"KillBy Girl" (Sims 4 Series)

Project Overview

"KillBy Girl" is an original (futuristic) sequel series to the Sims movie "The 66th Hunger Games", inspired by and following the canons of the cinematic universe of The Hunger Games franchise. KillBy Girl is set 60 years after the events of the original trilogy and 69 years after the fan film.

The presidential state has become a monarchy, and the throne has been taken by the president's heirs. Peace has come, but the country is facing a severe financial crisis, has lost all its power, wealth and authority. The mysterious young history fanatic Riven, known across the sea for being filthy rich, arrives at the monarchy with a life-changing proposition. The dubious businessman offers a financial bailout to the state in exchange for the rights to own the life and body of a young girl raised as an orphan under the protection of her best friend's family. Karter is discovered and forcibly brought to the palace where she becomes Riven's favorite "antique" - his very own concubine. All this happens to her because of an unexpected kinship with one of the victors of the Games, who has disappeared from her life and from the public eye without a trace. The relationship with the victor of the deadly annual games (which are currently seen as a scandalous historical era of the country's existence) makes her into an incomparable attraction for the denizens of the royal court, but also introduces her to a world of violence, danger, corruption, perversion and venality.

NSFW. For mature audiences.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Taira Spirius
Role assigned to: Sweenerd

Role: Main character

Age: 22

Voice: Medium-low, seductive, thoughtful, a little raspy

Crown Prince Taira Spirius (pronounced ty-ra), the heir to the throne and eldest of the Queen's three children. Well-mannered, stifled by his mother's ambitions, dissatisfied with his life, finds it difficult to form and maintain relationships, has small circle of friends, unemotional, reserved, unambitious, mysterious, loves luxuries, desired by many women. The appearance of the girl, who turns out to be literally owned by another man, evokes previously unknown feelings in him, for which he is ready to sacrifice his whole family and country.

  • english
Voice description:
  • neutral
  • male young adult
  • I am begging you, not as my queen, but as my mother. Punish me as you will, my blood and body are yours, but do not make me marry her. My heart belongs to someone else. (almost crying, desperate)

  • The prince's wife? Yes, you are. A future queen? Undoubtedly. But you know what I see? A spoiled child, just another girl trying to please me. (pause) Don't fucking touch me, Rynessa! (annoyed, angry at the end)

  • No matter how many times you put her back in that room, she'll keep on loving me. You may be sleeping with her, but she will never look at you the way she looks at me. (trying to frustrate the other person, mean)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Karter Jenna Cicely
Role assigned to: Hayz3

Role: Main character

Age: 21

Voice: Sarcastic, Flirty, Low Pitched

Karter is the granddaughter of a famous figure from the monarchy's dark past, made famous by winning a deadly annual game in which 24 children compete to the death, orphaned as an infant. Karter dropped out of school because she couldn't afford an education, works at her best friend's family's grocery store, lives alone. She often feels lonely, stays away from people, but secretly dreams of some big adventure. Brave, wild, indecisive, crossing moral boundaries in order to satisfy her need for rebellion. Sarcastic, jealous, envious, falls in love easily, vindictive, unforgiving. Being abandoned by her family weighs on her throughout her life, making her develop a fear of attachment. Her fear is expressed in many sexual relationships in which she does not invest romantic feelings, breaking the hearts of the men who love her. Deep down, Karter sees herself as a young child who has fallen victim to her family's past.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • neutral
  • My dear Mr. Owner certainly has a favourite pet. (sarcastic, annoyed) I mean... You don't dress two girls who you claim are of equal value to you like that. She is shining, and I ... (pause, thoughtful, a little jelaous)

  • Shai, you have to let me go! Please, your brother is going to kill him, please, I have to stop them. I... I'm going to lose both of them, aren't I? (begging, desperate, almost crying, sick of the thought)

  • It's only dangerous for you. Don't act like a concerned grandmommy now. You've lived more than enough Lady victor, and my life was taken from me just because I carry your last name. I didn't even know you existed. (hateful, bitter)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Riven Castaíre
Role assigned to: Joseph Bozlinski

Role: Main character

Age: 25

Voice: Medium-low, alluring, strong, compelling, hoarse

Riven's great love is the dark history of the monarchy and its methods of instilling fear in rebels, methods he sees embedded in the Queen's family line. His intentions for Karter are the result of a lingering interest in an old photo of her grandmother, one of the victors, which he found as a child and has studied and obsessed over ever since. Attractive, jealous, quick-tempered, unstable, easily pushed to the edge, yet extremely cold and reserved at times, obsessive, diplomatic, extroverted, fond of noise and attention, connoisseur of beautiful things, aesthete, collector, achiever, a sadist, deep down he just wants to be loved and feel like someone important

