Katawa Shoujo Character update!
Four new roles have been added to the Katawa Shoujo fandub! We'll be casting the main few soon!
This project is a fandub of the Katawa Shoujo ( Disabled Girls ) Dating Sim!
It's left unknown what routes we are doing mainly because we'd like to upload them to youtube route by route! If you would like to audition then go right ahead! If you aren't going to be available to record for long segments then this might not be the project for you!
Please be sure you're able to skype / discord if you want to do this project
Microphone Quality requirment : Medium to High please.
Characters are still being added!
http://www.katawa-shoujo.com/download.php Download the game and play it for yourself!
Four new roles have been added to the Katawa Shoujo fandub! We'll be casting the main few soon!
Akio Mutou is the science teacher at the Yamaku Academy & is also the homeroom teacher ofClass 3-3, one of the few members of staff Hisao interacts with throughout the katawa Shoujo Visual novel.
"Meeting Hisao "You must be... Ni... Na... Niki?"
Cheerily "Welcome!"
"Do you want to introduce yourself to the class?"
Lilly Satou is one of the five main female characters of Katawa Shoujo. She often speaks in a very well-bred and formal manner, even to those she is close with. She is completely blind in both eyes, however, she never likes being pitied by anyone else in spite of her lack of vision, and as such has grown up strong-willed and independent. She enjoys being seen as someone who people can look up to, and acts very motherly to many people around her, be it Hanako, Hisao, or the members of her class.
She is half Scottish (on her mother's side) and half Japanese (on her father's side). As such, she has extended family in Scotland, and was taught English at a very young age.
Confused "So, Which room were you looking for? It's not often this classroom is visited after school."
"You are a beautiful person, Hisao. Please, never apologize for that."
Greeting Hisao "Lilly, please. There's no need to be too formal."
Happily "Chocolate Milk is important."
Laughing "Misha, stop doing that! [pause, realization hits] Wait... I'm Misha..."
Giggling "As a member of the Student Council, it's your duty to tell us why you are skipping class! Especially if it's something fun fun fun~!"
Yuuko Shirakawa is one of the librarians at Yamaku Academy. One of her duties includes stocking the library, which includes books with foreign texts and those in an alternative format (such as Braille or Audio). She also works part-time at a semi-popular tea house in town called the Shanghai, so as to fund her university studies in European history.
Timid "It's nothing. I just hit my head!"
Apologetic "I'm sorry for making you worry!"
Hanako Ikezawa is one of the five primary heroine characters in Katawa Shoujo. She is badly scarred on the right side of her body, due to a house fire that claimed the lives of her parents. Having lost her only family, Hanako grew up in an orphanage, eventually becoming the oldest resident. Hanako developed extreme social anxiety in response to years of teasing and bullying by her peers due to her scars. As a result, she is extremely shy and only trusts a few people in whose presence she seems to relax and be comfortable in. Hanako grows her hair long and uses it to hide her facial scarring from casual observation. An honest girl, she believes in equality between friends and highly values the few people she chooses to spend time with. As a result of her social isolation, Hanako developed a number of solitary interests including chess, reading and billiards. Surprisingly, and in contrast to her personality, she is also fond of karaoke.
Rushed "Ivegottogodosomething!"
Nervous "This is me. All... of me"
Nervous "A boy... and a tiger... on a boat..."
Kenji Setou is a major character in Katawa Shoujoand attends Yamaku. Kenji is Hisao's neighbor (across the hall in the dorms), who is legally blind, being unable to see anything unless he is almost an inch close to them. He appears to be very anti-social, claiming to be the "last sane man in an insane world." He often rants about feminist conspiracy theories, claiming that feminists are evil and want to rule the world, among other pointless subjects, possibly rivaling Rin's "uniqueness" in that aspect
"What the hell? What do you mean there's a girl who does the same thing? You mean she touches her glasses? I do that, that's my thing. Who is this bitch? Why are bitches all up in my business, stealing what I do?!"
"Now I am the last sane man in an insane world... when other people realize it, there will be a war, a great war between men and the forces of feminism."
