Original voice - (Though, of course, I probably shouldn't be picky about it)

  • (Sort of a smug way of saying it) If anyone here should be "cancelled" as you put it, then it should be the one who is slandering Kyubey with a bunch of made up lies, which happens to be you Larry.

  • (Annoyed) Reeaally? You want me to put that stupid bet before saving the lives of others? Someone could get caught in this Labyrinth you know.

  • (Response to Larry's video on why teenage girls should stop racially profiling aliens and help them with bets) Well unfortunately for Jimmy, Jimmy was the one who decided to bet his house away, it's not the teenage girls' faults that he didn't want to tell them that. The teenage girls only wanted more details.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sayaka Miki
Role assigned to: Trina

Sayaka Miki from Madoka Magica. Original - (I shouldn't be picky, but, still)

  • (Response to Madoka saying "No way, It couldn't be!" out loud, whereas in the original episode, no one batted an eye despite the fact she said it out loud) No way, what couldn’t be Madoka? Did you just say your thoughts out loud?

  • (Talking to Larry after he comes into Mami's Apartment a 3rd time but with a TV for his next scheme that he's sure just can't be beat) Augh! Not you again! Either give up on that bet or stop hiding things from us!

  • (Response to Larry questioning why he was edited into the credits image after the credits finishes after he curses up a storm about being stuck in the credits and being unable to move, which is a reference to FNAFB) You were probably in the credits image because you were in the episode with us dumbass!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hitomi Shizuki
Role assigned to: yamsmami

Hitomi Shizuki from Madoka Magica. (I can't find an example video of her original voice, go figure, she's a side character, so I probably wouldn't have found a cast video of her, but no matter, surely if you've seen Madoka Magica, you should know how she sounds, the same should apply to the other characters too, but, I put the voice videos there anyway)

  • (Response to Sayaka asking Madoka is she said her thoughts out loud) I think she did

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Kyubey from Madoka Magica. Kyubey sounds like this - (I know I shouldn't be picky, especially since I don't have money this month, but honestly, please, maybe try to get as close to this as possible, anyone?)

  • (that same emotionless monotone car-sales man Kyubey speech from the actual show) Get the fuck out, You're ruining Madoka's Dream!

  • (Kyubey's response after hearing Larry telling Madoka, Mami and Sayaka that he wants help with his bet, all the while they aren't questioning it and saying they'll help him) I don't know, he hasn't really specified what his bet is about or why he wants you three to help him with it, this sounds like a trick. Madoka, Sayaka, if I were you, I would focus on what's important, and that's becoming Magical Girls!

  • (Response to Larry saying he's cancelled) This is sooooo illogical


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