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • neutral
  • You won't obey me? Is that so? I ask you for the last time. Get into bed. Or die. (demanding, bitter)

  • Love, that's not how you talk to your master. Shut your mouth and smile. These people have paid a lot to see you. And I paid enough for you to do exactly as I tell you. (annoyed, but smiling)

  • I'd like to just talk tonight. To get to know you as the woman you are, not the woman I want you to be. (tender, soft, nostalgic)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Shai Spirius
Role assigned to: PoorSimmer

Role: Secondary main character

Age: 20

Voice: Boyish, street style, medium

Shai is the youngest of the queen's children, who took command of the country's guard and protection, but mostly over the queen's dirty deeds and the elimination of the royal enemies. An excellent shooter and fighter, morally gray, sarcastic, childish at times, the neglected son, the soul of the company. Jealous of the relationship between his older brother and sister, a player, a loyal friend, an even more loyal servant. Uses women as objects of pleasure, but is secretly in love with a girl he cannot have.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • neutral
  • er. I'My mother entrusted the country to one of her sons and everything else to the other. I'm clearly the one doing the dirty work. (bitter laugh at the end)

  • To you I am Prince Shai. But I will gladly go and check what the lady is doing late at night in her chambers. But I'm warning you, I might not come back. (smirk)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Rynessa Astor-Spirius
Role assigned to: mika

Role: Secondary

Age: 16

Voice: Sweet, Feminine, Girly, Soft, Shy

Prince Taira's wife from an arranged marriage that the Queen orders to keep Taira away from Karter. Rynessa is the youngest daughter of a trusted wealthy family, and Taira has known her since she was a baby, which makes their marital relationship extremely difficult. Rynessa is gentle, sweet, understanding and submissive, a perfect choice for a wife according to the queen as she would never interfere in royal affairs even after becoming queen herself. Rynessa endures Taira's infidelities without complaint because she knows how much he suffers in this marriage. However, she gives him her body and heart because she is in love with him and hopes that someday he will love her too. Quiet, timid, full of hopes but also disappointments, kind to the servants, concerned about the people, shows a good attitude even to Karter, although she knows about her affair with the prince.

  • english
Voice description:
  • neutral
  • female teen
  • Sir, I may be only 16 years old but I am ready to perform my marital duties if you allow me. (shy, nervous)

  • Please, Lavinia, call me by my name. I'm no princess here by any means. Apparently I was brought in to be just an obstacle for the prince on his way to happiness. (disappointed, heavy voice, ashamed)

  • Thank you. For trying your hardest not to break my heart. Except it's broken, Taira. And nothing keeps me here anymore. (emotionless)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sorcia Spirius, The Queen
Role assigned to: Vyxenah

Pronunciation: Sor-sha

Role: Secondary/ Supporting

Age: 44

Voice: demanding, low pitched, refined, younger sounding

Sorcia is the heiress of the presidential family that ruled the country after the dark days. She never felt parental love after her parents were brutally murdered in front of her eyes as a young child. Sorcia was the first monarch of the newly created monarchy and was crowned at the tender age of 16, during which she suffered on her back the absolute and irreversible bankruptcy of the state and the discontent and rebellion of the citizens. As a ruler, she has long lost her authority, lives a gray life, puts all her hopes on her eldest son to restore the balance and return the kingdom as a leading power on the world map. As a mother, she is extremely cold, disinterested, unloving, uses her children as trusted servants, and her behavior towards her daughter crosses all limits, forcing her to prostitute herself among the rich acquaintances of the royal family and pay at least their own expenses. The queen had never been in love and her husband was a wealthy landowner who died three years after their marriage under suspicious circumstances.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • neutral
  • It does not suit your ancestry and resources to treat so insolently the ruler of the country that welcomed you warmly within its borders. Remember you are not at home, my lord. (very annoyed, raspy voice)

  • The girl's life is of no value to me. But how will the countries of the outside world react when they find out that we sold a girl so that the existence of our miserable country does not fade away. (concerned)

  • A daughter? Sons? What good are all these wretches to me if they will not defend their mother's name! (raging)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dylia Spirius
Role assigned to: Alayne Canezal

