Jack Benny Program Christmas Special

Project Overview
If you're a fan of Old Time Radio then you more than likely know the Jack Benny Program with their cast of hilarious characters... AND if you can impersonate any of them, then:
This is for you. I'm looking for the voices of Don Wilson, Rochester, Mary Livingstone, Frank Nelson, Mel Blanc and Dennis Day to record an original show, with me as Jack Benny.
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Jack, you mean to say this house has twenty-eight rooms?
What do you mean? (SARCASTIC) That's what I did all summer.
Aw, but Jack, the next time you hire a writer be happy if he can just write.
The Jack Benny program, starring Jack Benny with Mary Livingstone, Rochester, Dennis Day and yours truly, Don Wilson.
And now we take you to the race track where our favorite star of stage, screen and radio is having a relaxing day. Then, this happened...
Jack! You just got back from your trip?
Thanks, Mr. Benny. That explains why I'm confused in December. But what about the other months?
Besides that, this summer I started raising tropical fish. Boy, are they delicious.
(REALIZATION) Oh! Bathing suit!
Well, what do you think I am with this napkin over my arm? A clothes line?
(SQUEALS) Ooooh! You must be the bright one in the bunch!
Mister, I want my penny back. Please, mister? Can't I have my penny back? C'mon! It's only one penny! Gimme my penny back!... Oh, all right.
Mr. Benny - You better get away from that fireplace before you burn down the whole house!
Uh huh. Boss! What about the other ones?
Yes sir. In fact, it's got guilty written all over it!
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