Jawbreaker (2023)

Jawbreaker (2023)

Project Overview

Hello all,

I'm working on a new video game and need talented voice actors to fill some roles. The project is called "Jawbreaker", an intense psychological horror game with stealth, looting, and combat. 

From the Steam page: "Let’s play hide-and-seek with serial killers. Jawbreaker is a psychological horror game that will have you running, hiding, and fighting to survive a terrifying gang-infested society on the verge of collapse. Though that’s not all, once the sun goes down the true fear will begin..."

A big part of the story are the gang members that populate the game, they are based loosely on the gangs from "Manhunt" in their mannerisms (some roles have an audio link to get more info on the inspiration).

I'm currently looking to fill these roles: 

  • Protagonist (male)

  • Radio Woman (female)

  • Faceless Speaker (male)

  • Faceless Gang Man 01 (male)

  • Faceless Gang Man 02 (male)

  • Faceless Gang Man 03 (male)

  • Faceless Gang Man 04 (male)

  • Faceless Gang Man 05 (male)

  • Faceless Gang Woman 01 (female)

For a more detailed view of the story and art direction of the game you can check out the Steam page here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2137460/Jawbreaker/

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: JacobEcclesVA

The protagonist is a bit of an "every-man" around their late 30s or early 40s. Life in the Jawbreaker world is rough and dangerous, with most of society being run by violent gangs. After the protagonist joins a new group of survivors he wants to show his usefulness by leaving to loot buildings for supplies, that's where he is captured by The Faceless Gang and the main events of the game begin.

Some inspiration would be Sebastian Castellanos from The Evil Within 2 (example).

  • Hey, can you hear me? I just arrived at the eastern district, it doesn't look looted yet…we might be in luck (beginning of the game, walking through an abandoned part of town)

  • Dammit, everything's gone...they got me to take all the risk and then they take off with all the loot (after being betrayed and knocked out after looting building)

  • God dammit…it’s completely barricaded, there’s no getting through all that (learning the first exit out of the main building is locked)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Radio Woman
Role assigned to: Maganda Marie

The "Radio Woman" is another member of your group that talks to you while you look for supplies, she is late 30s or early 40s. Life in the Jawbreaker world is tough, so she may sound a bit more on the rough side. (This role is still being worked on quite a bit, may end up larger throughout the development of the game) 

  • I know I didn’t say it back at the shelter, but thanks for volunteering. Technically it’s my turn to look for supplies…

  • No, but we’re out of everything from food, medicine, ammunition…and this place is our best chance. Just be back before dark (after Protagonist asks if the area is safe)

  • You need to get back to the shelter, now! If you're still out when the sun goes down you're fucked (panicking because 'they' come at sundown, the reason society has collapsed)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Faceless Speaker
Role assigned to: Tom Demont

The "Faceless Speaker" is a member of The Faceless Gang that speaks through the intercom system of the building your in. He taunts the protagonist, gives updates, and threatens others members for not catching you yet. He's the voice of the gang and in control of everything through a network of speakers and cameras, a bit of a homicidal radio host. As for inspiration: Deep, controlling, one of the gang leaders, the voice of Nod from Command & Conquer is an idea (example) though obviously not a robot, all-in-all I'm open to ideas for the Faceless Speaker as I haven't found the right tone for it yet.

  • Attention everyone, we have an intruder…first one to bring me his peeled off face gets double rations this week

  • Attention everyone, one hour to sundown. If that intruder isn’t chopped up immediately I’ll lock the bunker and let them kill you all!

  • Holy hell, stop jerking off and kill this scumbag! (growing angry the Protagonist hasn't been caught yet)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Faceless Gang Man 01
Role assigned to: Brian Jeffords

A member of The Faceless Gang: Faceless Man 01 is the most unstable member, spontaneous, uncontrollable emotions (he's the character with the smiling mask on the Steam page), some inspiration would be The Smileys #1 from Manhunt (example). Feel free to try other members of the gang as well if you can do multiple voices!