Role: Secondary/Supporting

Age: 21

Voice: Girly, Sweet, Innocent, Soft, Angelic

Dylia is the queen's middle child. Despite the small age difference between the siblings, Dylia receives the constant attention and care of her brothers. She is an extreme admirer of vintage items from the 2010s and collects all kinds of movie posters, cards, vynils from this era, against the will of her mother, who values only true classical art and is strictly against her obsession. Dylia is a victim of constant bullying by her mother, the queen, who forces her to prostitute herself and sleep with wealthy noblemen from the royal family's entourage in order to earn enough for covering the family's personal expenses. She is an extremely gentle, dreamy, innocent, child-like soul who can hardly tolerate the harshness of the world in which she lives. Dylia is Rynessa's biggest supporter, as her sister-in-law, and defends her like no one has ever defended her. Dylia has an extremely close relationship with her brother Taira, which their younger brother finds strange and often jokes about it being inappropriate.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • neutral
  • With all due respect, my dearest queen, I am begging you to reconsider. Such an action will set us back decades in the evolution of the state. It's only a girl- who doesn't even suspect how much of a sordid story she's involved in. (concerned, compassionate)

  • Welcome to my secret corner. There aren't many other places in the palace where I feel like a little girl. And I miss my childhood so much. I didn't have a mother back then either, but I was free. (nostalgic, with smile)

  • It will get better. I promise you. My brother can be so much more gentle and loving than he shows. There is room in his heart for more than one woman. (encouraging, bittersweet)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Vesper Riftborn
cast offsite

Role: Supporting


Voice: Boyish, medium-low, street style, energetic

Vesper is Karter's best friend, and his family is heavily involved in raising her, although quite poor themself. Vesper has always had feelings for Karter, but to her, he's just her little brother. Despite his unrequited love, Vesper is fiercely loyal and self-sacrificing, willing to do whatever it takes to protect Karter from the new people in her life. He is sarcastic, kind, with an innate sense of compassion. During the course of his whole life, he feels some kind of nostalgia for something without knowing what exactly. Vesper becomes a palace guard and is personally trained by Shai.

  • Lady Dylia, you may have me locked up afterwards if you wish. But I won't leave without you telling me why you're crying. (genuinely concerned)

  • You're not like that. I believe it, I do truly. And I am the last person who will turn his back on you no matter what. But I'm sick of what they've turned you into. (disappointed)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lavinia Davenfield
Role assigned to: alittlevoice

Role: Small/Supporting

Age: 18

Voice: Polite, Soft, Well-spoken, Girly

Lavinia is the highest paid servant/maid in the royal palace for the simple reason that she is Shai's favorite and his mistress. Although neither of them have any romantic feelings for each other, and Shai is simply driven by her submission and desperation to not lose her job, a friendship develops between them. Shai often vents to Lavinia, and she always listens to him, and although she is not very talkative, he finds big relief in her presence. Lavinia is shy, obedient, diligent in her work, struggles with body image, dreams to become a fashion stylist.

  • You can look for me if you need anything. But not as a servant, because I do not serve a girl with no rights. I'm just helping her. (annoyed, disappointed)

  • My lord, a boy was causing trouble outside. I invited him to wait for you in the throne room. Would you like anything else? (neutral)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sol Floydner
Role assigned to: Ashley Brooke

Role: Recurring

Age: 23

Voice: Alluring, Feminine, Seductive, Medium

Sol is the "royal" stripper who performs every night at the castle. Dylia's best friend, Shai's confidant. Sol often tells Shai about what is happening outside the castle and shares the secrets of their enemies. Sol hides a secret origin that no one in the castle suspects - she is the granddaughter of a girl who died in the Games, best friend of one of the victors. She has 6 older brothers and sisters, but is the only one who lives a decent life without sinking into deprivation and poverty. Sol is extremely charming, magnetic, with an innocent demeanor, although she has long been accustomed to the life of a stripper. Struggles with feelings of envy and jealousy.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • neutral
  • neutral spanish
  • Maybe it seems easy to you because you are still unfamiliar with the whole of it. But in the morning I hate every one of these men. Way more I hate myself. (emotionless)

  • When they put a gun to your head you'll forget where your loyalties lie. Don't judge me ever again. You haven't come out of your safe place in years, and I can't even find one. (self-defending, feeling guilty but tries not to show it)

  • Is this the man she's complaining about? Damn, she needs to make it make sense. (amazed)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Blythe Rhyder

Role: Small

Age: 25

Voice: Raspy, Serious, Manly

Blythe is the right hand of the royal family, carrying out orders of all kinds. Be it household chores, helping Lavinia in the kitchen, or torturing and killing an enemy of the family. He works side by side with Shai and is his most respected confidante. Reserved, cold, but also very sympathetic, an unscrupulous killer when necessary. Doesn't like jokes, energetic, works out all day, happens to know all the family gossip.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • neutral
  • Sir, I await your orders. Just say the word and I'll kill that son of a bitch. (angry, tense)

  • Lady Dylia, your mother called for you to come. There is a guest waiting for you. (neutral)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lysius Caldwell

Role: Recurring

Age: 24

Voice: Low, Seductive, Gruff

Prince Taira's best friend. Governor of the first four districts. Outrageously rich. He often buys nights with Lady Dylia for which he pays serious money to her mother, the queen. Taira is strongly against this, but feels powerless. Sarcastic, brash, violent at times, arrogant, but was much different before he gained power over the districts. Loves luxury and often organizes parties and balls in the palace. The only one who showed Dylia the outside world.