"She was going to kill me. Kill me and replace me with a woman version of me. But then the sunlight reflected off my glasses and blinded her, saving my life."
Shizune Hakamichi is the class representative ofClass 3-3 at Yamaku Academy, as well as the president of the Student Council. She is deaf, and as such, resorts to sign language to communicate (however Misha is often used as her interpreter). She is very diligent when it comes to her work, and does not appreciate people around her slacking off or shirking their duties. She is very strict towards others, in contrast to fellow class representative of3-2, her cousin Lilly Satou.
Her lines are up for interpretation due to her using sign language.
[We are going to play for it.]
[Picking up broken glass is not an adventure.]
[I forgot that the whole time,Misha was there, opening up to me, and giving a hundred percent everyday. I missed what I was looking for, because it was in plain sight.]
Rin Tezuka is a highly talented artist in class 3-4 of Yamaku. Lacking arms due to a birth defect ( RAITA's original sketch labelled her as a 'Thalidomide Baby'), Rin uses her feet, and occasionally her mouth, for all daily tasks. This makes her ill-suited to wear the skirt and blouse of most female students at Yamaku, so she is permitted to wear the boy's uniform instead.
Calmly "That's very nice for you. Don't feel obliged to stay. I was about to take a nap anyway. You need to do whatever you are going to do with that stuff anyway, right? Or perhaps you like to watch girls sleeping?"
Interrogating "I can guess. I am good at guessing. Better than most people.I don't think it's anything in your head, and something in your guts would be boringly ordinary, like this lunch of mine. And less delicious. The problem must be in your pants!"
Sad "Some things are hard to understand - like jellyfish. Do you understand jellyfish? People are like jellyfish to me, Hisao. I don't understand."
Akira Satou is the older sister of Lilly Satou. She is also Lilly's guardian in Japan, due to Lilly's parents being absent. She normally dresses in a suit. She has a very tomboyish, carefree attitude, seeming to be a foil to Lilly herself. Rather irresponsible, she made Lilly do most of the cooking while they lived together, and evidently introduced her to alcohol. It is unclear whether or not her minor addiction was the spawn of Lilly's personality, or Akira's support in her drinking.
Shouting in excitement "Cheers!"
Smug "I'm more of a beer kind of person."
"I have the drinking side down pat, though"
Hisao Nakai is the protagonist of Katawa Shoujo. He is an 18 year old male individual that has been diagnosed with cardiac arrhythmia and congenital heart muscle deficiency. The entire story is told from his perspective, starting with his heart attack at the beginning. Depending on the player's choices, Hisao can either end up in a relationship with one of the five main female characters, or no one at all.
Aggitated "I don't care. A person doesn't have to be held back by their disability? That's what a disability is."
Surprised "Oh, I was expecting someone from the nursing staff, to be honest."
Narrating "Hanako's gaze is fixed on my scarring, as expected, and once I nod to say it's okay, she steps forward and tentatively places her hand on the vertical line running down my chest."
This Character doesn't really have much of a role in the show other than the beginning prologue.
"hisao... are you alright?"
"Come on, spit it out!"
Miki Miura is a member of the Yamaku Academy track team. She only ever interacts with Hisao during Hanako's route, in which she talks to him about Hanako, and classes in general.
Teasing "Not going to play?"
Assuring "It's cool, I'm actually glad to hear that."
Emi Ibarazaki is one of the five main female characters in Katawa Shoujo. An avid runner, Emi views her lack of legs with reckless abandon, exploiting her condition to its fullest in order to be the best of the best at track. As comes with such determination, Emi is exceptionally stubborn, often pushing herself (not to mention Hisao) too hard, resulting in more than the occasional trip to the Nurse, with whom she remains on good terms.
Jokingly "it's even better than sex right?"
Playfully "What, are you saying I don't look like I could be a spy?"
(No real voice direction for this line) "No, I'm here for my own reasons, the nurse just asked me if I had seen 'a messy-haired transfer student who looks like he's kinda lost' around the track."