KISS HER, NOT ME! | Minecraft Roleplay [MCTV]

KISS HER, NOT ME! | Minecraft Roleplay [MCTV]

Project Overview

Please note that this project will take time to complete. Writing the scripts, pre-recording, and editing everything is a lengthy process, so expect a longer wait before the episodes are released. I’m committed to making this series as perfect as possible, and that requires patience.

This roleplay is inspired by the anime "Kiss Him, Not Me!" , so I’m looking for voice actors who can bring that anime feel—full of emotions and dramatic reactions. If you're not comfortable with screaming, yelping, or showing intense expressions, this may not be the right fit for you.

Please note that the character images shown are just representations to capture their essence and do not reflect their final appearance. This is a Minecraft MCTV roleplay series!

Kira Hoshino has always preferred to blend into the background, known for her competitive Minecraft skills under the alias "Love." But after a careless mistake leads to a crushing defeat, she spirals into a slump, spending a month in bed. When her family finally encourages her to get up, Kira realizes she’s lost weight and suddenly becomes the center of attention at school, something she's unprepared for. While she's always viewed her best friend, Yumi Kobayashi, as the epitome of beauty, Kira now faces the challenge of navigating this new attention and discovering her own self worth.

Casting Guidelines:

  1. Clear Audio: Use a good microphone in a quiet environment to avoid background noise and ensure clear sound.

  2. Confident Delivery: Speak clearly and embody the character's emotions as best as you can.

  3. Submission Details: Include your Discord tag with your audition for follow-up.

  4. Have Fun: Feel free to bring your own flair to the character!

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kira Hoshino
Paid: Flat Rate 20 EUR

Main character of the series!

Voice Pitch: Moderate to high, with emotional fluctuations, softer when daydreaming, higher-pitched when flustered

Personality: Insecure but playful; resilient and determined despite setbacks; socially awkward, especially with newfound attention

Appearance: Shifts from average, slightly overweight to slimmer and more conventionally attractive, drawing unexpected attention at school

This role offers a payment of 20 euros for the entire first season. (If successful, there may be a second season) Payment will be made after scripts are finalized and your lines are submitted, via PayPal or Skrill.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • (reacting to her transformation) W-What the...?! How did I—? This can’t be me... can it?!

  • (determined/competitive) I’m not giving up that easily! If they think they can beat me, they’ve got another thing coming!

  • (shy/flustered) Why is everyone staring at me? Did I do something wrong...?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Yumi Kobayashi
Paid: Flat Rate 10 EUR

Best friend of Kira

Voice Pitch:Medium to medium-high, confident but kind

Personality:Bubbly, outgoing, and confident. She’s used to being in the spotlight but is also protective and caring toward Kira.

Appearance: Trendy and colorful, with short, bouncy hair and playful accessories. Her look is bright and approachable.

This role offers a payment of 10 euros for the entire first season. (If successful, there may be a second season) Payment will be made after scripts are finalized and your lines are submitted, via PayPal or Skrill.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • female teen
  • (confident/teasing) Wow, Kira, looks like someone’s popular! Guess I'll have to fight for my spot now, huh?

  • (worried/protective) Kira, come on, you can’t just hide away forever. You made one mistake. Big deal! You’re stronger than this, I know it.

  • (playful/competitive) Oh, you think you can beat me this time? You’re on! But don’t say I didn’t warn you when I win... again!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ryo Takahashi
Paid: Flat Rate 10 EUR

Voice Pitch:Medium, energetic, and slightly mischievous

Personality:Confident, playful, and a bit of a jokester. Ryo enjoys teasing his friends and can be competitive, but he’s also fiercely loyal and has a good heart beneath his bravado

Appearance: Casual, sporty style with short blonde hair and bright blue/cyan eyes.

This role offers a payment of 10 euros for the entire first season. (If successful, there may be a second season) Payment will be made after scripts are finalized and your lines are submitted, via PayPal or Skrill.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male teen
  • male young adult
  • (cocky) You think you can take me on? Bring it!

  • (playful) Come on, Kira! Don’t tell me you’re scared of a little competition!

