"KillBy Girl" (Sims 4 Series)
mika for Lavinia Davenfield
Role: Small/Supporting
Age: 18
Voice: Polite, Soft, Well-spoken, Girly
Lavinia is the highest paid servant/maid in the royal palace for the simple reason that she is Shai's favorite and his mistress. Although neither of them have any romantic feelings for each other, and Shai is simply driven by her submission and desperation to not lose her job, a friendship develops between them. Shai often vents to Lavinia, and she always listens to him, and although she is not very talkative, he finds big relief in her presence. Lavinia is shy, obedient, diligent in her work, struggles with body image, dreams to become a fashion stylist.
You can look for me if you need anything. But not as a servant, because I do not serve a girl with no rights. I'm just helping her. (annoyed, disappointed)
My lord, a boy was causing trouble outside. I invited him to wait for you in the throne room. Would you like anything else? (neutral)