  • I would find immense satisfaction in knowing that I am not just your mother's piggy bank, but that I mean something to you. Even if I'm just a friend. It will be enough for me to simply mean something. (desperate)

  • Taira, you are my brother. But I won't let you throw away everything we have on a girl like her. (in pain, angry)

  • I'm not threatening you. I'm just warning you. If I don't see you on the way out with your lover boy tomorrow, I won't even think twice when I blow your brains out. I won't bat an eye. (emotionless)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Roden Caldwell
Role assigned to: simsberrryva

Role: Recurring/ Small

Age: 22

Voice: Feminine, High

Roden is Lysius' little sister, who he takes everywhere with him. In love with Taira since childhood, prone to mania, obsession, excessive jealousy, aggression. Relations with the enemies of the royal family. She often behaves inappropriately, does not respect the wishes of others, extremely spoiled.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • neutral
  • Everyone is so focused on the past. And I'm fed up. Because it is a past in which you were not mine, never mine. I could change that, but only in the future. (manic)

  • Friend? Honey, you're way below my level. You could shine my shoes or wash my clothes, but to think that you and I ... you're so funny. (giggling, arrogant)

  • We have plenty of time. We'll stay here in this room until you change your mind. Even if we both have to breathe our last between these walls. (emotionless)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Scythe Hollis

Role: Small/ Recurring

Age: 23

Voice: Manly, Medium

Taira's friend and confidant. He struggles with his feelings for Karter as he doesn't want to betray his friend. Wealthy, connoisseur of art, loves fun, fights, music, women. Sarcastic, his family hails from District Nine and gradually acquires resources through questionable means. Elegant, well-mannered, overconfident and extravagant.

  • english
Voice description:
  • neutral
  • male young adult
  • If he finds out, he'll hate me forever, no matter how far I keep my hands. That's why you will be silent. Because if I sink, you will sink too. (threatening)

  • Would you permit a mere lord to dance with so extraordinary a young lady, with whom every man at this ball wants to dance but would not dare to ask?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gia Harlow
Role assigned to: thewhitedeer

Role: Small in First Season / Recurring

Age: 21

Voice: Feminine, Medium

Goddaughter of the Queen. Ambitions for the crown, vain, mysterious, morally gray, unemotional, hiding many secrets. Has an interest in Taira and feels extremely betrayed when the Queen chooses another girl as his wife.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • neutral
  • My queen, I think we agreed on this a long time ago. You promised me that you would make me his wife when the right time comes. Why- why didn't you keep your damn promise ... (angry, holding back tears)

  • Our country is dying and your only concern is who that joke is sleeping with. Open your eyes. Your people are counting on you. It's only a matter of time before they realize you can't help them. And then someone will die. (threatening, disappointed)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deva Dunlop
Role assigned to: Dana.E

Role: Small

Age: 24

Voice: Feminine, Low

Taira and Shai's friend. Deva grew up in the poorest districts. Widow of a wealthy lord who died in a mob attack. Often spends her time in the palace. Easy going, charismatic, friendly, sometimes rude and careless.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • neutral
  • Lady Rynessa, I was never in love with my husband. But I can promise you that he meant so much more to me, even though love never ignited. I'm sure Taira will open his heart for you. (comforting, gentle)

  • Come on, smile. Damn boy, the world won't end if you shake hands with a few strangers. You're a prince, that's your job. (making fun of the prince)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Foxglove Rafferty

Role: Small (in 1 Episode only)

Age: 87

Voice: Sounds much younger (people age much more slowly thanks to technological and medical advances), Flat, Emotionless

Karter's grandmother. Victor of the 66th Games, which took place 69 years earlier. Cold, depressed, lives in self-isolation, married late to a man who doesn't love her, widow, lost her only child, sent her granddaughter to an orphanage as a baby.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female senior
  • neutral
  • You look just like me when I was young. I'm not even slightly surprised they took you as my replacement. (neutral, uncaring)

  • I only owed it to your mother to keep you alive. And as I see you are still here. That ends my debt. It will be better for you if you stay away from me. (neutral)


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