  • (teasing) Wow, look at you! Trying to steal the spotlight now, huh?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mutsumi Igarashi
Paid: Flat Rate 10 EUR

Voice Pitch:Medium, cheerful and slightly energetic

Personality:Friendly, supportive, and a bit teasing; always looking out for his friends while being lighthearted.

Appearance: Black hair, dark brown eyes, slightly taller than average

This role offers a payment of 10 euros for the entire first season. (If successful, there may be a second season) Payment will be made after scripts are finalized and your lines are submitted, via PayPal or Skrill.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • male teen
  • (encouraging) Kira, you’ve got this! Just remember to breathe and have fun out there!

  • (Teasing) Hey, don’t tell me you’re actually nervous! You’re the best gamer I know!

  • (Supportive) If you need a partner for practice, I’m your guy! Let’s show them what we’ve got!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Haruto Yamamoto
Paid: Flat Rate 10 EUR

Voice Pitch:Medium, calm, and steady

Personality:Kind, supportive, and slightly reserved. Haruto is a good listener who cares deeply for his friends, especially Kira. He tends to be the voice of reason and offers quiet encouragement

Appearance: Tall with shoulder-length brown hair and green eyes. He has a casual, comfortable style and often wears glasses

This role offers a payment of 10 euros for the entire first season. (If successful, there may be a second season) Payment will be made after scripts are finalized and your lines are submitted, via PayPal or Skrill.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • male teen
  • (supportive) Hey, if you need help, I'm here for you anytime.

  • (concerned) You’ve been distant lately. Is everything alright?

  • (reassuring) No matter what changes, your heart is what really matters.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Shiro Tanaka
Paid: Flat Rate 10 EUR

Voice Pitch:Medium-High, gentle and slightly nervous.

Personality:Shy and friendly, easily flustered. He’s intelligent, a straight-A student, and always ready to help classmates.

Appearance: Short brown hair and brown eyes. Same height as Yumi, shorter than the boys but taller than Kira.

This role offers a payment of 10 euros for the entire first season. (If successful, there may be a second season) Payment will be made after scripts are finalized and your lines are submitted, via PayPal or Skrill.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male teen
  • male young adult
  • (concerned) Are you okay? You seem a bit off today…

  • (flustered/awkward) I-I mean, it’s not like I was worried or anything! Just… wanted to check on you.

  • (encouraging) If you need help with anything, just let me know. I’m here for you!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ren Hoshino
Paid: Flat Rate 10 EUR

Kira's older brother

Voice Pitch:Deep-ish, playful with a teasing tone

Personality:The classic older brother bully, always playfully teasing his younger sister while showing a protective side.

Appearance: Red hair, brown eyes, slim and tall.

This role offers a payment of 10 euros for the entire first season. (If successful, there may be a second season) Payment will be made after scripts are finalized and your lines are submitted, via PayPal or Skrill.

Voice description:
  • male teen
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • (teasing) Hey sis, you sure you’re not planning to live in that cave forever?

  • (playful concern) You know, if you keep eating like that, I might need to roll you to school!

  • (protective) Just remember, I’ve got your back if anyone messes with you, okay?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Akiko Hoshino (Mom)

Kira and Ren's mother

Voice Pitch: Medium, warm yet authoritative

Personality:Kind but firm, always supportive of her children while ensuring they stay on track

Appearance: Gray hair, blue eyes

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • female senior
  • (supportive) Sweetheart, I’m so proud of how hard you’re working. Just remember, school comes first.

  • (firm) Ren, if you don’t stop teasing your sister, I’ll have to take away your video games!

  • (caring/worried) Kira, please come out of your room. I’m worried about you, and I’m here if you need to talk.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Background Voice Actors

We are looking for multiple background voice actors to bring the world of this roleplay to life! You will help create the vibrant atmosphere of the school, everyday environments, and various events. Though these roles are smaller, they are crucial in adding depth and realism to each scene.

As this is an anime-inspired project, your reactions and emotions still matter. Whether you're a student in the hallway or part of a bustling crowd, you’ll need to deliver lines with enthusiasm and energy.

  • (Excited) Oh my gosh, did you hear about the new student? Everyone's talking about her!

  • (Casual conversation) Hey, are you going to the game after school? I heard it’s going to be intense!

  • (Surprised whisper) Wait, is that Kira? She looks so different...!


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