Each character will also need some folly sounds:

  • Idle sounds x3 (exhaling, mumbling, growling, laughing, etc. depending on the gang members personality above)

  • Attack sounds x3 (exerting force while swinging weapon)

  • Death sound x1 (pain)

  • I'm gonna rip your guts out! (yelled when player spotted)

  • The longer you hide, the more pissed off I get!

  • Is someone there? Are you hiding from me?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Faceless Gang Man 02
Role assigned to: Brian Jeffords

A member of The Faceless Gang: Faceless Man 02 an intimidating member of the gang, rough, and likes to fight (he's the character with the american flag mask on the Steam page), some inspiration would be The Hoods #1 from Manhunt (example). Feel free to try other members of the gang as well if you can do multiple voices!

Each character will also need some folly sounds:

  • Idle sounds x3 (exhaling, mumbling, growling, laughing, etc. depending on the gang members personality above)

  • Attack sounds x3 (exerting force while swinging weapon)

  • Death sound x1 (pain)

  • He’s over here! Fuck him up! (yelled when player spotted)

  • Where are you boy? Come out and play

  • I’m gonna crack ya bones one by one

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Faceless Gang Man 03
Role assigned to: Jackson Henderson

A member of The Faceless Gang: Faceless Man 03 is mentally drained, raspy, hates everything about his current situation (he's the skinny character with the skull mask on the Steam page), some inspiration would be The Smileys #6 from Manhunt (example). Feel free to try other members of the gang as well if you can do multiple voices!

Each character will also need some folly sounds:

  • Idle sounds x3 (exhaling, mumbling, growling, laughing, etc. depending on the gang members personality above)

  • Attack sounds x3 (exerting force while swinging weapon)

  • Death sound x1 (pain)

  • Oh you fucked up now! (yelled when player spotted)

  • Better him than me, fuck this place…

  • We should just leave him for the freaks at sundown…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Faceless Gang Man 04
Role assigned to: CholarBear

A member of The Faceless Gang: Faceless Man 04 is a sadist and very creepy (he's the character with the gas mask on the Steam page), some inspiration would be The Innocentz #4 from Manhunt (example). Feel free to try other members of the gang as well if you can do multiple voices!

Each character will also need some folly sounds:

  • Idle sounds x3 (exhaling, mumbling, growling, laughing, etc. depending on the gang members personality above)

  • Attack sounds x3 (exerting force while swinging weapon)

  • Death sound x1 (pain)

  • Oh! *laugh* Let's have some fun (yelled when player spotted)

  • Stop being such a tease and come on out…

  • Come one man, I just wanna bash your skull in

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Faceless Gang Man 05
Role assigned to: Jackson Henderson

A member of The Faceless Gang: Faceless Man 05 is meek, nervous and generally deranged. Some inspiration would be The Smileys #2 from Manhunt (example). Feel free to try other members of the gang as well if you can do multiple voices!

Each character will also need some folly sounds:

  • Idle sounds x3 (exhaling, mumbling, growling, laughing, etc. depending on the gang members personality above)

  • Attack sounds x3 (exerting force while swinging weapon)

  • Death sound x1 (pain)

  • You made me do this! I didn’t want to kill you! (yelled when player spotted)

  • I don’t like this, I don’t like this…

  • I gotta kill him, I don’t wanna but I gotta

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Faceless Gang Woman 01
Role assigned to: Maganda Marie

A member of The Faceless Gang: Faceless Woman 01 is cold and hateful (she's the character with the satanic mask on the Steam page). Some inspiration would be a female version of The Hoods #6 from Manhunt (example). 

Each character will also need some folly sounds:

  • Idle sounds x3 (exhaling, mumbling, growling, laughing, etc. depending on the gang members personality above)

  • Attack sounds x3 (exerting force while swinging weapon)

  • Death sound x1 (pain)

  • Where do you think you're going pretty boy!? (yelled when player spotted)

  • If you come out, we’ll let you live…

  • I’m starting to get pissed off now, you wouldn't want that? (looking for the Protagonist)


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